I rather we pick partners, but... We'll see how it goes down.
I see the advantage of picking partners in hindsight, so yeah we probably will end up choosing but obviously if everyone wants to be with the same person, executive decisions must be made.
I'm also a fan of pairing up for cases, but I hope that we will also take some time to meet up at HQ for some group level shenanigans.
CS is also almost done cap'n, just have to finish up the Bio.
Oh yeah, there'll be plenty of time for group interaction, don't forget they all live together at the Dormum and unfortunately, that old house ain't that big sometimes lol
Welp, I'd very much like being paired up, although this requires more than one ongoing case and it might even end up splitting the Roleplay into several different storylines? So I think that, too, should be taken into account. Meanwhile, I'm working on my character at the moment.
We can manage I think since I wanted a Co-GM anyway. So what we could do, is split the cases between GMs as well as teams
Alrighty then! Majority vote swings towards partners. Once we have a few more sheets up, I was going to ask that we start working on character relations anyway, whilst we do that, we can also sort out partners which as GM I'll assign unless you guys want to pick. I'm open to whatever.
Side note guys, when creating your CS, in the note section, there's a few things I want you to include (I'm going to update the template as well) - If your character is an Animagus (they don't have to be) but if they are, state whether or not they are registered or not - Tell us what shape your Patronus takes. - Tell us what shape your Bogart takes.
I'm curious, though, will the characters be put into teams or maybe even paired up or does everyone just hop onto the same case at once?
That is something I wouldn't mind the group discussing together, see how everyone feels about. Personally, now I'm thinking about it, I could totally see this working with assigned partners and different combinations of characters heading out on different cases but again, group decision!
Education: - Emory attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House.
Speciality: - Emory's speciality is Charms
Experience as a Regulator: - Emory has been a Regulator for five years
Biography: Emory Corrigan was born in Pontypool, Wales to a Muggle mother and wizard father in 1990. Emory grew up amongst Muggles but knew he was not one, a fact that his parents did not hide from him. This allowed the young boy to comfortably practice his magic around the house, giving him an early head start before he even received his letter to attend Hogwarts in the year 2001. Upon returning home after his first year, Emory’s young life was shaken to its very core and the youngster would never be the same again.
The Corrigan family home was just off the beaten path, close enough to a town to buy their essentials but far enough away not to be disturbed. One evening the family decided to take a walk to the lake near their home, taking the dirt track through the woods. In the shadows, they heard a rustle, the wind they thought until before them appeared Gwyllgi, a Black Dog of Death. They turned on their heels and tried to hurry home but the Gwyllgi was not alone and the Corrigans were overcome. Emory survived only due to a timely apparition from his father, who managed to get his son back to town before succumbing to his wounds.
With the death of his parents, Emory was moved into a group home in Cardiff until it was time to return to school. A broken soul, young Emory poured himself into his studies. This withdrawal however left him standoffish and a target for bullies, this often resulted in Emory getting into trouble for his behaviour despite being an outstanding student. He would not return to Cardiff after his second year, instead whenever school let out he would head to Hogsmeade, working odd jobs there and living in a spare room at one of the towns shops. As his time at Hogwarts drew to a close, Emory was approached by an emissary of the ministry and asked if he was interested in joining the ORO program. Thinking back to the deaths of his parents, the young Emory realised that he could not let such a thing happen in the muggle world again and signed up immediately.
During his tenure as a Regulator, Emory met his wife, Daisy. However happiness would not last as during a confrontation with a Voodoo wielder in Haiti, Daisy was killed. The death of his young wife further brought Emory’s childhood pain to the surface, leading him to feel his own memories were poisoning him. With nothing left to live for, Emory has continued his path as a Regulator, lasting longer than most at three years. Many of his colleagues do not know how he carries on, having lost so much and been through so much. Some of the cases they deal with would break the hardest of hearts and yet it seems Emory simply brushes them under the carpet. Does he have a death wish? Not really but does he want to live? He isn’t so sure anymore…
Notes: - Claimed Colour is Silver - Emory has taken to obliviating his own memories to cope with the dark stuff he has seen, a fact unknown to the other Regulators. He does this using his dead wife’s wand - He is an non registered animagus with his form ironically being that of a Rottweiler - His Patronus takes the shape of a Rottweiler - Emory's Bogart is Daisy in a state of living death - He is a fan of 80's Muggle Music
Emory Corrigan - “Why do I even exist? There’s no point to it anymore” Isadora Albescu Fuji - “My partner. She’s a..unique little thing” Nichole Arminstance- “She hasn’t seen the darker side of this job yet…she will” Florian Sabinov – “We don’t talk a lot. It’s nice” Kieran McMillan - “Our resident werewolf, good guy. Won’t stop me taking him out though if needs be” Velvet Gertrude Moon - “I like her. She gives me more things I can use to kill things” Arthur Stone - “My oldest friend in the ORO. He understands, he was there” Natalia Jade DeVito - “I like her, she gets shit done” Athos Du Vallon – “One of the newbies, he ain’t seen nothing yet and I’m not sure he’s ready for it” Felix Twycross – “The brummie, only one who knows about my memory issues. He better stay quiet too. Good man” Sebastian Montague – “The greenhorn, haven’t associated with him yet. Need to see what he can do” Richard Baar – “He’s different, too reckless. He’ll get himself killed one day, like all of us” Tariq Lerius – “We came through Hogwarts together but we ran in different circles. Still do” Zara Greenwood - "Kiwi. Cute. Stay out of my head!" The Caretaker – “The greatest man I’ve ever known”
Occult Regulation Office: A Mature Wizarding World Anthology
Short Version: A mature wizarding world roleplay, here we would play a small group of witches and wizards whom investigate strange goings on in the human world. Although using the Potterverse as a backdrop, this is not a Harry Potter rp. Our goal will be to investigate murders, solve mysteries, exorcise ghosts and even meet a few mythical monsters along the way; all the while trying to do all this without losing our minds or our lives. Themes of death, sex, drugs and darkness will be our bread and butter, so if you’re looking for a whimsical jaunt through Hogwarts, this is not the rp for you. Mature players only.
