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Are we continuing with the dinner or are we moving on from that too?

Up to you guys, majority vote.
Sami Alejandro

Location: Lala’s House – CR’s Place
Interacting With: Sadie@alexfangtalon, Sophia@Nallore & Christopher Robin @Universorum

The fabled Mustang pulled up outside Lorlei’s place, the engine of course purring loud enough that the entire street knew it was coming about five minutes before it had arrived. It was common knowledge in Westworth that if you heard that sound, Sami Alejandro would soon be on your door step. Climbing out of the car, Sam pulled his seat forward for Sophia to get out before hurrying around to the passenger side to open to the door for Sadie. Of course none of that was necessary but Mrs Alejandro didn’t raise no slouch. ”No problem girls, you have fun in Denver” Sami took off his signature leather jacket to reveal his brown flannel and Gethin Rhys T- shirt before walking around to the trunk of the car and pulling out a thick hoody. He placed it over his broad shoulders before pulling his leather jacket back over the top. ”Remember what I said though, those candies are trouble. If anyone does anything, tell me and I’ll break some faces”

As the girls headed off into Lala’s, Sami gave his trunk the once over again just to make sure he hadn’t left anything behind. Snowboard? Check. Speakers to plug into his legendary car radio? Check. Camera to catch some of those sick moves on the slops? Check. Hammer to beat up some California kids? Check. You never know, those OC kids were nuts! Closing and locking up the car, Sami headed up towards Christopher Robin’s.

He could feel a slight tremble in his hand. Not from the cold, he was used to that being from Colorado. No, the shake was coming from the force exerted in his latest scrap. Everybody loved Sami or least liked him. He was a nice guy, someone to count on when you needed it but that temper of his; it was dangerous. The previous evening; he had been out with Sierra before she had gone off to meet her secret boyfriend. They had gone for a nice walk, which ended up with some little bastards causing some trouble. So Sami of course, gave them some trouble back in the form of a few well placed punches. Looked like his body had yet to calm down.

Making his way into CR’s place, Sami found everyone shortly thereafter. ”CR, my man! Catch AWE last night? Twas the shit”

Apologies for the delay guys, things have been a bit crazy in rl recently but we're all good now so we can get back on track. Consider it next day in show but it's still episode two aka The Time Machine!

Roddy Callahan


Beau’s call was loud enough through the screams of the students for Roddy to hear and he awoke from his recurring nightmare in a cold sweat. The dreams were becoming much more frequent and the searing pain in his back where the bullet went through was changing and becoming far more frequent than it used to be, Glancing to his side, Rod noticed that Lanie was already up. Made sense, she was probably with Ingrid like she always was. What a remarkable woman he had married. Swinging his legs out of bed, Roddy pulled himself with a groan to his feet, suffering the aches and pains of a boxer/fire fighter. He was definitely too old for this shit.

A few groggy steps forward later, he was at the bedside table to take his usual morning regimen. The butchers boy hated all the pills he had to take, in fact, he hated doctors or anything to do with healthcare. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel like they did a good job, far from it, he was an avid supporter. It was just an inherit fear that he had had since childhood. Roddy’s morning regiment was set in stone, had been since his days in rehab. Several different pain meds to numb his back, muscle relaxers, vitamins to boost his immune system; it was all very technical and they all tastes like the inside of a nuns hat. Then on the other side of his side of the table were his night meds, a concoction of medications to again, numb the pain and some just to help him sleep. The insomnia was getting better but when he did sleep he was plagued by the worst dreams.

Next on the agenda were a few morning stretches just to limber up and loosen up those damaged joints of his. Before he could begin however, there was a chime on Rod’s cell phone, grabbing it from the floor he noticed it was a whatsapp message in the 2006 alumni group. The unknown number in the group had posted a video, curious of course, Roddy pressed play and was aghast at the sight of Charlie Decker on the screen.

”This town…this fucking town. It’s poison, the entire thing runs like venom in the veins. My father, he tried to save this town and they turned their backs on him. They turned their backs on me and my mother. I don’t understand and they never have cared to understand. Keisha, she saved me for a while but I think she’s going to break up with me soon. I keep hurting her and I don’t want to. There’s something wrong…there’s something wrong in my head. God, why have you cursed me? Why do you make my head burn so much?....Help me!” Charlie pulled at his hair as tears rolled down his face, his voice breaking into a primal groan as the camera turned off.

Rod covered his mouth as his skin went pale. What on earth was that? Why would somebody post that? He hurried down the stairs to find Lanie in the kitchen

”Babe you need to see this”
I can post tomorrow for Kait if we are starting off the next day in the show.

