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”I’m sorry Zara” Emory began placing his hand on the Kiwi beauty’s face. ”I can’t come on this one. The ministry gave me a…contract that I need to fulfil and unfortunately it’s gonna take me out of action for this one. If I get finished in time, I’ll join you guys but if I don’t…I’m sure you got this” He offered her a little smile before letting his hand drop to his pocket. The Welshman inhaled deeply before continuing. ”Listen, the new girl. I didn’t want to hire her. I don’t want her here, this place is poison and once it gets in, it runs deep but the brass were insistent on her joining us. I don’t know why, Zara do as much as you can to try and figure why they want her here. I don’t like not knowing what’s going on, can you do that for me?” Emory leaned forward and kissed her forehead, stroking the back of her brightly coloured hair as he did.

Dr End headed to the room he had been assigned only hours before and began preparing for his first case as a Regulator. It was to be in an asylum of all places. Almost seemed like a fitting place for the Doctor to start.

Hugo reached into his case and pulled out a folded up bag which he promptly undid from it’s knotted state. ”Capacious Extremis” The undetectable extension charm had long been Dr End’s best friend. He had used the spell for years, even as far back as using it illegally whilst in school. He would cast it on everything and anything so that he could store all kinds of items on his person at any given time; currently and specifically, medical supplies. His classy grey suit was already coated in the charm but he felt that carrying his medical bag with him would be a bit more professional.

With the charm in place, Hugo began to fill his bag with the usual magical medical items as well as a few of his own creation. The Dutchman had a knack for creating new ways to fight illness; such as the bracelet that he had given Zara. It was an item of his own make; built from the bones of the dead, string from an Acromantula and the magic breath of a House Elf. He had spent years researching different forms of magical medicine and now Hugo believed that in an environment such as the Occult Regulation Office, it he would finally find the secret to helping the world.

Once packed, the good doctor headed towards what Emory had earlier pointed out as the “war room”. Here he would wait until the Dormum reached its destination.
Hey guys! So I have my WiFi back, sor I'll work on the collab today with Brutal. Also @Polaris North how about a Vincent X Izabella collab?

Glad to see you back!
@BrutalBx You keep doing you boss man. I hear that sleep stuff is pretty important.

I should have a post up myself sometime tonight.

Sleep? What's that?
May even have a young Charlie jump in the fellowship just to get a feel so we all know to play him.
Post coming from me tomorrow! Sorry for the delay guys, been working back to back shifts.
If anyone needs a hand in what to post, don't hesitate to message me and I'll try and help out.
Hey for the flashback might your fellowship need a criminal element to help them break into the library, or maybe someone to help distract a security guard? If so Logan might be your guy.

I was gonna have Decky and Danny leaving the library just a little before it closes so I figured that's how theto factor in

The fellowship grows...

”Things aren’t going to get weird between us, Zara”

In truth, Emory could not guarantee what was going to happen next. The charms master’s feelings ran amok around his head like a tribe of Cornish Pixies bustling around the woods. He knew of course that this was not only because of his own struggle with deep emotion but also due to his constant use of memory charms; his mind was deteriorating and this small fact did a fair but in the way of his hiring of Dr End. Emory needed to see what could be salvaged before it was too late. He looked up from his preparations to catch the gaze of the beauty that stood before him. He didn’t know how to feel anymore.

”I’m not sure what that means” He began. ”The magic used in scrying, the spells or spell that keep the Caretaker here I don’t understand them, never have. I’ve tried to research it, I’ve tried to…speak to him about it but whatever he is and what ever magic runs in his veins, it’s not something we can fathom. Why he said your name? I have no idea. It could be just because you were in the room, I don’t know. Maybe there’s some direct link between you and this asylum but I honestly couldn’t tell you”

Making his way to the remnants of Blackbeard’s ship that sat in the middle of the apparition room; Emory pulled his wand free and aimed it at the globe, placing his free hand over the needleless compass. ” Terra. Ignis. Aqua. Aer. Peto fine motus.” With a clear image of the scry map in his mind, the broken wizard began to recite the incantation and the globe began to move. The compass span violently and the lights flickered for a few moments before stabilizing. The house was now on it’s way, they would be at their destination shortly. Using the artefacts was quite jarring, that’s why Emory always insisted on doing it himself. It was not that he didn’t trust his colleague’s, he just didn’t want any of them to get hurt.

Turning to face a new voice, it was Tariq, doing his best to apologize. Emory had known Tariq since Hogwarts and there was a reason that they were friends, they were very similar but things had changed and Tariq blamed him for it. Not without cause or reason, Emory knew he was partially at fault but to shoulder the entire thing? That wasn’t fair. Still; Emory had very little time to hold a grudge, there was too much going on right now. ”Call it water under the bridge, Tariq. I know how you are but I will say this” In a split second, Emory’s aura and demeanour went just a little darker than usual. ”Don’t ever, question me about what’s going on in my head. None of you have the slightest idea how I think or how I feel. Don’t pretend like you do”

Sighing deeply, Emory ran his hand down his chin and looked at the two of them. ”You guys need to go get ready, it won’t be long before we arrive. I won’t be going with you on this one, I have some work from the Ministry I need to deal with. The new girl, watch out for her. She’s young and I don’t want her here but the I can’t say no to the Minister, she wanted her in so she’s in. Protect her”

@AnaSilan Sunja@Starwinter Great work you two!

<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

Lol well we know Deckys are assholes so

I'm formatting mine and Star's bit by bit. I've got work in 3 hours and I get off at 4pm so I'll probably be able to post it sometime in the evening.

I don't know, I'm thinking 80's flashback to their parents as young adults lol But in all serious, I was thinking that if ever we need to face claim their parents, they definitely need to be obscure stars of the 80's and 90's.
I'm off until Wednesday....
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