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Still without internet right now guys I'm afraid. Date they've given us is the 19th so hopefully all will be back to normal by then :)
I'm all about it, only issue on my side is I have just moved place so I don't have internet right now, hopefully will be rectified ASAP
Okay, I'll definitely have something posted tomorrow. Been dealing with funeral stuff.

Absolutely no rush. You take your time, love <3

So the Roddy/Decky collab is on the go!

Looking forward to seeing everyone's reactions to the Charlie video!
I get off work at 3:3p, and I have to walk home so I'll try and etc started around 4 or so on the Collab

cool beans

Location: The game changing place. A viewing room with the most beautiful creature in it.
Interacting with: Mileena @Lovely Complex

JP had spent much of the evening chasing down Caiden Winters. Trying to find that man was like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands (maybe he needed to stop watching Harry Potter?). The booking lads had caught up with him in the end and laid out there well throughout midnight, red bull and pizza infused plans to the future world champion. With the time left over, the boys could now enjoy the show they had written. JP was grooving around the place in his usual energetic and slightly out of sync mood. Today’s music of choice in John Paul’s ever present earphones was TV and Movie Themes, specifically in this moment, the mad scientist of AWE’s writing team was hamming it up to the original heavy version of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers theme.

Attire for the day? Simple and to the point. JP had dressed himself in basic blue jeans and the latest in AWE merchandise: the new Hector shirt. It was so new that it wasn’t even off the shelves yet. He had actually stolen it from the merchandise table with the swift bit of bop and bang chicanery. Kansas City shuffle bitch! It was quite tight fitting but that was simply because John Paul kept himself in great shape. It was somewhat a shame that he could jump in the ring himself, he might have a decent run in him.

Rocking through the halls, JP recorded his thoughts into his tape recorder “Note to self: Speak to the lads about tag teams, we could do with a few more. Maybe Sparks and Neon? Good enemies make better partners...additional note: Adam was the better black ranger, Zack can go suck a lemon” Moving into a viewing room, JP stopped in his tracks. It wasn’t an overly busy room, a few groups dotted sparsely around watching some monitors that had been set out. If he wasn’t mistaken, the eery purple/blue glow on the screen was indicative of the fact that one Gethin Rhys was making his way to the ring. The reason the South Carolina native had stopped in his tracks was because the last breath of his dream had just appeared before him; Mileena Winslow or Morgana to most. She was sitting all alone, writing into a notepad.. He took a hard gulp which almost got caught in his throat. Was now the best time to approach her? She seemed intent on studying the Rhys/2 Badd match. Maybe he should just leave? It didn’t really matter because before he had even finished his thought, he was sitting down next to her.

“...what you working on?” smooth moves, Carling.

Usually, Mileena would be attentive to what was on the screen. Her notepad was a small size journal, hardcover, that reflected the ‘Handbook of the Recently Deceased’ from Beetlejuice. Her handwriting was elegant, thin, almost like calligraphy, which reflected her upbringing in a fairly wealthy family. The last thing she had written on her pad was not the match about the Initiate forcing himself into the tournament, since she had a call she had to take, but about the interview with Gethin Rhys and Joy Ryder. Tension. Possible story arc to come where Joy is involved. Retribution teaser? ‘Bring me your brother in Japan’.

Along with her notepad, she also had a porcelain mug with a Halloween-esque theme to it, filled to the brim with English Breakfast tea and a cherry blossom sudoko book beside it, that she did while she watched the screen. Some parts of the show weren’t as exciting as others, so if she was bored, she would continue to listen but work on puzzle 102. She would finish that puzzle before she got to her hotel room.

Either way, yes, Mileena was dazed as she stared into the screen, contemplating the phone call that had happened moments ago with her mother. You see, with a mother like Charleigh Winslow, a person must harness the skill: filter out the nonsense and find the point. The gothic wrestler could only handle her mother and well, her sister, Precious, who had a similar way with words, in doses. They were a bit much for any person - very loquacious and into themselves. At least her other sister, Raven, was doing her own thing and trying to make it big as a female rapper. Throughout all the one-sided chatter, Mileena learned two important things: One, her King of the Hill, star football player cousin, who sleeps with everyone and anyone that has a nice ass and a vag, actually got himself a steady girlfriend. Let’s see how long that lasts. Connor. And two, her adorable, sweet blessing of a cousin in their large, wild, unapologetically wealthy family had a crush, which isn’t something that happened often since the boy would rather stay home and read Lord of the Rings or play video games with his best friend. Oliver.

And as such, her mother wanted to reward them and their friends… jesus, that was a lot of people… to go to an AWE PPV. Specifically? Starccade. The biggest show of the year. Man, her mother loved to spoil her cousins. Those two… especially. And now, it was Mileena’s job to talk around and get a large amount of tickets, front row seats, to AWE’s main show and VIP Passes. Great. Of course, Mileena loved her family and would do whatever she could do to give them the perfect gift. THAT BEING SAID, if Connor and his girl do not last, he can kiss the Starccade event, GOODBYE. Boy needed to learn to be loyal. Her coursing thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice that belonged to one of the puppeteers at her company. The passionate, dorky one.

