Actor Details:

Michael Julian Dunn
Place of Origin:
Dallas, TX, United States of America
Relationship Status:
[left blank intentionally]
Michael was born in Dallas to a journalist and a small business owner, joining an older sister and eventually a younger brother. Growing up, Michael thought that acting wasn't really the coolest thing to do. However though, after losing a bet, he was forced to audition for Edenridge High, where he somehow got a role and made it onto the cast. High school - he didn't really get himself involved with the theater department. Everyone there was weird and had little to no respect. Everyone knew that he was on the show, but he insisted on not saying anything about it. He was simply too embarrassed to do so. Eventually he managed to find himself at the University of Texas, located in Austin where he majored in Criminal Justice.
It wasn't until halfway into his freshman year before he started to turn towards acting. Being in college meant that he was broke and had no money to his name. Desperate for a job, he came across a small production that was in need of extras. One thing turned to another, and about a year after that he had undergone a full 180. He switched his major and devoted his time to making himself a better actor. As a direct result of that, he landed his first role in a small movie. It wasn't a particularly successful movie, but it got him exposed. Now, hearing about a reunion, he agreed immediately and made his way back to Edenridge. He wanted to see how the other people on the cast had gotten along since he had last seen them.
Character Details:
(Basically the same as above but for the character they play on the show)
Name: David Walker
Nickname: Dave
Age: 25
Place of Origin: Edenridge
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Police Officer
Biography: David was portrayed as the local jock, a hotshot of sorts. He fit the jock archetype perfectly, being the school's shining quarterback, as well as being on the basketball and baseball team as well. He was constantly surrounded by his fellow jocks, always having girls snagged on his irresistible charisma and looks. However, he was constantly overshadowed by Derek's popularity. Everything David did, Derek always seemed to be better with. He was the one that got the scholarships, he was the one that got the girls that David couldn't. It frustrated him. Despite him appearing to be all buddy-buddy with him, David always had some grudge against Derek. All because of how he couldn't have what Derek had.
After high school, he went to a community college where he decided to become a police officer. He had hopes of making it to Boston PD, but that didn't really pan out. To this day, nobody knows why or how. But, Edenridge PD had an opening, and after much deliberation, he decided to return to his hometown. It was going to be weird for the police officer to have some sort of authority over the people he once called classmates and friends.