As stated, since the Potterverse is just a setting, a vast knowledge of it is not necessary. Most of the stuff you would need to know can easily take a quick Google so don’t worry if you’re not that well informed. A lot of our inspiration will come from real world horror stories, like vampires, werewolves, cults and ghosts.
This story will be set out in an episodic format, with every new episode delving into a new case. I want input from all players, I really want this to be a collaborative effort. I will probably need a good Co-GM too due to other commitments.
Still with me? Good then read on…
The Story: In 1998, Tom Riddle died during the Battle of Hogwarts. To most the name Tom Riddle means nothing compared to his other name, his true name…Lord Voldemort. Since the fall of the Dark Lord, the Ministry of Magic, guided by the battle hardened Aurors office and Harry Potter, has upped its war against the dark wizards and witches of the world. In a bid to extinguish evil wherever it may be, the Ministry began extending its reach into the Muggle world. With thousands of years of ghost stories, unsolved deaths and urban legends to sift through, the Aurors of the Ministry decided that a new operation had to begin.
Fall 2000, the Ministry of Magic, the Magical Congress of the United States and certain other governing bodies of magic banded together to discuss the growing darkness in the Muggle world. From this meeting, the Occult Regulation Office (ORO) was formed. A joint operation between the several different countries, ORO would be the secret fist of the wizarding world within the human plane. To avoid conflicts of interest, it was decided that the Regulators would work independently and would only answer to the Minister of Magic and the President of MACUSA respectively.
Seventeen years on from its inception, the ORO continues its fight against dark forces but it has become something that it did not intend, a horror story. It has become common knowledge that the life expectancy of the Regulator is very short and that many members of the office have died in the field, with only one seemingly retiring by choice. There are still those who are crazy or stupid enough to apply to join its ranks but they are few and far between. Being an Auror is a respected profession, hunting criminals and duelling dark wizards but being a Regulator? Only the mad would dare…
Recruitment: The Occult Regulation Office (ORO) is a small but international operation taking only a few members at a time generally straight out of school at 17 or 18. It recruits usually from Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Hogwarts and Ilvermorny. Those recruited into ORO are usually in the upper echelon of their class but also they have a very unique thing in common; tragedy. In his many battles against the dark wizarding forces, Harry Potter came to learn that one of his greatest strengths was his experience and willingness to go one step further than many would consider. With that to guide him, the boy who lived felt that if ORO was going to be the ones to take a step into to the dark, then they must already have had a taste of it. Although not necessary, a good knowledge of Muggle customs is advantageous, as such over the years many Regulators have been Muggle born or half bloods. Once recruited, the ORO members would be assigned specific disciplines to master based on their school performance (Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology etc) learning these in an environment akin to a Muggle college. Upon graduation (which usually takes a further three to four years), the newly anointed Regulators would join the small office based on Lundy Island. Although advised against it, Regulators have been given license, similar to Aurors to use the three unforgivable curses but only in extreme circumstance. Wilful use of the curses may result in expulsion and a sentence in Azkaban.
Base of Operations: To outside forces, the ORO office looks to be just another dilapidated old Victorian house. In reality it is the Mysterium Domum, quite literally latin for Mystery House. The Domum is a place concealed by many mystical charms and enhancements, with its location only known to those who already know where it is. All members of ORO are residents of the building, though some do tend to take leaves of absence to visit family and whatnot. The House can act as transport for the Regulators, moving itself to wherever its occupants need to go. However in that regard, the Domum must always return to Lundy to “recharge”. The House has several bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens as well as common rooms, offices and training rooms. The House itself is very much a living creature, as such a caretaker is required to keep it in a useable state. If the House does not possess a caretaker, it will fall to ruin and become useless.
Staff of 4 Years or More
Staff of 3 Years
Staff of 2 Years
Staff of 1 Year or Less
Special Staff Members
Deceased Staff Members
Missing Staff Members
Retired Staff Members
Once sheets have been submitted and approved, we will work on pre-existing character relations Appearance: (RL image please) Name: (Self Explanatory) Alias & Nicknames: (If Applicable) Age: (20+ - I am not looking for a bunch of fresh out of school characters, though I will accept new recruits) Place of Origin: (Where is your character from?) Blood Status: (Pure Blood/Half Blood/Muggle Born) Sexual Orientation: (Self Explanatory) Relationships Status: (Single/In a Relationship/Married/Widowed/Complicated) Wand: (Wand Material, Length and Core) Education: (Where did you character go to school? What House were they in if applicable?) Speciality: (What is your characters speciality? Potions? Dueling? Charms? Etc) Experience as a Regulator (How long as your character been in ORO?) Biography: (A brief history of your character) Notes: (Must include Patronus & Bogart plus anything extra you’d like to add and the dialogue colour you have claimed)
@BrutalBx Hey there boss man, I've been tossing around a few ideas in my noggin for possible characters and want to know if it's possible for me to run a werewolf for this RP. I like the idea because it would help explain why he acts the way he does and what led him to specialize in potions.
So before I get too invested, what are your thoughts on the matter?
I like this idea! Very much so in fact! The whole concept of the ORO is that these are the guys that deal with the worst of the worst. These are the people that get their hands dirty. Every one of them is broken and scarred by the life and carry it with them constantly, so having a werewolf on the team, one of the darkest possible curses in the world, just works!
And thank you everyone for your interest! I'm happy enough to start building an OOC soon.