The Creation/Dr. Sinyster
"My Creation and I shall rule the wrestling world!"

(Faceclaim is his birth appearance)
6' 0" - 256lbs | 5 Years Experience
|Birth Name |» James Crawford
|Hails From | » Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
» September 20, 1991 (26)
|Fighting Style |» The Creation has almost a slow, intimidating look to him, while still being able to fight quickly and effectively. He uses plenty of strikes and throws, as well as grapples and stomps. He usually avoids aerial moves, but will occasionally leap off of a ladder if one is found in the match. He has no qualms about fighting out of the ring or using weapons, and will even direct a throw of his opponent into the referee, if it seems like it would give him an advantage.
|Signature Moves |» Sleeper Hold - A traditional sleeper hold around the neck.
» Running Clothesline - He bounces off the ropes and rushes the opponent, clotheslining them and pulling the down to the mat, and generally into a submission hold.
» Rapid Curb Stomp - He pulls a prone opponent into a sitting position, gripping their arms as he slams his foot into their chest three times in a row.
|Finisher |» Arm Bar/Leg Lock Combo - Pulls the opponent into a submission hold on both their arm and leg on either the left or right side.
» Deadlift German Suplex - Lifts the opponent from the mat, by their waist, into a German suplex that ends in a pinfall.
|Theme |»
Dragula - Rob Zombie(The Creation's Theme)»
When You're Evil - Voltaire(Dr. Sinyster's Theme)|Gimmick |» As "The Creation", James is guised as this Frankenstein's Monster-esque creation, with prosthetic scars and sewing marks to give the appearance of his body being made up of body parts from other beings, with long, patchy hair, a gruff beard, and sunken, pale eyes. He wears no top, with black wrestling tights and boots covering his waist-down.
James also acts as a hype-man and mouthpiece for The Creation, as that persona does not speak. James' second persona is a mad scientist known as Dr. Sinyster, an insane man with short hair, clean-shaven face, and donning a labcoat, goggles, long black gloves, and knee-high black boots. Dr. Sinyster will frequently carry out some strange concoction in a vial or beaker, which he claims will weaken his Creation's opponents, often splashing it onto them, or if backstage, slipping it into a drink or meal(its generally dyed water, sometimes a fruit juice). Dr. Sinyster is the creator of The Creation, and has entered both it and himself into the AWE to show the world the powers of his mad science, planning to win the AWE championship to prove his Creation's superiority over any human wrestler.
|Face or Heel |» Heel
|Backstage Rep |» James Crawford is a relaxed, enjoyable man. He likes talking about his job at the AWE, telling the story of how him and the writers came up with the two personas of a mad scientist and his creation, and overall just likes talking to fans and fellow wrestlers about the business. He frequently DVRs the show and its pay-per-view events, as he genuinely likes watching the broadcasts. He holds no grudges against those who've beaten him once the makeup is removed and the cameras are off, and he always tries to befriend others in the company. He prefers to have small get-togethers at his home or hotel in the area, rather than go out in large, elaborate parties. He sees the fans as his top priority, wanting nothing more than to give them an amazing show. He runs social media accounts for Dr. Sinyster, as well as his normal self, both being really popular with the fans.
|Other |» Face Claim is Michael DeMello.