Emory tried to quiet the raging fire in his mind as Zara left him in the kitchen. Why had she kissed him? Why would anyone? Isadora, Daisy…what another fine mess you’ve made Corrigan. He pulled himself to his feet and scanned the room around him, he had made a bit of a mess. Freeing his wand from his belt, he gave it a quick flick.
”Reparo” The chair he had smashed raised itself from the floor and mended itself in a moment and the blood stains on the floor from his hand quickly vanished as well.
Emerging from the kitchen, the charms master made his way down the hall in a daze, noticing as Natalia headed into the kitchen he had just been in with Zara. The unnerving feeling he had was once that he often got after returning from a case. It had been common practice since the implantation of the office that the Regulators be split amongst cases so as to share the workload. However it has oft resulted in times where only a handful would come home. All one had to do was look at the memory wall that the Caretaker so diligently took care of to see just how many of their number had fallen. On hard nights like this one, Emory’s mind would wander to how many of his colleague’s would return home and how many were waiting for him on the other side…or at least he hoped they were, along with Daisy.
Entering into his chamber, the battle worn wizard found Isa already there waiting for him. He was too exhausted to think about the implications of Zara’s kiss and his own feelings. His mind was muddled with thoughts that ran a thousand miles an hour. No quicker had he just started thinking about something before another idea took its place. Locking the door behind him, Emory gave Isa the once over, just to see if she was ok and noted her trembling frame. Something had happened on her case, something dark. Making his way over, he planted a kiss on her forehead before collapsing onto the edge of the bed. He placed his wand to his temple and sucked in a deep breath.
”Obliviate” He spoke in a hushed and exhausted tone as he pulled the memories of the days events from his war torn mind.
Falling back against the mattress, he dropped his wand on the floor, he reached up with his hand, beckoning Isadora to him.
”What happened to you?”