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@BrutalBX & @LovelyComplexBold.
Bold was not often, if ever at all, a word used to describe Bronwyn Van Cise.
Compared to the likes of her compatriots Trixie and Liv; who were absolute bombshells in every sense of the word, Wynn was just there chubby ginger friend with the super popular brother...at least that’s what she was in her own mind.
Yet tonight, she was being just that; Bold.
Theo had forbidden her from attending Christian’s party. Wynn knew that in his own twisted type of Theo way, her big brother was just trying to protect her. Still, when he threatened to lock her in the closet, knowing full well that her claustrophobia is dire, it didn’t always feel like it. She was “sensitive” and “fragile” or at least that’s what their parents liked to label her as and that pissed her off to no end. It was her Junior year, if she couldn’t experience life now what was the point of it all anyway?
Disobeying her parents was not a new thing for Bronwyn but disobeying Theo? That left her feeling terrified. That said and was not going to let life pass her by. She missed a good chunk of her sophomore year being in the hospital and this year was not going to be a repeat of that; not if she could help it. The thrill of it all was probably why she stole one of her brother's more expensive shirts, tied a belt around it and made it into the dress she wore tonight. Showing skin like this wasn’t the norm for her unless she was on the ice. Her nerves were almost shot and she wished to God that she was skating at that moment, at least there she was centred. Entering the party late, doing her best to avoid her brother left Wynn feeling so off balance.
She entered the party through the garden, partly because it was quicker to get from her house to Christians that way but also because in her infinite wisdom Bronwyn thought there was less of a chance for Theo to see her. The music coming from the house was loud and banging and certainly not her bop but in the garden she could hear the soft strums of a guitar in a flamenco style and this she liked; this she could dance or skate to. Wynn wasn’t sure where the sound was coming from but she was following it regardless. She hoped maybe it would lead her to a friendly face that could save her from the crippling anxiety that was eating her from the inside out.
As Rico played another song, Spike was marching his way to the girl coming from the garden. The closer he got, the more nervous he felt. Why was he nervous? He approached girls all the time. What made this time different? Was it because he just opened up his soul to a stranger? Yeah, likely. Regardless! He got this.This was totally fine. He’ll rock it. Replaying El Mariachi’s words in his head, over and over, especially the part of being polite, the mascot tried to figure out ways to go above and beyond with this dove-like girl.
Maybe it was the spanish guitar music that was playing in the background or maybe it was because he was an idiot, whatever it was, Spike came to the decision to break a rose off a bush. Not so gracefully and even “fuck” pricking his finger on a thorn, he tugged at the flower, with a goal in mind, which was to make this girl smile or laugh. If he impresses her, even better! When he finally did have a flower in his hand, with a little stem, he dramatically acted like he knew how to move and groove to this type of music. Prancing his way to her, following the rhythm to the best of his abilities, the blonde boy put the stem in his mouth and even clapped to the beats, as if he had the suave of Enrique Iglesias.
Stopping her in her tracks, he took the flower out of his lips and broke another piece of the stem off because his mouth was on it and he doubted she wanted to touch that part because it was gross. The flower, with hardly any stem left, was then given to the girl as an offering. He held his hands out for her to grab it, even dropping to one knee. For some reason he thought that added a nice touch, but probably looked pretty dumb to any witnesses.
Then came the hard part.
The polite compliment.
He wasn’t clever enough to remember what Tuxedo Mask said a couple days ago when he was handing a bunch of Liberty girls fake roses. There were so many things Spike could say like ‘girl, you’re burning red hot like this rose and I want to open you up’, or maybe a poem like, ‘roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, but tonight you’ll get two’. Those types of lines were getting convoluted with actual nice compliments like ‘you have a pretty smile, I hope that isn’t creepy of me to say’ or ‘do you need company? If not, that’s fine, but still take this rose because you’re cute’. His brain ended up malfunctioning, especially once he saw her face clearly under both the moonlight and garden lights. After a long awkward moment of gawking, with the rose lifted up to her, the first words the Mascot muttered to the pretty girl were, “Beautiful… rose?”
Okay. That’s the best he was doing so shaking his head, snapping out of whatever confusion he was going through, getting back to his hyperactive self, he quickly and speedily added, “...thirsty?”
For Bronwyn, tonight was all about taking chances and doing something that wasn’t expected of her. Damn if she was going to live her life! This boy was cute and he seemed harmless; a fool of a boy based on initial interaction but if the roles were reversed, Wynn doubted she could do any better when approaching someone.
Watching from his perch as Spike probably fucked it all up, Rico switched up his song in aid of his new found friend. If Langley knew his shit, he’d know what he was trying to accomplish
”With auburn hair and tawny eyes
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through...”
