Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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8 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
10 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
10 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
10 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
10 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

Name: Lucian McKain
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Species(human/??): Was once human, now he's not so sure anymore
History: WIP

Link to rp:https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192863-project-revival/ic
@BunniesOfDoom This is a very interesting idea, I love it!
I have a couple of questions:

  • Is the snatching of human souls similar to ending their lives and having them reborn as demons or do the victims of the demons also willingly give up their bodies to a new demon?
  • How strong are the powers of the Nephilim? Are we talking about regular magic that they have to train or overpowered magic that they aren't able to control due to their physical limitations? Is it the same case for the demons?
  • Are the demons randomly ending lives as they see fit or have they gathered to find the Nephilim together?

  • Is the snatching of human souls similar to ending their lives and having them reborn as demons or do the victims of the demons also willingly give up their bodies to a new demon?
      They willingly give up their bodies. Well, they agree to the deal probably without realizing they're giving their body up as a host, in some cases, to only find themselves bunking up with a demon. However, if it's just to server Lucifer, like in a cult, the soul is ripped completely out and the demon takes complete control. Then the soul is dragged to hell and turned into a demon so they can repeat the cycle. But that's only for the fanatics that just want to serve Lucifer and his demons with every inch of their beings.
  • How strong are the powers of the Nephilim? Are we talking about regular magic that they have to train or overpowered magic that they aren't able to control due to their physical limitations? Is it the same case for the demons?
      It really just depends on the player. All Nephilim have the capability of wielding Heavenly power and the whole point of the Prophets is to teach them to use that power against the demons. Whether the player's Nephilim tapped into that power early is really just up to them but usually it's just small magic to begin with. Maybe something that was originally out of reach of their hand slid into it or they were being lazy and didn't want to get out of bed to turn the fan on only for it to turn itself on. Things like that.

      It's not really the case for the demons, just because the demon possessed have the demon with them. So they kind of have someone who knows the limits and capabilities that the human body can do. So it more comes naturally for them. They want to summon flames into their hand, done. They don't really have to think about it or figure out how or why. It just does and that's because the demon is essentially pulling the strings in that case.
  • Are the demons randomly ending lives as they see fit or have they gathered to find the Nephilim together?
      Again, that's up to the player. Demons are demons and they're evil. They might get bored and go kill a person here or a person there just to entertain themselves and if another demon were to question why, not that they would, they could just say they thought the person was Angel born. If they want to pair up or group up to go hunting, that's perfectly acceptable too. It's however everyone wants to play it.
The Morrigan ignored the madness as Mal made a comment towards Huggin. She could even hear a faint caw of protest from her sweet Raven as he went flying through the tunnels to perform her tasks. She just gave a small huff and a shake of her head, keeping her eyes on the lines below her as she worked. However, when he thanked her, she paused her motions to look at him. She contemplated a moment before giving a small shrug of her shoulders, a small smile crossing her face. “Morrigan,” she said before she peered up at him from under her lashes for a moment before returning back to work, “We are known as The Morrigan but you may call us Morrigan and please, don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you.” the circle was finally coming to a finish when her pace slowed to almost a stop. Like a pulse of her heart, she could feel the call of the land on her soul. Her eyes dulled, her movements having slowed to a snail’s pace. If one were able to peer behind those eyes and see within, they would see a meeting taking place.

The three women stood in a circle, each facing each other. The regal third had her arms crossed over her chest. “We cannot ignore the call. Blood has been spilled.”

“Blood spills every day,” the feathered third said with a scowl. “This is no different. Just because it's a little more blood than we'd like, it's still just a vampire. They probably pissed off another vampire and are learning a serious lesson.”

The motherly third remained silent as she listened to the two bickering.

“We long ago make it a law that this much blood would not be allowed to be spilled in our territory. It is why she calls to us now. Our law is being broken.”

The feathered one threw her arms in the air. “Oh no you don't! I'm already reviving this girl. We'll deal with this later. A vampire can lose that much blood. They aren't going to die. We can figure it out after all this is done. This teleportation ring is going back home and that final.”

The regal thirds looked appalled to have been spoken to like that and she uncrossed her arms, getting ready to yell at the feathered one, but before she could, the motherly third stepped between the two of them and rested a hand on both shoulders.

