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Hey guys, loving everything so far.

Keep your eyes peeled on the opening ooc post guys as it will be updated with new tidbits and episode details as we go on. If anyone has ideas for future episodes, message me and we'll come up with something great.
@Dirty Pretty LiesIt was GM that posted twice, that's why I was wondering if the next round was open ^_^

Feel free to post as and when you want guys! All I'll say is maybe after at least two people have posted after your previous one, just to avoid speed posting
@MissCapnCrunch@Dirty Pretty Lies Great posts!

So currently we're only waiting on @Sputnik and that's all intro's done!

Jude Aspers

“Tiny Pierce? My God it’s been years. Come here girl, give us a cuddle” Jude leaned in and hugged the young woman in a warm embrace. In its original run, Edenridge High had quite an ever changing cast. During the first season, the main cast members were all seniors but during the hiatus between seasons one and two, the decision was made to focus on the younger cast members. Destiny Pierce was one of those cast members and was one person whom Jude shared a fair bit of screen time with until her storylines diverged from his.

“It’s so good to see you, glad you decided to come back. We have a scene coming up I think it’ll be good to play off of you again!”

As he conversed with Destiny, a few more familiar faces began approaching the school set for their scenes; Emilia Carter, Ricky Harrison, Aisik Shomer who ran off before his seen had even finished, Frankie Caradona and Izzy Wellington. Wow, they production must have paid a fortune to get so many of the cast back for the revival. Seeing everyone dotted around the set made Jude feel fourteen again. He remembered the day well. Two rows of kids aged between thirteen and eighteen, all lined up on and seated on chairs as the director told them what he envisioned Edenridge High being. This was the first day on set and the start of future for all those bright young things.

Earlier that day, Jude had filmed a quick scene with Isabella as according to the script their two characters are now married. That was something he did not expect and was one of the main reasons he decided to come back. During the early years of Edenridge, both Jude and Isabella stuck out like a sore thumb, they were both English and the fact both desired to be actors more than anything else led to a bit of a friendly rivalry, they would push each other for better performances and it worked! Now she was an Academy Award Winner and he...well he could’ve been if not for his heart condition stopping him from taking certain roles.

These next few months were sure to be interesting.

Roddy Callahan:


Mr Beau’s words rattled in young Roddy’s brain as he ran into Edenridge High. He had only just sat down on his favourite bench when the first shot rang out. That was the shot that killed Ty Carter. As Rod ran into the building, everyone else was running out, gripped by fear and adrenaline. The second shot filled the air, the bullet that killed the little freshmen Danny Boaz. By the time he had reached the west wing hallway, a few more shots had rung out, including one that had taken down Mike Averstin. How many people were dead? How many were hurt? It didn’t matter really, as all Rod could think about was getting them out of there. He had to quiet his breathing and footsteps, difficult on the smooth hallway floor which squeaked when walked upon, whoever said a janitor didn’t do a good job was a liar. He could hear the sirens in the distance, they were coming but were they coming fast enough? Roddy has seen all those crime shows, they wouldn’t enter immediately and that could cost people their lives.

Proactively he had been checking every door he walked by, making sure anyone he found could make their way to the exit. Edenridge High was not a big school, sooner or later either Roddy would have found everyone or he would come face to face with the gunman. Of course with the old Callahan luck it was the latter. Roddy Callahan’s last stand would be in the gym, isn’t that ironic? The cops wouldn’t come in unless there was another gunshot, he knew that much, it looked like the butcher’s boy was going to have to force them into action. He breathed a heavy sigh and rushed into the gym, letting himself be heard.

The bullet tearing through his spine woke him from his slumber. Roddy opened his pale blue eyes and swung himself up to a seated position. Of course the nightmares would come back on this day of all days. Callahan luck at it’s finest. Lanie had already gone, more than likely to take little Ingy to his parents and head off to work. Roddy was an early riser, always had been. He had been up three thirty that morning staring at the school, he did that sometimes but was never really sure why. He had finished work at three and stopped off at the school for his silent moment of reflection before heading home and crawling into bed next to his wife. Ten years ago, he would never have pictured himself married to Queen Elaine Lancaster and yet there he was. Life was strange.

Climbing out of bed, the sun caught his well-defined physique and certainly highlighted the scar on his upper left abdomen, a souvenir of a day ten years past. He took his prescription from the desk as well as his usual morning supplements before dressing himself simply as always in jeans and a button down plaid shirt. Nothing fancy about Roddy, maybe that’s what Lanie liked? The simplicity of him. He brushed a hand through his wavy hair before descending the stairs and leaving the house. He had promised Beau he would help set some stuff up for the reunion. He had the day off that day, a benefit of being a firefighter in a town with no fires.
He arrived at the school just before the first bell as Mr Beau was picking heavy boxes from his car.

“Leave that sir! I’ll grab em” Roddy smiled as he started lumbering boxes into his arms.

“Typical Callahans. You’re brother was the same. Never late, never early. Always in at that last second”

”It’s just a gift we have sir” Rod chuckled as he began carrying Mr Beau’s items into the school. Talk about a trip down memory lane, it felt eerie to be back in that building. He had seen his wife’s car parked in her space…maybe he should find her office for a quickie before school started? He silently laughed to himself. Passing by a classroom, he noticed to very familiar faces.

”Keisha? Kait?”

By the way guys just so you are aware, when posting you don't have to post as both versions of your character, you can just post as one. So don't feel like you need to force out both perspectives.
Question: what time is the Edenridge scene happening on? Because I was going to make mine during nighttime, but I wanna make sure I was correct?

Currently everything seems to be playing out during the very early morning but the actual assembly will happen during the evening.
Loving all the posts so far guys!
Also guys don't worry if you don't immediately end up in a conversation. The whole idea of the first episode is a memorial assembly to mark ten years since the shooting so if you don't meet everyone beforehand you'll probably meet them there.
@AnaSilan SunjaIncredibly well thought out, love it. This is exactly what I like to see.
and the the first post is up!
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