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Emory watched as Zara attempted to make small talk with the little girl, only to be ushered away by her parents. Well that just wouldn’t do. ”Sorry guys, Holly loves kids. She wants to be a paediatrician, that’s what its called right babe? Anyway, I’m Brad. The lovebirds behind us are Kyle and Jen and the little blue haired firecracker is Ronnie. And you guys are, the Barr’s right?”

The little girl soon piped up with her big toothy grin ”That’s right, my name’s Vespa and these are my parents” With a begrudging grunt, the father of the girl whom now identified herself as Vespa nodded his head. ”I suppose if we’re going to have to endure this hour with you kids we might as well be civil. I’m Henry and this is my wife, Tina. Her family own this place. We’re not really here for a tour. Vespa wanted one last look before we tore the thing down. So you kids are just in time” Emory darted a look to his fellow Regulators, all of whom possessed the same glint in their eyes. The house was being threatened just as murders begin occurring…an interesting and serendipitous turn of events to be sure.

Before anything more could be said, the Butler walked back into the room, arms crossed behind his back. ”If you would all follow me, we will start the final tour He ushered the two groups from the room and began to walk them through the house. With every new room explored, new stories were told of the supernatural goings on within. As the group fell deeper into the maze like building, a chime rang throughout the halls. ”That is the phone. Please remain here while I tend to it. Do not move. The last person who left the group…well…excuse me” As soon as the man was out of sight, Emory brought back his faux accent. ”Let’s ditch, do a little exploring of our own” He said suggestively to “Holly”. Taking her by the hand, he looked to Florian and Bunny, giving them a nod. They knew their roles in this, it was time for the Regulators to do what they did best, work.

Leaving the Light and Dark partners to find the last crime scene, Emory lead Zara and Nickie further into the house and directly into the séance room. Upon entering, a sudden feeling washed over the Welshman, a feeling of deep dread and fear. ”Girls, you feel that?

With the college kids gone, the Barr family awaited the return of the Butler. ”Maybe we should go find those kids. After all, they never did catch…” Tina was immediately cut off by her brutish husband whom glared at her with malice.

”If they want to get themselves lost in here, that’s fine with me. We’ll get them out when we tear the damn thing down”

As her mother and father continued to argue, Vespa backed out of the door and took off running down the corridor. Why did they always have to fight? She didn’t want them to bring the house down, this was a magical place. People loved it. Why did they always have to ruin everything?!

Turning to see her daughter missing, Tina shook her head and left the room with a snarl. ”LOOK WHAT YOU DID NOW, HENRY! BASTARD! VESPA HONEY!”

Henry, now alone sat a chair in a huff. The room he was situated in was pretty barren save a window that looked out onto a blank wall and a cupboard. As he sat with steam emerging from his ears, he slammed his closed fist against the cupboard door, forcing it open. Jumping to his feet, Henry shook his head and opened the cupboard door fully. As he poked his head inside, the curtain from the window ripped itself from the wall and wrapped around the man’s throat, forcing him inside the cupboard. As the door slammed shut behind him, he clawed at his neck to try and free himself from the tightening makeshift noose. The curtain tail raised up and wrapped itself around the high beam inside the closet, pulling Henry with it. His feet leaving the floor, his eyes bulging with terror, the father made one final gasp for freedom, scratching at the bolted door until finally his neck snapped and his body swung back and forth from the high beam.

Roddy Callahan - 2017

Roddy’s eyes darted over to Decky, who stood off to the side. Of course he was back, why wouldn’t he be? Life was going too good and the Callahan’s weren’t anything if not unlucky. His gaze shifted to his wife and then Kaitlin. Nothing had changed since high school. Here he was again, Roddy Callahan in the middle of war he had no business being a part of. That was always the way it was. His friends would have their little dramas and their screaming matches and who would have to sort everything out? Rod. It was always going to be Rod. That’s just how life worked. Reaching into his pocket, the young trainer pulled out his wallet and handed it off to Kaitlin.
”That right there is our daughter, Ingrid. Smart as a computer that one, certainly doesn’t get it from me. You’re looking at a future president right there”

Roderick hoped that the sight of a child might quell the raging bitterness between the two women, maybe a kick of maternal instinct would put out the fire at least for the moment.

Roddy Callahan – 2006

”Come on Kait, you know me better than that. Hitch hikers are creepy as fuck. I wouldn’t dare pick one up, let alone a ghost”

He looked down at his diminutive friend and sighed. ”I’m sorry Kaitlin, I don’t know what happened. Things are just…it’s a lot of weight on my shoulders right now, ok? I can’t deal with Derek and his damn smug face for much longer. One of these days I’m gonna end up punching him in the mouth” He knew she would understand at least a little bit. Maybe not the extend that he would like but to a degree at least. He knew that Kait was well aware of how much Derek and his goons had tortured Rod over the past four years, the butchers boy must have skin like steel to put up with it all.

”This is gonna be the first day that we’ve all seen each other since the film festival, you think people will hold a grudge?” He let out a soft chuckle. The festival was horrendous. Every secret, every lie, everything that was hidden was revealed during that lost weekend and their group was fractured, would it be repairable? Time would tell.

im just waiting for an Isadora post! lol

I'm sure Shadow will post soon and get the Candy Lady case moving.
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

And easier for others around them to be a lot less tense. Easier for Zara to work her magic.

Teamwork! It's how we survive these cases!
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

And also more relatable! Easier to ignore a dumb college kid than members of a secret organization!

Correct. When a bunch of college kids wander off, it's easier to assume there off making out somewhere (which I imagine happens a fair bit in an attraction like the Winchester House) which in turn gives the team better cover to investigate.
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

Haha thanks, I actually type about 70 words a minute. Only reason I know that is cause I had to do a typing test for my new job. Haha. That, and I'm a very visual person. So once I read a post, I automatically picture myself in that situation as the character and I'm able to quickly establish what I'm going to write.

Love it.

I was writing that post up and I thought to myself "Right now, everyone thinks Emory is a literal stick in the mud. Let's show that he can have some fun. Why not pretend to be a dumb college kid, that always works!" Bit of that signature levity these types of stories need.
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

I actually LOVE that you chose this case. I'm a mystery buff, and an avid watcher of Unsolved Mysteries. This case was actually featured in an episode and I was mesmerized by the house ever since.

DAMN you work fast! Nice post.

Yeah, I'm trying to take established real world mysteries and put a new spin on them. Of course I'll take some artistic liberties but the whole idea of the ORO is to investigate happenings within the real, human world.

That would have been very American Horror Story.


You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave!

Not gonna lie, a hotel was nearly the setting for this case but I thought that was too American Horror Story
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