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Heretic. nice post!
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

Me thinks you should move across the pond. Mmhm.

I mean for my girlfriend that is the end game yeah. I'm more realistic than that.
Why is moving so hard? Why has no one invented the teleport yet?


Location: God’s office

Collab with: @Universorum

Roddy nodded from his seat behind the desk, in the big chair. Big chair for the true king of AWE, the lord of the house that he built. Sure, there were writers, but they still had to get their ideas and plans approved by him; he just happened to trust them. “Of course, Gethin. I’m happy to talk to everyone, as long as we have time. Shut the door if you don’t mind. What do you want to talk about?” Roddy asked the Welshman.

Gethin had of course had previous conversations with Roddy, the one they had when he first signed with AWE being one that was pretty prominent in his mind. Still this one seemed slightly different, he wasn’t exactly sure how to approach it. In that case the only way he could approach it was head on, just like he did with all of his matches. "Well sir, I just wanted to talk about the tournament. The brackets in particular. I wanted to know...well why exactly you have me winning the title?" The Welsh Dragon took a seat opposite the boss man and interlocked his fingers upon his lap. "And please don’t misunderstand, I am very proud that you’d think of me and I’m more than willing to carry it, I was just curious as to the method behind it really."

“Well, the truth is I really just kind of think you’re a badass. We were going to put the strap on you sooner or later, probably off of Drayden himself, but this is just as well. I won’t take all the credit, this isn’t all my planning, it’s mostly the writing team, good bunch of people those are. Anyway, the plan is to give you a nice run with the title — ‘bout three, or four months. You’re gonna brutalize everything. And during this time, simultaneously, Caiden Winters — that boy everyone seems to like — is gonna be on a run with Intercontinental title, Savaka hasn’t had the best run, but I felt he deserved it after years of dedication. Caiden though, he’s gonna make that belt look like the fuckin’ Holy Grail. And then, once the stars have aligned and everything’s alright, he’s gonna willingly give up the belt, which he’s threatening to leave the company with, in return for a championship match with you. Which, I’ll agree to, since you’re a killer and I know you’ll do nothing other than put your hands on the number one contender and brutalize him, victimize him, and get him out of my hair. But Caiden’s going over. Trust me, it all spins together into a big story. It’s crazy how they do that, I never thought of that myself. Making everything connect and flow decently, it’s different than how I did it back in my day, but times are changin’ I guess. Anyway, point is, you’re gonna help make Caiden Winters’s the biggest fuckin’ star in this business. By fighting him. We have a plan for that match, it’s coming together slowly, but we’ll wait till we get closer to let you know all the nitty gritty details. Any questions?”

The Brutal Artist sat intently listening to Roddy as he laid out the plan for what was going to happen. At least he knew that he wasn’t going to be a paper champion and that he would get to keep his heat. Gethin had been building a solid level since his debut and now he would get to see it flourish. Losing to Caiden and putting him over was no big issue for the best damn striker in the game today, in fact he was all for it. Gethin had watched AWE whilst he was in Japan and believed that Caiden did deserve a title run, he had worked hard and it was owed to him after all that dedication. He had to hide his smile from the boss as to not let on a feeling of giddiness that building inside. Not only was Roddy singing his praise but Gethin was going to get to work with some of the best in the business and this was what he was in it for; the competition. "You can trust me, sir. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I know I haven’t always been an AWE guy but I promise, I’m a company man. I’ll do whatever you ask."

“After the feud, we’ll all be better off, trust me. You’ll both look like shining stars, and once you see what I’ve got brewing for you… you might just cry from happiness.” Yes, Roderick was having ‘ideas’ again. That’s what happens when rich people are allowed to frankly do whatever they want and broadcast it on live television. “If all goes well, you won’t ever need to hold a belt again to seem like a big deal. Also, the upcoming tour, after you win the title. We’re going through the UK and parts of Europe. So that ought to be fun for you, yeah?” The old man grinned at the young star in the room with him, knowing full well that Gethin would get cheered no matter where they went in that part of the world. But, it was all part of the plan.

"It would definitely nice to go home again. I haven’t been back in nearly a year. Not since a brief stop over to get my visa to come work for you." It would absolutely be great to go home again and enjoy the adulation of his countrymen and women. AWE would finally have a decent European presence and that was something to be proud of. He smiled and bowed his head slightly towards Roddy. "I can’t wait to see what you’ve all cooked up for me, I’ll do my best to make you proud sir." Gethin was relieved to have heard how Roddy thought of him. He was worried when he first signed with the company whether or not they would know what to do with him. In Japan he was a big deal, maybe the biggest gaijin of the modern era. Coming to AWE, he was worried they might destroy the character he had built but no, they let him keep it which was amazing. He was worried that his sexuality would be a big deal, it wasn’t. AWE was a big risk and it was finally paying off.

“All I ask is that when the time comes, you and Winters go out there, beat the living shit out of each other, come back here, get your checks, cash ‘em, and buy each other a beer. This place fuckin’ sucked when everyone hated each other backstage and on it.” Roddy, as the founder of the company, had never fully understood why people backstage got in such heated fights and arguments and why there was so much… hatred. Nowadays, this new, younger generation… they were different. Louder than what he was used to, and they did some weird shit, but… they all seemed to be friends, and as a result, less people got hurt. It was nice, took a lot of weight off of him

"I’ll buy him more than one sir but that’s it. Can’t break character." He let out a light chuckle. "Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, Mr Quinn. I suppose I better get a move on, we have another town to get to." Getting to his feet, Gethin offered his hand to shake with the king of wrestling. "See you at the next shot, sir." With that, the Brutal Artist turned and headed out of the office and back towards the locker room to grab his gear. The house show circuit awaits! By the time he had gotten all of his gear, the show had all but ended and crew were starting to pack up. He made his way to the car park to find the rent-a-car he had booked for the evening. He often travelled alone, somewhat by choice to protect his character but even still. it did get lonely sometimes.

Fair warning guys, I am currently in the process of moving to the other end of the country. So I'll be on sparingly but I will be on! Promise!
Fair warning guys, I am currently in the process of moving to the other end of the country. So I'll be on sparingly but I will be on! Promise!
Just letting you know guys that following the Time Machine episode, we will be doing a flashback episode but not as you think...We will follow the day in the life of the gangs parents...back in the 80's! See what life used to be like on the Ridge. Dig out those John Hughes movies and big haircuts!
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