“Badb,” she said as she looked to the feathered third, “perhaps you should wrangle in your temper and not speak to her like that. You know it gets us nowhere.” And then looked to the regal one, “Macha, a vampire will survive this much blood loss. It's noted and we'll get to the bottom of it, I promise but right now we need to focus on the task at hand. Huggin will be gathering our things and be waiting on us. Once we handle this woman, we can seek out whoever broke our rules and make sure it doesn't happen again, yes?” She looked from one to the other and both thirds sighed and relaxed their aggressive stances.

“Fine,” the feathered third said as the regal one spoke, “Very well.”

“Good,” the mother third said as she pulled her hands off her sister's shoulders and clapped them together. “Let's finish this up.”

Back on the outside, her eyes brightened once more and she gave her head a small shake. She continued her little dance and with one more step, the circle was completed. The circle glowed brightly, flashing for a moment before condensing down to a blinding white sigil on the ground.

“There,” she said as she took one more look at the completed design. She gave it a small sweep of her eyes for any little hiccups but the circle looked perfect. So with a grunt of acceptance, she lowered the corpse on the circle. “Time to go.” She said as she stepped into the circle as well, her cloak bellowing out behind her. The magic from the circle was almost electric as she stepped into it. It caused her skin to tingle. Teleportation magic was no simple spell. The sheer amount of magic in that small circle could power a large home for a month.

Her cloak melted into black liquid that flowed around the circle as she turned to face Mal. “Any time now.”

They had more things to handle. The vampire was obviously being tormented and that was a break of the laws she had set. Even if the vampire wouldn't die, the sheer amount of blood he was losing now, it was torture plain and simple. The only person allowed to torture anyone was her. A small smile crossing her face as she thought of the torment she could put the rulebreaker through. There would be punishment for sure.

As Mal stepped into the circle and her magic began to condense around them to teleport them back to her office, there was a pulse in her chest. Something was happening. Her eyes dulled once more as the black magic began to condense around them. “NOoo-,” was all that could be heard as the magic condensed and the spell began to do it's work. Just before it sent them to its destination, there was another powerful pulse. Fire and screams. In that time between seconds, just as the transportation magic took effect, the body split. Three cries of pain called out as they vanished.

Four bodies came crashing down onto the ground in Morrigan's office. One was the corse that laid in a heap on the ground and another was Mal. The other two were the feathered third and the motherly one. The regal side was missing completely. Both thirds seemed to be in a bad state. The motherly one was on her side away from the group, unmoving and with a trickle of blood coming from her nose. The feathered one was on all fours with an arm around her midsection. Her feathers were flared out in rage and pain as she cursed loudly. She too had a nose blood that flowed down her lips and dripped off her chin. “Damnit, Macha!” She cursed as she tried to crawl towards the circle as if to restart the magic but she didn't get far before her vision wavered and she collapsed to her side. “Damnit,” she groaned.

As for Macha, she did not mean to cause the spell to go awry. The land called for her in that moment so strongly, she had to answer it. She had not meant for it to be just at the moment but the moment the screams began, the land pulled her away.

With a low crack, the regal third appeared directly behind James and the screaming vampire. She was on one knee, her body quaking fiercely as she tried to keep herself up. Her eyes were closed and she reached up with her hand to feel blood coming from her nose. She was so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She knew better than to mess with such a powerful spell. She knew it and yet like a dog pulled on a leash, she allowed the land to rip her away from her sisters as easily as that. Stupid.

She took a slow look around, the sounds of screams entering her ears. The dancing flames flickered along her face as she stared at the back of the man in front of her. Her instincts told her to run but her senses told her this man was human. What could a human hope to do against her? Weakened or not?

She used the back of her hand to wipe her face of blood before trying to stand to her full height, somehow managing it by pulling some strength from the ground below her barefoot. “You have broken my laws,” she said, trying to keep her voice as steady as she could, “Explain yourself mortal."
Felicia still wasn't completely sure why she spent her time at an meager human office, working a meager human job. She wasn't human after all and she could very well just go live her life off the grid and happy with it. After all, werelions, are quite capable of surviving out in the wilderness just fine. However, if Felicia was being completely honest to herself, she was a material girl in a material world. She liked her electronics and food she didn't have to go catch and tv. So, if she wanted to keep those things coming, she has to work for it.