She took the rose from the boy and stuck it behind her ear as best she could, brushing back her auburn locks as she did so. "Thank you for this, handsome.” Her eyes scanned once again for her brother but she didn’t see him and she began to breathe a little easier. Wynn returned her attention to her new friend. The look on his somewhat dopey face reminded her of the family dog, Bigby. He was a slobbering great Rottweiler that thought he was a lapdog. Even when he was a nightmare, Bigby had the big eyes and the stupid fucking smile that made you just say Aaawww and so did this kid.
Bronwyn smiled brightly at the blonde boy "Some pretty sweet moves you got there, for a minute I thought you were doing a Kamen Rider pose”. Immediately she regretted opening her mouth. Behind the prim and proper facade, Wynn held a deep love of all things nerd. Her room was littered with comic books, manga and anime. She loved to listen to the Dawn Patrol and Midnight Frequency podcasts on repeat and she always tried to incorporate a little cosplay into her dance outfits. This cute guy was taking the time to talk to her and already she probably had fucked it; great job Van Cise.
Not only did she NOT fuck it up. Spike was stunned at how well she received him, better than most girls, better than Minty, and then when she revealed her interests his jaw dropped. It was all over now. Standing up, now peering down at her instead of looking up, he couldn’t contain his inner geek. Breathing in deeply, he then dramatically shouted, “SAYOKOOooOOooOoooo!!!” In this moment, it was clear that the mascot really didn’t give a fuck about what people thought of him. He did, said, and acted the way he wanted, which made him endearing to a lot of people at his school.
Excited now with this sudden new development, he finally introduced himself, “Spike Langley at your service this evening, if you don’t mind following me, we can get you something nice to drink.” As they walked, he laughed out loud, “Didn’t think someone at Liberty would know something like Kamen Rider. Jeez, that brings me back.”
“My brother had a phase in middle school, I followed suit and just never grew out of it.” She giggled as she followed him. Now she had to decide how honest she wanted to be. Wynn could lie, just in case he knew Theo but that wasn’t being the bold badass bitch she had initially planned on being. She didn’t know this boy from Adam, so at best she had to assume he was from Rosefell. He said his name was Spike; of course it was, a simpler name would not suit such an animated character. "I’m Bronwyn, by the way or you can just call me Wynn, my name is kind of old.”
Conscious of the small girl trailing beside him, he glanced over to see her embarrassed (and nervous?) face, especially the more the party started revealing itself. He smiled when she gave him his name. Bronwyn. Wynn. He’d remember that. Without much thought, Spike offered his hand to see if she would be okay with grabbing it, “If this is too forward, just slap it away. Big parties can be kind of a lot to deal with,” this was a strange interaction for him because he didn’t find his eyes trailing down her body nor did he think any perverted thoughts.
Bronwyn didn’t have to think about it; as soon as the hand was offered she entwined her fingers with his. She began to wonder if she had bitten off more than she could chew. Theo had warned her she wasn’t ready for this but she just had to fight back. "Thank you.”
Somehow, Spike found it in him to push all his bad habits aside to make her feel comfortable and safe. She was very attractive but… the way she held herself and how she smiled, he found himself able to connect with her naturally with no motive beside getting to know her. Maybe it was because she was a dork like him or maybe it’s because she didn’t immediately shut him out. Regardless of the reason, he would accept this rarity and fly with it.
"If it’s ok with you, Spike; when we get a drink can we come back out here? It’s a lot quieter here and inside seems like a lot.”
“Whatever you want.” Spike gleamed as he found an open path for them to walk with minimal squeezing in between people. “Sounds like a perfect night, honestly. Drinks, snacks, flowers, and good conversation.” After this kind of week, he welcomed the calm. A party like this might’ve been too soon for him to go to since most of his memories at parties involved chasing Minty. Plus, since he lived at a trailer park, it was usually calm. Chill. The best kind of vibe. For the most part.
Walking past the pool, unintentionally masking Wyn from the water, Spike added, “So you just got one brother? I’m an only child so the closest to siblings I got are my boys. They’re.... somewhere here.”
"I have an older sister too… The timid girl began as she followed the path Spike had laid out before her. "She’s a bit older actually. She’s training to be a doctor, my family don’t really talk to her though. Drama, you know?” Wynn was unashamed of anything involving her family, or was a Van Cise trait to be able to switch off their emotions when needed; sometimes it came in handy. "My brother though, well he’s a senior and well...he is what he is. Anyway, tell me about these Boys? Are they all as cool as you?”
