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Throwing some interest and a character down if you'll have me.

Jude Aspers

”Yeah it’s certainly going to be an experience, all of us being back here again. It might be cliché to say but it does feel like only yesterday we were all fourteen and walking through those doors for the first time….and locking Sidney in his trailer because we were bored…or hiding the director’s chair in the swimming pool set…man we were not good kids”

Jude let out a soft chuckle as he reminisced about the days of old. As he conversed with Tiny, a young intern handed them both a script. “This is the memorial assembly scene. There’s been a few changes so take a note. By the way, huge fan of you both. When you kissed in season one, oh my God!” Jude shot the intern a look very reminiscent of one his character Roddy was known for and the little thing tiptoed off without another word. That was a power he shared with his alter ego, Jude had the distinct ability to convey everything he was thinking and feeling with just a look, his pale blue eyes expressive in their nature.

He quickly flipped through the script to stay caught up, not much had been changed except a few notes that the director wanted the cast to improvise in certain areas, to make the whole thing feel more authentic. Improvisation had played a huge part during the original series run. The whole idea was that Edenridge was supposed to be the most relatable of all the teen drama shows, it was designed to feel the most real and letting the actors do their own thing and organically grow the characters and stories was one of the keys to its success. Everything about Edenridge was different compared to its contemporaries. It didn’t focus on rich kids, these were real people with real problems. It was shot on location in Boston and not in some Hollywood backlot. The cameras followed the actors during a scene, instead of remaining stationery, giving the entire thing a more guerrilla feel. The revival was doing the same thing, the only difference this time was that they were not on an interfering network. The revival would be filmed for Netflix, giving the cast and crew a lot more freedom to do what they want.

”I guess we better go get ready for the scene. Tell you what though, when shooting is done today, we should all go to the bar in our hotel. Have a good catch up. I’ll catch you later, Tiny” Jude smiled before heading off to film his next scene.

Roddy Callahan

Walking into the gymnasium held a strange feeling for Roddy. Having been in Edenridge since he graduated college, he had been the school plenty of times to help out Mr Beau on occasion but this was the first time he had set foot in the gym since the day of the shooting. His eyes moved to the corner by speaker system and the scar on his abdomen twitched with phantom pain. That was where he fell when Charlie Decker shot him in the back. Roddy took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose as he tried to force the memory from his mind. He did not regret going into the school that day as he managed to get several people to safety but he did regret a fight he had had a month earlier with one Derek O’Leary, whom he could see in the distance taking a seat on the bleachers. If not for that fight, that suspension, maybe he could’ve done more in the run up to the shooting to prevent it.

He scanned the bleachers subtly, eyeing a bunch of familiar face. Some he had not seen in years, others he saw at Devitt’s Bar on Saturday night for a few pints of the good stuff. Joe Starr, the biggest nerd he had ever seen as a child, now sat there in his Armani suit and trophy wife, he had invented an app that made him millions. Connie Palminteri, the beautiful Italian in an Irish neighbourhood whom now owns her own coffee shop. Andy Darby, former football player turned openly gay hipster artist in New York. Yes, there were many faces littered across those chairs that gave Roddy one feeling or another. One face in particular brought a smile to his lightly bearded face, that of his wife Lanie, already seated in the bleachers waiting for him. Even on a day like this she lit up the room with her smile. The sight of her forcing any dark thoughts in his head to dissipate like fog. He quickly made his way over as he saw the teachers lining up behind the podium.

”Hey babe” “He lightly kissed her lips and took her hands into his own. Just in time for Mr Beau to start speaking.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I feel ill prepared to talk today, so I’ll allow someone else to take the reins for a while. Please welcome my predecessor and by far one of the best men I’ve ever known, Mr Kerry Payne” Mr Beau stepped down to allow the greying man to take the podium. Payne was the principal during the shooting, a harsh but fair man, everyone respected him. He had since retired but even now after all this time, he still held the room with an authoritive grasp.

“Ten years ago, something happened here. Something unimaginable and terrible beyond measure. Yet here we stand. I look upon your faces, many of you I taught during my time here and I feel nothing but joy. Many believe that above this day a dark cloud hangs, I do not share that belief. Many will not utter the name Charlie Decker but I will. I am not afraid of the memory of a boy whose darkness tried to penetrate our lives and I will tell you why. We all, at some point in our lives will fall, we will all fall. Yet it is in this time that we find the true measure of ourselves. On that day, we all fell and together as a community and as a family, we picked each other up again. We stood tall against that darkness and we proved at Edenridge is much more than a name on a map, we proved that here we have the biggest and brightest hearts of all”

@BrutalBx @Polaris North @Sputnik @mskennedy615 @AnaSilan Sunja @alexfangtalon @Starwinter our GM has allowed me to make a discord server for the RP, so join if you wish! :D

Link here

Thank you so much! This will be handy guys for easy communication if the guild has one of its moments.

I've been traveling all day today, but I finally got a post up. I was typing it up in between flights, so sorry if it feels a little disjointed. I'm out of town for the next week or so, but I should still be good to post consistently. The joys of laptops.

No worries Star, even if you can't post at least we know why :)
Me and @Dirty Pretty Lies are gonna try and collab for our next post, just as a heads up! I'm sure y'all can get ready for the drama and angst that is Decky and Lanie.

Looking forward to it!

YES! Now that is what I like, real drama. Great work!
@BrutalBx Loved the timeline! Helps me to have an idea of when and how things happen for post purposes.

You are very welcome!
I think I'm going to be taking a step back from this one.
I just don't have the creative juices for this character and it wasn't what I expected :)

Thank you for having me though. Hopefully we see one another again soon, it was a pleasure.

That's a shame but I understand, it happens. All the best, hopefully we'll cross paths again soon :)
Only one thing is Phil is at the auto garage. Mr. Darnere is the autoshop teacher that Decky gets to know more in season 2 when he starts taking autoshop/mechanics in school. Other than that 🖒🖒

Thank you! I'll get it changed asap.

Also going to edit the character sheet page slightly as well, going to include a tap for school faculty as right now it seems most characters are either working or affiliated there.
Ok so the timeline is up, it's not the greatest thing in the world but as time goes on and we continue to throw around idea's to build this world up, I'll add to it.
So gonna make the grand attempt to make a timeline for the show today...key word there being attempt lol. Will probably break it down to simple bullet points for every season starting from season one to the present. Once it's done I'll post it in the opening post of the OOC and thus we can use it as a reference point for future stories. If you guys have anything specific you want me to include for a specific season, let me know and I'll add it.

I'll come up with some random things to include to just to spice things up for you lot, make sure you pay attention ;)
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