So there she was, standing behind Soul Destroyer as he dropped his coffee. "Oh, that suc-" she began to say when the man dropped to his knees and let out a loud cry into the heavens. Her lips puckered as if she had just sucked on something extremely sour. She narrowed her eyes on the man in front of her. "Just go make some more in the break room, Jesus." She then attempted to wiggle her way into the office. The man was blocking the whole dang doorway.
Welcome one and all! This is where I am going to be planting my little seedlings that will one day grow up to be full on characters that live in their own little roleplays and the like. But for the time being, I'm just going to be making them up. If you see a character that you would like to do a roleplay with, feel free to ask! I will also be putting characters that are currently in use in here too with links to their rps if you want to go read what they're up to.

Soul Destroyer walks into the office with a coffee, he accidentally trips and drops the coffee on the floor. He falls to his knees and throws his fists into the air and screams "No!" in a demonic voice.

If this was supposed to be the post that started it all, you posted it into the OOC thread. You may want to move it over to the IC area.
The Morrgan's gray eyes were locked on the wolf, she had not blinked for even a moment. She followed his every move, his every gesture, hung on his every word. When he moved his eyes to the woman she had just rid herself of, he gave off small hints of distaste. She allowed her eyes a moment to flicker to the girl's corpse on the ground before returning them to the wolf. Did she have to kill the girl? Surely she had not done anything wrong. That wasn't the problem, however.

The problem was that there was this mysterious wolf who now stood before her, showing skills she had never seen before and if a fight were to break out in this tunnel, there would be one side the girl would decide to join if she chose to interfere and that side was not Morrigan's. She did feel a slight ping of guilt as Mal explained himself, saying how he just was not the man he had once been before, almost to the extent of being unsure if he could truly call himself the original then explained he could not do to them what she just did to the girl. It was most likely that he was lying to her but it still made the motherly aspect of herself hold a pang of guilt and sorrow for the lost soul. However, the deed was done and they could not undo it. Not without extensive equipment and circles, which she did not have here in this tunnel.

When he pulled the flask out of his jacket and opened it, The Morrigan took a deep breath. Her magic pulsed for a moment and her senses clung to the smell of the liquor. She released a slow exhale and an image of the very liquor he took a sip from danced behind her gray eyes. Whiskey, aged and sweet. She released a harsh huffed to get the smell out of her nose as she slowly relaxed her stance. No man who was looking to do battle would pull a flask from his jacket and take a sip. Perhaps, she had over reacted to a degree. Oh well. It was a mortal woman. She had, at most, another thirty years left to her life before she would perish. There was no reason to condemn herself for a such a short life getting cut shorter than it was intended. Humans didn't even live to be two hundred.

When Mal addressed Huggin, he tensed his shoulder and flexed his fingers on the gun. His finger was not near the trigger, yet, but he had not exactly turned the gun's safety on either. When he made a comment about how Huggin would run off to find something shiny, the man snarled and his finger twitched every so lightly, begging to be placed on the trigger. ”You dare?!” However, before he could get too upset, The Morrigan wrapped her arms around him and placed a hand on his cheek, a possessive stance to make it very clear that Huggin was her and she would not allow him to be tormented just because this wolf boy had a thing against him. What was that thing, it was anyone's guess. But it was about that time she brought it to an end.

”Let's leave my sweet Huggin be, shall we?” She asked as her eyes flashed black and black feathers quickly grew out of and shrunk back into her skin along her cheeks and jawline before turning each curl into a long, glistening feather then allowing the curls to return back to their original selves. The angry bird third was very much aware and she was not pleased. This was her Huggin, hers, no one else's and she does not like to share her things. It's very obvious at this point, a particular aspect was more dominant than the others, and the feathered third was not too fond of the wolf.

The Morrigan kept her arms tightly around Huggin's shoulders as the man made his way to the dead girl. She watched, almost disinterested until he crouched and rested the girl's hands in her lap. He continued then, questioning where the line was drawn and when the change actually happened. The Morrigan let out a small laugh before muttering a quite from Alice in Wonderland, ”at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then. We've all been there hun. You think ones as old as us have remained the same through all this time?” She shook her head as she rested her chin on Huggin's shoulder, watching the wolf with annoyance. This was becoming tedious. When he gave them the name of the girl, Morrigan threw her arms into the air, much like a preteen in a bout of frustration.

