”I am not a sports entertainer, I entertain you with my sport”
6’3 – 235lbs | 10
|Birth Name |» Gethin Andrews
|Hails From | » Cardiff, Wales
» January 16, 1987 (30)
|Fighting Style |» Gethin Rhys’ style summed up is hard hitting. He is considered one of, if not the top striker in the game today. His working style is a mix of stiff strikes and a hybrid catch as catch can style known around the world as British Strong Style. He works snug and fast but knows how to protect his opponents, with most of the damage actually being inflicted upon himself. Originally he had much more power based move set but an injury forced him to change his style and drop a load of weight. He tries to avoid planning a match out ahead of time, preferring to call spots on the fly and allow matches to build a natural tension.
|Signature Moves |» Headbutt
» PK (Penalty Kick)
» High Angle European Uppercut
» Finger Snap
|Finisher |» Hollow Point 87 (Single Arm Brainbuster)
» OLAP SPECIAL (Double Fugiwara Armbars whilst seated on the opponents back)
|Theme |»
”Brutal Artistry”|Gimmick |» Gethin’s gimmick is that of a self made man. When not in the ring, he dresses in expensive suits and wines and dines with high society but he trains himself in a dimply lit, wrong side of the tracks gym. All he desires is competition and is a sportsman up until the bell rings, then he’ll tear your head off. Terrifyingly aggressive to the point that the ref often has to hold him back from doing more damage to his opponent and indeed himself. He does not care for the fans or the gold of his chosen promotion, instead only caring about hurting people and earning money from his matches. His ring gear consists of a pair of black trunks with a welsh dragon emblem on the front left, black boots and kick pads and white wrist tape.
His promo style is very reminiscent of Jake Robers, he does not raise his voice and is well versed with a large vocabulary. He possesses a dark charisma and perfect psychology.
|Face or Heel |» Heel
|Backstage Rep |» Behind the scenes, Gethin is a generally reserved individual much like his character. He speaks softly but with purpose and is a nice enough guy to be around. That said, in the macho world of pro wrestling, many are weary of Gethin due to the fact he is in fact a bisexual man. This does put some people off of working with him as does the fact that his in ring in style is quite dangerous. Still, many adore watching Gethin work as compared to many on the roster, his brutal style adds a sense of legitimacy to the proceedings and gives everything that big fight feel.
|Other |» Gethin is openly bisexual
» Nicknames Include: "The Welsh Dragon" "The Cardiff Psycho" and "The Brutal Artist"
» Luke Evans