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Sami Alejandro

Location: The Diner - Westworth
Interacting With: Sadie@alexfangtalon & Sophia@Nallore
Collab With: @alexfangtalon

Sami was greeted by the lovely Sadie offering him his cup of coffee. She was always seemed to be on the early shift when he went to the diner. Not that he minded. He enjoyed her company, such a sweetie pie. "Gracias, Sadie. You know I need my caffeine" He took a sip from the piping hot tar and smiled contently. This was the stuff. ”Hey Sophia. I’m good thanks” He offered the girl a smile as she rushed around behind the counter. As per usual, Sam was bombarded by the lightning fast ball of awkwardness that was Sadie Hill. First she asked for a ride and before he could even respond she asked about the dance. In all honesty he hadn't really given any thought to the dance. Would he go? More than likely, there's usually some fun to be had even if you go stag which he most certainly would. Someone had to look after those idiots after all. Before he could say anything, Sophia chimed in with a request to a ride to Lala’s as well. "Of course, I'll give you girls a ride. Be my pleasure. As for the dance...I'll be there but as of right now, I will be going alone. What about you little sis?"

Sadie was definitely grateful that Sami would be willing to drive her. She let loose one of her signature smiles when he said he would be at the dance. Sadie hoped everyone would show up and have a fun time. When he turned the question back to her she thought back and realized that she didn't know if someone had asked her or not. Most likely not because she was always busy and if someone had asked she never would've realized it. "Wouldn't miss it for anything. Spent to much time trying to make it perfect for everyone that skipping would be out of the question. I don't think I'm going with anyone though. I don't remember anyone asking me." At that the person Sadie was switching shifts with came in and waved to the young girl. "Oh, there's my replacement. I'm gonna go get my things." Sadie rushed to the back and grabbed her bag from where everyone left their things. She came back to the area where Sami was and asked, "Are ya ready to head out?"

"Yes ma'am, let's get going" Sami made sure his to-go-cup lid was secured so as to not spill his manna before getting to his feet and following the girls out into the cold winter air. He had kitted his beloved mustang out for the dire temperatures of Colorado and made sure to have plenty of stuff in the trunk so the old girl would never be stranded. Moving to the passenger side of the car, Sami opened the door for Sadie and Sophia. [color=olive]"You're chariot, ladies" He grinned. Once they was safely inside, he quickly made his way to the driver’s seat and started up the beast. "Onwards we go" Before Tte car pulled out of the diner car park, Sami turned on the radio and then carried on deeper into Westworth.

”You little sisters be careful around those Hollywood kids. Bet they come with all kinds of drama”
I lied. I'll do it when I wake up

Kind of glad to have shook of my funk

Glad to hear it
Sadie is back from near death! Whoot!

Hell yeh!
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

I'm out of the hospital as of this morning. So we ended the collab with me, which means you can start it :)

Of course, I'll send you something soon!

JP had been on the go since maybe…4am? Though this wasn’t unusual for the latest addition to the booking team. In the short three months, he had been with the AWE, John Paul had already earned a bit of a reputation amongst his peers. Considered as the mad scientist of the booking lads (as they are collectively known), JP has become known for constantly scribbling down ideas for angles and characters on anything he can get his hands on, a napkin, a towel…the walls of certain venues…it didn’t really matter. If JP could write on it, he would write on it. Getting to the arena early was no new thing for the young writer; he barely slept as it was so running around throughout the day to make sure the show would work was no surprise. He did have a habit of changing things on the fly which irked some but was thought refreshing by others.

John Paul had never been to the Staples Centre before, it was pretty sweet if he said so himself. The previous night, himself, Kevin and Gary had locked themselves in a hotel room with pizza, caffeine and booze and tried throw ideas at the wall for the next few upcoming shows and storylines. Drayden’s injury and subsequent absence had caused a fair but of change to their plans but this was no long term issue. The lads were fresh eyes on an old product, each young, hungry and talented. They hoped that their passion and enthusiasm would breathe new life into the AWE product. It had to, their jobs depended on it.