”Who cares? She asked in annoyance. ”I have never seen a wolf so mopey! She was mortal. She had maybe another twenty years left of her life, tops. A human life, for people like us, it's a blink of an eye. You, wolf, Mal thing. How old are you? I bet it's older than her, probably by a few decades, yeah. And guess what, you'll live decades more. Centuries if you play your cards right. She's going to just be a forgotten memory, nothing but a nameless, faceless mortal you passed in your life, just like all the rest.”

The Morrigan released Huggin and stomped over to the girl, resting a foot on her chest and leaning forward. She put her face in front of Mal's and sneered at him. ”This mortal played her part. She should be thankful to have been of use in the service of us. Warriors fall every day and she played her part well. She gave us you.” She was tempted to just crush the girl under heels. Her anger and frustration on the matter was all too evident. However, it wasn't so much Mal that was causing her so much frustration, though he was the target of her words. It was the motherly third. She spoke softly of how life was precious and they were not just the goddess of war but also of fertility and birth. She kept condemning them on taking a life so easily and that there surely was a better route than to just kill the girl out right. It was driving her insane. Maybe if she just burned the body to ash, the discussion would be ended and she could finally move on past it. She threw her hand out and black flames burst on her palm. Her eyes were locked on the girl's body but she couldn't bring herself to burn the corpse. Something kept her hand firmly in place and no matter how much she tried to bring her own will into being, another kept it locked firmly in place.

It was when Mal said he had seen enough pretty things die today that The Morrigan cried out in frustration and extinguished the flames. She threw her head back and released a roar of frustrated annoyance ”Fine! Fine, we'll bring her back. Happy now?” She dropped her head, her fists clenched so tightly that her nails dug into her palms. ”Stupid girl. Stupid Anand. Always worried about stupid mortals. She waved a hand and the black magic condensed under the corpse, rising it off the ground. ”Huggin. Go home and prepare. Reveal the circle, get,” she paused a moment and stared at the woman, as if weighing her, ”a deer along the way. I believe a deer would be equivalent enough in weight. I shall begin the circle here. We can't be carrying a dead body along the streets and I doubt, what was your name again, she said as she looked to Mal before waving her hand in dismissal, ”Nevermind, doesn't matter. I'm sure you can't fly all too well, wolf.”

She began to walk in a circle on the ground, just as she had before when they were on the street, however, these steps were more complex. It was almost as if she danced with her foot placements. Each step causing lines to form and connect to the previous. Huggin watched her for a moment, his mouth open in a slack jaw look of shock, then he turned his eyes on the wolf and sneered. ”You harm even a single feather on her and I will hunt you down, tear you to shreds, and scatter your remains to every corner of the earth.”

The Morrigan let out a laugh without even pausing on her work. ”As if he could even attempt it. Leave Huggin. You have a task to get to.” With that, Huggin turned to his bird form and flew off to find an exist and get to the work he was asked to do. All the while, Morrigan continuing her smooth dance, the circle under her feet growing more and more intricate as the body hovered just over her shoulder, out of the way and safe from the flow of magic that was quickly growing in intensity. ”Such a pain.” She muttered.
The Morrigan is old, some would even say ancient. Tales of the Phantom Queen were passed from one Celt to the other. Children were taught of the three Morrigan and warriors prayed for their guidance just before battle. Many mortals thought of her as a god but in truth, a mortal would think any being that seemed to never die and who used magic to be a god and for a long while, she believed she too was a god. That was until she came toe to toe with Cú Chulainn. The man was a demon and when he practically ripped her apart with Gáe Bulg, she had no choice but to flee.

She left Ireland and found herself traveling the world for a century or two. During those travels, she came across Huggin who decided to join her after his previous master was devoured by Fenrir.

The two of them eventually found themselves in the new world and came to settle into the wilderness. That was, while there was wilderness to be settled into. Humans populated and spread quickly and it did not take long for them to spread their reaches to every inch of the new world and begin cutting down the wilderness. In the beginning, Morrigan and Huggin defended the areas and kept them safe, however, as science advanced and superstition died, they pushed further and further into her territory until Morrigan had no choice but to abandon it all together.