Yeah consider it next day!

HEADS UP: I've just started college again after a two-month break due to a strike. I'll be done on the 19th the latest. Just in case I'm inactive and stuff, that's why.

Good to know!

I'm here. Cancer sucks. But I'm here.

Aiming to post in the next few days, get us moved along to the next in game day. Sorry for the delay everyone!

Collab with @Lovely Complex

Oscar O’Sullivan’s match had come to a close. It was short but the audience let their inner animals come out, having gone completely wild from the hype, consumed by the pure elation, ecstasy, and entertainment that is the AWE. Joy Ryder stood beside one of the more… vicious animals in the building. Not necessarily a monster because there was strategy and tactics behind the brutality. A monster got lost in their blood rage and most, if not all, didn’t understand what they were doing that made others shake and quake with the very sight of them. There was purpose in this wrestler, always purpose, which honestly made this man far more intimidating than his colleagues because he knew what he was doing. From the root of his impulses to the expressions on his face, he knew what he was doing.

Gethin Rhys.

Although he was beyond charming, with a smile that could make anyone that was sexually attracted to him swoon, she knew better. Joy knew what he was capable of doing and how merciless he could and would be out on the ring. Some say a brutal artist, which he preferred, she related him more to a compulsive predator, constantly calculating his next move, while keeping that blinding smile on. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time.” Pausing for a brief moment, she gazed up at the handsome man with her cute dimpled smile, but there was a slight edge in her expression, as if she were personally uncomfortable because she, along with the audience, feared this man. Was it fear, though? Or did she simply not trust the heel that stood before her? “Gethin Rhys!”

And with his introduction done, she could get straight into the promo. “Gethin, so what are your thoughts with how the AWE World title tournament came to be?" She paused for a second and then added, “With Drayden’s injury and all.”

Gethin looked down at the small yet striking young woman and consciously decided to only lower his charming grin slightly instead of getting rid of it completely. “First, allow me to congratulate you Miss Ryder, you are looking as beautiful as always.” The human torture device brushed a gentle finger across Joy’s marble skin before speaking again. He had not asked her permission to do that but he knew Joy or at least he hoped he did. She loved getting lost in the moment and making his character seem even more horrible was something she would jump at the chance to exploit. For his benefit, of course. As a result, Joy visibly cringed but kept the act up. He touched her. Gritting her teeth behind her closed smile, she nodded to him as her ‘thank you’, but knew he had more to say.

“Secondly, well, I consider Drayden’s injury to be very unfortunate, I mean, after all I wanted to be the one to take him out myself. Not to worry though, when he comes back… I hope he enjoys the adulation from the sycophants, virgins and morons we call our fans. It won’t last. You see, Drayden will get his rematch for the championship and sadly for him, it’ll be against me. And when his blood has dyed that grey canvas red and the little kids tears in the crowd have stained the arena floor… that will be my masterpiece. That’ll be the end for him. This tournament doesn’t mean a thing. I debuted in a tourney remember? The Wally Norton Battle Classic. I won that, no problem. This thing will be the same. Bet on it.”

The handsome Welshman took the glasses from his face and placed them somewhere off camera. “Next question, darling.” Gethin cracked his famous fists and knuckles, his hands worn from the hard hitting style that had become his signature over his ten years pro. For a moment his mind wandered to his days as a young lion in Japan before the icy gaze of one Joy Ryder brought him back to the present.

Aha, darling. “As justified as your confidence is, be careful... Icarus too was confidant, until he flew too close to the sun. You don’t think there’s other competition out there for you? I’m sure Drayden may very well get his rematch, but who’s to say it’ll be against you? Well, besides you.” Joy felt like she was treading dangerous waters, showing her lack of faith in Gethin Rhys, doubting his abilities to take the title home. Biting her bottom lip, she brought the mic to his mouth and waited for his response.

Gethin’s eyes furrowed slightly. How dare she say something like that. He clenched his teeth and inhaled deeply, cracking his neck slowly and loudly for the microphone to pick it up clearly. He was holding back, that itch, that fever that tore apart his soul. The Edward Hyde inside his Henry Jekyll was clawing to the surface, clambering for air in the abyss. Gethin raised his left hand, the striker placed it softly on its side onto Joy’s shoulder, “You feel that? That’s control. Don’t dare speak out of turn again.”