Still with her electric blue contacts on, having not taken off her outfit from her promo because it was comfortable and she would actually wear something like this on a day-to-day basis (she never did leave her goth phase), Mileena glanced over to the writer, locking her penetrating gaze with his eyes that reminded her of a dark void. Her face was expressionless as ever, her posture was straight and proper, with her chest perked up in an exquisite display, and her voice was softer than her stage act, but still hypnotizing by the mellow and smoky tone it naturally had. “Nothing at the moment.” The wrestler flatly said, appearing to not register the fact that someone, for once, that wasn’t Trinity, her father, or a higher up telling her what she had to do, wanted to actually talk to her for no particular reason besides… talking. “... How about you? What’s your day been throwing ‘atcha?” Mileena wasn’t necessarily sure if she was good at casually talking but she’d try her best. Luckily, her time at the AWE has helped her not have obnoxious, socialite mannerisms.

She’s talking to you, don’t fuck this up JP offered the bewitching star of the women’s division a genuine smile. He had never at all expected for her to respond to him, with most of their interactions boiling down to short discussions about her nightly booking. They were by no means friends. However JP felt something, something that he just couldn’t quite put his finger on when it came to the dark temptress Mileena, he felt a synergy, something that he truly could not find the words for; the best he could come up with was kindred spirit. “Well… let’s see. The lads and I got here early, tried to tackle Caiden and tell him our plans for him in the coming months, that was a nightmare. Other than that, just the usual routine, making sure everything runs smoother than silk.”

The enchantress watched him intently as he ran through his day with her. They had something planned for Caiden? She wasn’t going to lie to herself, she was absolutely curious what they had in mind for that impressive talent. That impressive talent that Trinity hoped would get with her sister in time. That young, energetic underdog shipped Joy with Caiden so hard, if there was a ship button it would be non-existent from the damage of Trinity bashing it continuously. As she listened to him, Mileena looked away and scribbled something down on her notepad in silence. Still attentive to him by ear, but her gaze no longer on him making it seem like she wasn’t interested in what he was saying.

The writer stiffened his right hand to stop it from tapping the table in rhythm, a nervous tick and one he did not want Mileena to notice. As always was the case with JP, a thousand thoughts began to run through his head at a million miles an hour. If one were to peer inside the mind of John Paul Carling, it would best be described as a rejected idea from Harry Potter; it was a place with a million lock doors, stairs leading to nowhere, no one thing ever staying in the place that it should. Trying to sift through the chaos was a constant battle, it was why so many random things just squirted from JP’s mouth at any given time. Taking hold of his shaking wrist with his free hand under the table, the adorkable one uttered a sentence which he only dared utter in the mess he called a mind palace. “...I..I was wondering if you want to grab something after the show? Like some food or a coffee, know with me?”

“How about a burger and some beer?” She offered, not reading too into his request to take her out to eat. “Here.” Delicately, Mileena teared a piece of paper out of her notebook and slid it across the table to him, “That’s my number for faster means of contacting me. I’m assuming you want to talk about potential story arcs for Morgana, yes?”

Unfortunately for JP, Mileena’s phone went off with the instrumentals of Ghost Love Score by Nightwish. Glancing over at her phone to see who was calling her, she heavily sighed, “Non-stop today. This woman.” Before grabbing her phone, she turned her attention to the writer, “Meet me here once AFTERSHOCK is over. I’ll tell my dad I’m riding with you. This would mean I also need a ride back to the hotel, if you don’t mind. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She stood up, answered her phone so her mother wouldn’t bitch about being on hold forever, “One sec.”

Quickly, she gathered her things and then before the distracted woman vanished from the viewing room, she turned her body to face JP. Her phone was placed against her chest with her right hand, her purse was hooked on her shoulder, and her mug was firmly grasped with her other hand, “Thanks… for talking to me. Sorry, I had to cut it short. We’ll have more time after the show. See you later?” The wrestler patiently waited for the writer to respond.

”You most certainly will” The lovelorn booker smiled giddily as the human personification of deadly nightshade poisoned him with her beauty. ”See you tonight” He watched as she headed off into the bowels of the arena and for what felt like the first time in hours, he released a pent up gasp of breath. He did it. He finally asked out Mileena, now all he had to do was not mess it up. She would be riding with him, in his car, together. You couldn’t write this stuff! Well he could, maybe not Kevin and Gary….wait she said about story arcs for Morgana? Oh JP, you done fucked up. She thinks it’s a business meeting.

”Damnit Janet”

Hey brutal do you want to Collab for the flashback episode? We are left off with Rod asking Decky for help right?

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