Arriving in the locker gorilla position, to no ones surprise JP was in his own world. He had his head phones on and he was grooving along to his own personal soundtrack. Today it was Nirvana, tomorrow who knows? He didn’t plan that far ahead. ”What’s up everyone? Here is the match card for tonight. Read it, memorize it, love it. Any questions we’ll be around as always. Let’s burn this place down”

Match 1: Tourney Match – Owen Sparks (W) vs Kidd Neon
Segment 1: Morgana Promo (Sydney Staredown)
Match 2: Tourney Match - Oscar O’Sullivan (W) vs Local Competitor
Segment 2: Joy Ryder interview with Gethin Rhys
Match 3: Tourney Match - The Creation (W) vs Local Competitor
Match 4: Tourney Match - Gethin Rhys (W) vs Local Competitor
Segment 3: Hype Package for the Re-Debut of Hector
Main Event: Tourney Match - Sexton PS Love vs Thunderbird (W)

To some it was surprise when JP first arrived that he was a writer and not a wrestler. The kid was tall, in great shape, handsome. Roddy could probably do some good things with him. Unfortunately his medical issues prevented him from ever stepping in the ring, though that never really deterred the young man. He was a fan first and foremost and getting the chance to write for some of the best characters on TV was a dream come true. Especially Morgana, she was a dream…he would marry her one day. With the card pinned up on the wall, JP headed off to go create more madness for AWE.

”Welcome to the world of Gods and Monsters”
And I've been in the hospital for what seems like forever. Massive kidney stones suck.

When you're feeling up to it, we can do a collab if you like to carry on the flashback episode.
And I've been in the hospital for what seems like forever. Massive kidney stones suck.

Jesus, hope you're ok <3
Sami Alejandro

Location: His home - The road - The Diner
Interacting with: His mother - Group Chat

“What are your plans today mijo?” Carla stood off to the side as she watched her son load up his prized red Mustang with some bags.

”Well I didn’t have any before. Maybe chill with Sierra but I just got a text and looks like some of the boys are heading up the slopes, so I thought I might tag along” Sami closed the trunk and turned and leaned against it, folding his arms as he did so.

”Is there anything I can do for you mami before I head off?”

He was such a good boy, always offering to help. Brushing a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, Ms Alejandro smiled to her son. “No no, you go have fun with your friends. Just do me one favour? Don’t punch anyone, Samuel. OK?”

”I’ll try not too. I love you” Sam offered his mother a smile before he climbed into his car. He wasn’t one for social media, in fact he hated it. If it was up to Sami he wouldn’t even have facebook but it was a requirement nowadays. Pulling up the class group chat, Dominican Yoda posted a quick message:

”Heading over to CR’s place now, any brothers and sisters that want to ride shoot me a message”

Placing his phone back into the beat up leather jacket that always adorned his stocky shoulders, Sami set off towards the home of one Christopher Robin. Safety was a priority for Sami so if indeed anyone did message him for a ride, he would pull over to read it. For a sixteen year old boy in a small town, Sam had the brain of a forty year old sometimes; it was part of his charm. Westworth was a beautiful place if you liked the edge of nowhere aesthetic. Not a lot happened there but that wasn’t a great issue. The youth of the Denver town seemed to get in enough trouble which was more than enough to make up for the lack of things to do. Life would certainly be interesting this winter break with the Candies that currently occupied the homes of CR and his Mrs Lorlei. Hollywood meets Westworth? Sami would be happy to sit back and watch the show.

The Dominican boy had been awake for a couple of hours, even though the rest of his small world was still drifting in dream world. Sleep for Sami was a rarity, he maybe got 3 to 4 hours a night, generally broken too. Sleeping right through the night is something he hadn’t done in years. He wasn’t exactly sure of the cause. Sierra and others have tried to force him to the doctors or to take medication, both of which he refuses to do. If there was anything in this world that Sami hated, it was Doctors, la Brujo’s in his mind. He understood they were there to help but they were not for him. It was a crippling fear that had possessed him since he was a child.

CR’s place was literally on the other side of town, so although the drive wasn’t long in a town as small as Westworth, he fully expected a few detours to take place. Some people just couldn’t resist a ride in the Mustang. Sami’s dark eyes were drawn to his hands on the steering wheel, specifically, his bruised knuckles. The skin was flaking off in some places and certain finger movements were making a somewhat satisfying cracking noise. His mother wasn’t kidding when she asked him not to punch anyone. It was a problem and he knew it. Sami the problem solver had a habit of solving said problems with his fists. It was why his knuckles were in the state they were in and why was pretty sure he had a few bruised ribs as well.

He stopped at the world famous Westworth Diner, hopping out of the car he hurried inside. The man needed his caffeine. Sami Alejandro without either a coffee or an energy drink was like seeing Colorado without snow. He quickly jumped up to the till and smiled

”Usual black coffee to go please, gracias hermana”

I'm gonna be a a convention Thursday through Sunday so I'll try and get on whenew I can

Not a problem! With all this moving stuff I haven't been able to get on myself.
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