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<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

You just hadddd to bring in a shrink.
And I'll be making my new NEW character during lunch today :)

Character looks great!
Poor Hugo, so much for a welcoming party lol

am I allowed to have a second character? if so, expect one coming your way soon!

Accepted! And yeah, feel free to make a second character!
Y'all still open? I'm really interested.

Indeed we are!

Emory hadn’t really slept. He’d had perhaps maybe an hour and a half of unbroken sleep before waking up from whatever nightmare plagued him on that night. So instead of lying in bed broken, he arose and left the Domum like a thief in the night; heading to the Whitehall district of London and to the Ministry of Magic Headquarters. It was Emory’s job to inform them that they had lost a team member. Without a body, all they could do was report Felix as Missing in Action. Emory had known Felix for nearly twenty years at this point, they had been through school together and although they had never been the best of friends, they had an understanding for one another, they had a level of respect and now it was gone. Felix wad gone. He wasn’t even a corpse, just a name on the lips of those that missed him.
Choosing a new Regulator was never an easy task but it was one that the Welshman had done more than a few times now. The process of choosing who was to join the Occult Regulation Office generally fell onto the shoulders of the office leader and in this instance, it seemed that this time that happened to be Emory Corrigan. He remembered doing the exact same thing just after Daisy died, however that time he wasn’t alone, he had Arthur around for support.

Handed a box of files and left to his own devices in an empty room, Emory exhaled as he began to sift through the potential recruits. In his hands he held files from all over the world and not just the UK. Witches and Wizards who may be apt Regulators are brought to the offices attention from a very young age, generally during their school years. Emory himself was initially approached when he was seventeen and still at Hogwarts. Maybe that was one of the problems? They were taking young people, people with futures and turning them into soldiers against the darkness. They were bringing them in and they would know nothing else but the job, it was a corrupting force. No, he couldn’t do that, not again. Every file for anyone under the age of twenty five soon found its way into the trash.

It took several hours but finally he had narrowed the field down and there was one name that stood out; Hugo End. Hugo hailed from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, though he was raised in the United States. He bounced between foster homes, mostly muggle families whom did not understand his burgeoning magical abilities. He eventually received a letter to attend the Durmstrang Institute of Magic and took a particular liking to healing magic. Upon leaving Durmstrang he took up an internship at St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and worked as a healer for a few years. During this time he also attended muggle university and received a doctorate in Psychiatry. It seemed odd that such an intelligent and seemingly high flying wizard would put in an application for the Regulation Office. Emory couldn’t help but bite.

A short time later, having met Hugo, Emory helped him move his stuff into the Domum just in time for the rest of the Regulators to surface. Entering into the kitchen where the others had gathered, the charms master let out a cough to alert them to his attention. ”Everyone, this is Mister Hugo End, he’s going to be joining us from now on”

Hugo pushed up his glasses and smiled at the new team. ”Good morning everyone, I’m Doctor End. I can’t wait to get to know each and every one of you”

@HereticThe woman faces monsters, ghouls, ghosts, vampires, werewolves and everything in between and she's scared of a spider? Interesting one that DeVito.

Sorry, I died everybody. Got really busy and forgot to post that. Also, I didn't realize I didn't post for 8 days. Sorry, about that @BrutalBx

But, enjoy my crappy post. Because, I didn't really know what to post at the moment. Also, I see we're having the American Horror stories guy for our medical replacement fun! Lol.

Tariq talking to himself? Love it. Our team is so broken and weird, I love them all.
Post up from me finally! Sorry for the delay.

After the next round of posting, I'll start the second episode.

Roddy Callahan – 2006

Roddy could only see red. Four years of torture was breaking through the surface of his usually calm demeanour. The glow of violence had over taken him until a strong set of hands grabbed him by the arms and pulled him back, restraining him with a fair amount of force.

“What on God’s earth are you doing boy?” Mr Beau hissed in his sweet Louisiana drawl. “God damn” The English teacher watched as another teacher helped Derek O’Leary to his feet and began to walk the boy to the nurses office. “Nothing to see hear now kids, get a move on ain’t none of you got class?!” He looked over to his ward Decky, whom was currently engrossed in words with one Logan Rivers. He shot him a simple look. ”Don’t you cause no trouble Mordechai. Don’t you dare” He looked down at Rod whose face was splattered with Derek’s blood and was covered with damp tears. “You’re coming with me, child” He pulled the young boy with him towards his office, after a few moments, Roddy stopped resisting and walked alongside him.

Around ten minutes later, Beau and Roddy had been sitting in silence for over five minutes, simply staring at each other. At least, until that second. “You ok, Rod?” Beau asked.

Roddy let out a sigh which almost seemed like it had built over years, it was a sigh that acted like a release of hatred and rage.

”I worry, sir. I feel like I’m burning up and there’s nothing I can do to stop it”

Mr Beau locked his fingers together and lowered his hulking frame down to match the seventeen year olds. “I’ve known you for nearly four years now, Rod. I know you ain’t a bad kid, ain’t no bad kids just broken ones. Lot of broken kids of Boston and you one of ‘em. So is Derek. So’s Decky and Kaitlin. Whole bunch of you. You all got your own shit going on and you think we don’t know cos we’re adults. I got news for you Roddy, I was a kid once. I know what it’s like. I ain’t gonna bullshit you, I can’t pretend to know exactly what’s going on with you but I know what it’s like to be seventeen. The world is probably at its darkest when your seventeen, trust me I know. Thing is, it doesn’t last forever. It gets better. That feeling in your gut, that voice in your head that pain your heart that tells you there’s no way out? It’s wrong. It gets better. The true test of a man is how he is with other people, how he treats those around him. Best as I can tell, you’re a good man, Rod. But there’s something in your head, something deep. You need to talk to someone. I gotta suspend you. Take this
time, get your stuff together, be the man we all know you can be”

Jude Aspers

Jude let out a stifled chuckle as he leaned against the car. ”I doubt it. My ugh…hm” He struggled to get his words out. The heart condition he suffered was no secret, it had been plastered all over the tabloids the previous summer but he still felt it difficult to talk about it. ”My condition, makes it pretty hard to get insured for work….erm nobody wants me dying on set. Unfortunately” He let his face be covered by a cheeky grin as he looked at the stunning blonde. ”It’ll be really fun to work with you again, Izzy. Really fun”

Can't commit for definite yet but I'd be interested. Want to see how this idea would progress.
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