Removing his hand and dropping it back into his other waiting palm, he continued on, “I never said there wasn’t any competition, my dear. Competition is what keeps me going. It’s what makes me, me. That said, there may be competition but none can beat me. Bring me Owen Sparks. Bring me Savaka. Thunderbird. Hell, bring me your brother in Japan. It doesn’t matter who I fight, they’ll lose and I’ll tell you why. I have the one thing every wrestler fears; the ultimate hold. My Owari Death Clutch cannot be broke, that is a fact Joy and I dare anybody to come and try. Test me and you will fail boys, you will fail.”

Maybe her brother will come at some point! Joy didn’t know. He didn’t keep her in the loop with his wrestling career. All she knew was what she found on the internet or the occasional skype calls of him talking about everything BUT wrestling, like the newest ramen flavor he tried, having a snapchat series called: Ramen Review. Blake Ryder was a man who liked to surprise, especially when it came to him coming home.

Gethin Rhys’ ego was bigger than his head and she prayed to god one day her brother would make this sick fighter kiss the very ring he considered his life. His home. Internally, Joy’s stomach curled with how Gethin thought he was warranted to continuously touch her, as if she was a mere object to make him look good. She knew this was all acting, but still, she was a woman who thrived off of the moments and by hell, this moment was irritating the shit out of her. “I think they’ve heard enough.” Joy’s stare turned cold, deciding Gethin didn’t need to say anymore. It was her job to help him, but overstep your boundaries and she’ll fucking walk away. Beatrice can bitch at her later. “We’ll see what you have in store for us! Oh, and--” Before exiting the frame, she glanced back at him and grimaced, “Don’t tell me what to do.”

The interviewer was the first to leave and Chance Ryder, the videographer, kept the camera on Gethin Rhys for a little bit longer, after making sure the sound guy aimed the boom to the wrestler, to pick up any last words.

Turning to face the camera directly, a sick grin crossed the strong style killers face and a dirty, sadistic chuckle cleared his throat. “A word of warning; gentlemen of AWE, I am the most dangerous professional wrestler on the planet. This we all know. Professional violence is what I do for a living. Step into the ring with me and you have two choices. Knock out or I choke you out. Whatever your preference. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go kill some idiot and then I’m going to go find myself a nice girl...or boy you know me, I’m not prejudiced. Good day.” Gethin reached down and pulled his gumshield into frame and placed it into his still grinning mouth before walking out of shot.

As soon as the camera stopped rolling, he quickly yanked the protector from his face and hurried to catch up to Joy. He was supposed to go to the Gorilla Position to get ready for his match but he couldn’t leave just yet. “Joy, are you ok? I’m sorry if I crossed any lines. I got a bit into it.” Gethin had spent years developing his character and got really into it at the best of times, especially when he knew he could get away with pushing the boundaries like he did in Japan. Here in the AWE things were a little different and he sometimes forgot that.

Turning on her heel to face her recent interviewee, Joy brought down her professional face, her expression was a lot more natural and not with a constant smile plastered on it. She chuckled, “It’s fine! I expect these things to happen on screen. And I’m sure the audience ate it up. I do need some time to cool down, but I’m not taking it personal. I guess I can be kinda vibrant with my emotions, huh?” She stuck her tongue out teasingly, to show that she was fine and a big girl. Being part of the AWE all her life, she knew exactly what could happen and took note of all the spontaneous moments, that at times could be questionable or controversial, to better herself as an on-air personality. However, she loved it. She loved this job and everything that came with it. The moments are what made the AWE great. She wouldn’t be a professional if she took it personally, would she?

“Thank god, that’s a weight off my shoulders. Right darling, I better head off. Hope you enjoy the rest of the show and aren’t too put off by my spots tonight. I’m going try out the mouth drag for the first time since back in Japan!” Placing his gumshield back into his mouth, Gethin offered the stunning interviewer a dopey smile before rushing off to go get ready for his match.

“Good luck!” were Joy’s final words and then her attention was brought to the producer walking out of her office. Oh, maybe she should talk to her to make sure that she too didn’t step out of line. Honestly, Joy knew she was fine. Both Beatrice and Wade had plenty of faith in her to help wrestlers make good promos, even if it meant Joy got an emotional rise… hey! Because of that, she’s given the writers’ inspiration for potential story arcs. Nodding to herself, she scurried to talk to her boss.


The Staples Centre descended into darkness as the lights went black. This could be a prelude to the entrance of many of the AWE’s finest in ring performers. Yet when the unmistakable retro synth beat began to bleed into the arena through the speakers, it meant only one thing; Gethin Rhys was coming. Purple flames began to rise across the titantron before the Welsh Dragon’s name appeared in cursive. The dull blue spotlight effortlessly blended with the 80’s neon to reveal the chiselled human torture device standing atop the stage. There was no flash Rhys; his ring gear was simple enough; black trunks, kickpads, boots and gumshield. The only design being the Welsh flag on the front of his trunks. As the tempo increased, the pinks turned into blood reds and the lingering cheers transformed into a thundering storm of boos and jeers. None of this would matter as Gethin began his deliberately slow and sinister walk to the thing he called home; the squared circle. His eyes were filled with pain and their gaze had not left the cowering young man who stood in the far corner of the ring.

