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& Dr Hugo End

Emory and End stood aghast as both Athos and Zara hurried from the room without so much as a word. The Welshman looked to the newcomer and offered his best impression of sympathy. ”Sorry Hugo. The wounds are still a little fresh”

Hugo surveyed the room quietly, scanning everybody as he did. He could not wait to delve into their minds and see what made them tick. To choose to be a Regulator meant that there was something deep and dark rooted inside, something broken that swayed their actions.

”Welcome to the team End. As I’m sure you can tell, you’ve come to us at a rather difficult time. Twycross, the man you are replacing, was dear to both of them. I hope you can forgive them for being standoffish with you.”

"It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you, Dr. End. However, if you could excuse my rudeness... I want to check on Miss Zara and Athos...I will speak with you later, my name is Isadora by the way."

Kieran and Isadora were pleasant enough, as Hugo had expected. He had spent time going through the files on each member of the office and those two were the least likely to kick up a fuss. This soon changed however when Emory and End were approached by another of the Regulators; Tariq and the mood quickly shifted from sombre to tension filled.

"Replacing Felix. It hasn't been that long and you're already replacing Felix. You already did this to me before Emory. You did this to Valen as well. You just move on don't you? You always seem to not care. Especially when Valen died and you left me in the ditch. You got friends the next day, and I had to deal with that death by myself. Do you know how awful that is?!"
”Valen’s been dead for ten years, Tariq. Get over it. He knew the risks, we all did” Emory replied callously.

Turning to Dr. End Tariq glared at the male. "And you! I don't want you being near me. Don't talk to me or look at me. I hope you understand my request Dr.End."

"Emory! Dr. End!"

Before either man could say another word, Isa’s desperate call caught their attention. Sprinting off down the old corridor, they quickly made their way to Zara’s room where she lay cradled by Isadora. Dr End knelt down and did his best to support her trembling body. He thought back to the files he had read on the Regulators. Zara was a legilimen, her mind was a powerful thing and surrounded by people in a state such as the rest of the office left her open to severe issues. Reaching into his medical bag, the good doctor had yet to say a word as he pulled out what looked like a mini dream catcher, about the size of a coin. It hung on a small leather bracelet which he then attached to Zara’s wrist. ”Ik roep op de donkere, laat haar slapen, in staat om te dromen” The spell would force her to sleep for a few hours, allow the other thoughts that were not her own to drain away and clear her mind.

Hey everyone!

Finally got access to my computer again. Gonna get caught up with everything and I should have a post up in the next 24 :)
Hey everyone!

Finally got access to my computer again. Gonna get caught up with everything and I should have a post up in the next 24 :)
Just a heads up everyone, I won't have access to my computer for a few days so I won't be able to post but I'll be able to keep up via my phone

Accepted. Just letting everyone know I'll only be on my phone for the next few days so I won't be able to post but I can keep up with everything
Quick question: where did the shooting happen? Or start at least? Because I had Danny get shot in the cafeteria so is that near the gym?

Also, @Sailorsadie, I think maybe Decky needed a tutor, and Mr Beau maybe directed him to the shy little sophomore that knows more than the juniors or seniors to help Decky out?

Shooting started in a class room, then basically spread out across the school, ending in the gym where Charlie was shot by police.
@BrutalBx Just a thought, but I think it would make the most sense to act as if Kieran didn't speak up till the rest of the rest of the regulators left.

If that is your will, so it shall be!


Everyone make sure you discuss any potential relationships and stories with Sadie!
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

You know it! Seriously though, I wanna join.

Well you're more than welcome!


Are you stalking me Sadie? :P

Second CS will come tomorrow :)

Looking forward to it
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