“Oh Wynn, you don’t even know!” Spike enthusiastically cheered, tightening his hold on her soft hand. Spending the next seconds speedily geeking out about his friends, he chuckled, “Dee, DeShawn. He’s kinda the one that gets us dumbasses straight. He’s someone you want to be tight with because he’ll have your back no matter what. He’s our linebacker! Maybe one day you’ll see him play.” Regardless of the messes Dee may find himself in, that may pull him to the part of him he doesn’t like, he was the best of them all. Spike would follow him, in rain or fire, no matter what.
The thought of a linebacker sent a shiver down Bronwyn’s spine. Theo was a linebacker back when they were at Liberty. Now that they were at Rosefell, she knew that, at least in her brothers mind, there would only be room for one heavy hitter on the Knights team and if Theo had anything to say about it, it would be him. Her heart went out to this DeShawn kid, the way Spike spoke of him, it seemed like he was a good guy. He probably didn’t deserve the torture that her sibling would no doubt inflict upon him. That was just his way.
“There’s my best man, if I ever do get married. Hunter. He got fucking issues and we probably fight more than we laugh. But, at the end of the day, we both can be real with one another, say how we feel, you know? He definitely isn’t for everyone but I know the Hunter no one really knows, so I’ll always make sure he’s heard.” Yeah, Spike and Hunter had a complicated relationship. It escalated when Hunter slept with Minty. Still, bros before hoes and Spike would gladly say he sees the softer side in his friend. The part in Hunter he tried to hide from others, Spike saw it and was going to protect it, even if he had to be a meat shield or a punching bag for the rest of his life.
When they entered the chaos that was inside Christian’s house, with what seemed to be the end of a fight and everyone was wet, Spike pulled Wyn close to him, keeping an eye on his surroundings and making sure there were no touchy people around them. Using his body as a protective wall for the small girl, he continued, this time raising his voice because of the loud music, “There’s also my boy JJ. JayVaugn. Wide receiver. Pretty chill, pretty goofy, definitely a flirt. But without him, I probably would really suck at talking to girls. Like, this is surprising to me! You really don’t seem uncomfortable even though I keep rambling. Maybe his lessons are doing their magic. I can’t give him all the credit though seeing how I got a new guitarist friend, who was playing that sweet music by the garden. One day Rico is going to be famous, let me tell you.”
Bronwyn appreciated the way that Spike was very obviously protecting her. She had been to parties before but normally she was with the girls and most of the time with Theo’s permission because she was with the girls. It was her belief that he thought that people would be attracted to them, so they’d just ignore Wynn and more often than not, he was right. "I like your rambling. Silence is a scary sound.” As the boy mentioned the guitar playing in the garden, her smile began to shine just that little bit brighter. "He did seem really talented!” She called over the loud music just as they reached one of the drinks tables.
She eyed the many different beverages on display and for a moment or two was at a loss. Bronwyn would never describe herself as a big drinker, if anything she was very much a lightweight. However she didn’t want to appear as a novice to her new friend so Wynn let her mind drift slightly to try and think of a drink she knew she could mix and handle. She remembered her mother’s favorite drink, a 7&7 and thought that it might just be perfect. Grabbing a solo cup, she filled it with ice and a very small splash of whiskey before filling it to the brim with 7-Up. There, she wouldn’t look too stupid now would she?
Before she began to speak again, the dancer noted a crushed up book in Spike’s pocket. The little art work she could see was very obviously of a comic book style and her nerd heart began to flutter. ”You’re gonna take me somewhere quiet and tell me all about that doodle boom right?” Her voice was a mix of frenetic energy and nerves. She wanted to know what he was drawing but she also wanted to get out of there before the Franchise saw her.
With the mention of his sketchbook, Spike had almost forgotten he had a backpack on and a rolled up sketchbook in his pant’s pocket. Guess his mind got carried away when he was too excited to approach the girl. Thank god it was dark in here with flashy strobes and glowy shit or his new companion would see his cheeks heating. Fixing himself up a quick screwdriver, he gave her a thumbs up. He was happy she avoided the punch. He had no doubt someone spiked it, to dangerous alcohol poisoning levels. “Uh, yeah, sure… but like, don’t laugh at me, okay?” It was clear that Spike didn’t usually show his art to someone right away and he was a bit shy about it. He knew he was good… better than most people, yet he still had butterflies in his stomach when people asked. With her, he felt like she would like what she saw and not judge him for using his classmates as his material.
"How could I laugh at the coolest guy in the room?” Bronwyn hooked her arm around Spike’s and continued to beam at him like the pure ray of sunshine that she was. "Ok Space Cowboy; let’s carry that weight and let’s head off into the stars” Mustering up all of her courage and nerdiness, Wynn took a deep breath and stepped forward into the unknown with the strange enigma that had become her dance partner for this nights journey.