@SailorsadieSick burn from Zara, bloody mind readers!
I've just wanted to say that this is probably in my top two most-loved group RPs of all time. I love all my fellow writers, and praise Brutal for being such a great, patient, understanding GM. You have all been a pleasure to work with. I especially love how everyone gets the spotlight in this RP, no one overshadows anyone and we all work together (this has been an issue for me in most of my past groups, where one or a few people wanted to make themselves the center of attention in the RP always thus killing the fun for the rest). I'll be forever grateful to be a part of this RP and I hope it doesn't end any time soon!!! I'm here to stay. <3
Sorry everyone I have been stuck in Idaho helping watch a ranch who's owner had a heart attack luckily he 's doing better and I am now headed home after his son drove here from Ohio to watch the ranch and his dad. Trouble was they have no Internet at his ranch and the best I was getting was 3 G till I got to Boise and got Wi-Fi service at a truck stop.
I should be home by 11:00 EST and have a post up afterwards
Goddess it sure is raining here I just saw a report that there is flooding, hope it doesn't block the road
....Just a fair warning
Athos will probably hate that guy for awhile
Also if jet is able to rejoin us will both medical people stay? I'm curious so I thought I'd ask