Gethin Rhys was the most dangerous man in AWE; everyone knew it. Other wrestlers were more technically sound true; others were more charismatic but none could turn up the intensity like Gethin, none could make you more scared for a performer than him. He was often named the most violent wrestler on the planet and for good reason. He had been seduced by the glow of violence from an early age. It had enthralled him, it had warped him into what he was today. Some called him a monster. Gethin Rhys was not a monster, he was an artist; a brutal artist and the ring was his canvass. Tonight would be the start of his masterpiece.

He entered the ring as the lights came back up to normal; his eyes had not once left his opponent. Chad 2 Badd was his name or something like that. It didn’t really matter because Gethin was going to eat him alive. As usual, the ref had already placed his hands on Gethin’s chest to stop him from tearing the poor little sods heart out before the bell even rung. A sick smile crossed the Welshman’s face as the referee called for the bell to start the contest.

Chad of course went for the collar and elbow tie up. That wasn’t going to work for the man from Cardiff. In an instant, Gethin had already planted Mr 2 Badd into the ground with an arched yakuza kick straight from the corner to the young lads face. Within a millisecond, he was on top of his opponent, raining down hard open handed strikes to his head and neck. Of course not a single one of these actually connected, Gethin was a professional after all and protecting your partner was part of the craft. He threw a final strike before whispering into Chad’s ear ”Corner spot” Getting to his feet, Gethin shoved his fingers into Chad’s open mouth and grabbed his upper jaw, with a hard yank he began to drag the terrified youngster to the corner before pulling him to his feet. Pulling his hand free, the brutal artist slapped Chad 2 Badd again before leaping and driving a stiff knee into his opponents chin.


The crowds disdain was like ecstasy for Gethin as a wry smile crept upon his lips. As he approached Chad again, the plucky youngster pressed both his hands forward into Gethin’s gut with a double palm strike. Seeing an opportunity, Chad went after his winded foe with a few more hard strikes. The Welsh Dragon burst into a fit of laughter as he motioned for Chad to continue hitting him. With every blow, Rhys began to laugh more and more before finally he switched gears. One, two slap to the face, right leg kick and a spinning left heel kick to the gut and Chad was hunched over. Gethin hooked the legs from beneath his opponent, sending him to a seated position and setting him up for vintage Rhys. The Dragon ran the ropes and sure enough he struck with a devastatingly stiff penalty kick to the chest of 2 Badd. Gethin’s strikes were best in the game, no one could deny that fact. The crowds massive cheers with every successful strike was testament to the fact.

Raising a single finger to his lips, Gethin began to shush the crowd and they did what they were told. They knew what was coming. Grabbing Chad 2 Badd’s left hand, the ruthless ring general pulled him to his feet before tearing the fingers apart with his signature finger snap move. The crack of the bone echoed throughout the arena followed by sudden thump of foreheads as Gethin cracked Chad with a headbutt.


The crowd began again and they were right. All of this was just overkill. Gethin could have finished this with one move but that’s not how the surgeon of this theatre operated. Blood began to seep lightly from beneath Rhys hairline and he grinned again. Chad 2 Badd was out but it wasn’t over. There was one last thing to do. As the blood trickled down his head, Gethin closed let out a sigh of release. He took a knee and wrapped his arm around his opponents neck in a dragon sleeper before modifying it by interlocking his far hand behind his back with the other. This version of the dragon sleeper was known as the Owari Death Clutch and Gethin had said he was going to bring it to the AWE. Chad 2 Badd did not even tap out from the End Waltz, his body was limp and as the bell rang Gethin took a second before releasing him.

”Thanks brother” Gethin whispered before getting to his feet and listening to the announcers confirm his advancement in the AWE tournament and the crowd jeer him with a small patter embracing his brutality.


So after being awake for almost 24 hours I'm getting on a plane and heading down to Florida for the week. I have my lap top but will have limited time to post, so I may not put Kait in the flashback episode.

When current day moves to the next morning I will post for her.

Not a problem! Thanks for letting us know! You enjoy yourself!
I can’t help shake the feeling that Bunny has been working on a broom that can break the soundbarrier, Fly extra atmospheric or both. If not that then a device for world domination

You know, I can absolutely see that!
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