They wandered then. It wasn't until Morrigan got a vision of devastation that she finally took on her “godly purpose” once more. Now, she found herself ungrounded, staring down at the wiggling girl as Huggin tried to keep her under control.

As the wolf dropped down onto the ground below and a sickening Crack sounded from the impact, the feathered third let out a laugh. She landed on the ground next to him, running her hands along her feathers as she holatered her pistol. ”Smooth,” she said as he turned her eyes onto Huggin. However, when the man told Huggin to get off the girl, her brow raised. ”Bird,” she asked in disbelief. No way this wolf was going to be so rude to Huggin, not her Huggin. She went to day something to him but her eyes caught the regal thirds’ gaze and she bit back a sarcastic comment. She just crossed her arms and waited to see what would happen next.

Huggin looked up from the girl for a moment to shoot a snarl at the man. That was a mistake as the girl threw her head up and her forehead caught him right in the side of his nose, causing an instant trickle of blood to flow from his nose and drip from his chin. He let out a surprised yell of pain as he looked back to the girl who renewed her fight at the scent of his blood that was now dripping down on her neck and upper chest area. The regal thirds rested her hand on Huggin's shoulder. He looked up at her and at the sight of her stern look, he released the woman and slowly stood up. She had made a choice to allow the man show what he could do.

When the woman began to gurgle and salt water began to spill from her mouth and nose, the three women turned to face the man in unison. He could invoke water and not only invoke it but spawn it within the depths of this woman's own body. That was quite an ability and the three women stepped close together, preparing to once more merge. This man was no normal wolf. This show of strength proved that all too well. Even Huggin was now stepping up in front of the women as if to be a barrier between them and the wolf.

When the woman took a deep breath and coughed, the Morrigan three looked to her. The magic of the wolf had left her. She was mortal once again. They were not sure how, but he had somehow used that magic to remove the curse from her. in that instance, all three woman reached out for each other and there was a low crackle as they melded once more into one being, the gun tumbling down to the ground as they did so. Her black feathered cloak came to settle around her shoulders. Huggin grabbed the gun almost the instant ot hit the ground. He never once took his eyes off the man as he did so.

When the man introduced himself to them and proclaimed that he was at their service, the woman on the ground began to stir. She slowly began to sit up, coughing a bit in the process. “Where am-” she didn't get a chance to finish her question when Morrigan threw her hand out and her black oily magic flew from her fingertips and encased the woman's head. There was a muffled scream from the woman as she clawed frantically at the orb of black ink. Morrigan clenched her fists and then there was a sickening crunch from within the orb. The woman grew silent and her body went limp. Morrigan still never took her eyes off of the wolf man in front of her. Did she have to kill the girl, probably not but at this moment, there was a possibly dangerous man standing directly in front of her and she wanted absolutely no distractions. So the woman had to go.

“Mal, was it?” she asked as her magic dissipated from the girl. ”Last I checked, werewolves cannot cleanse someone from the wolf curse. What are you?”

She stepped up and placed Huggin behind her, her own magic causing her hair to flutter as if caught in a strong breeze. ”And please, no lying to me. If you lie, I'll have to kill you.”
When The Morrigan came to this city, it was not with intentions of taking it over. She came as the Phantom Queen, intent to return the balance to this place. The creatures that go bump in the night were making it almost impossible for mortals to even live in this area and she had seen the future. If this was to remain, the mortals would eventually gather their senses, pull their heads out of their asses and turn on the mythical beings. This could not be allowed. Humans, though mortal as they were, outnumbered them 100:1. If a war did eventually break out, the world would be plunged into darkness and eventually it would come to its end. So, The Morrigan had come to set the score straight and to bring these foolish mythical beings into cull. It took her five years, five agonizing years to finally get the population of this city to recognize her greatness and accept that they should follow her words, however, by that time, she had all but instilled herself as the ruler of this city. No one dared to go against the Phantom Queen's wishes and so, for the sake of the world as she knew it, Morrigan accepted her fate and claimed her throne.

The Morrigan is a woman made up of many and one of those aspects took her role as ruler and holder of this land very, very seriously. So when she came to rule this land as her own, she left her mark upon in. The land now spoke to her, well, at least to that aspect of her and when multiple aspects were being pulled upon, it made it hard for The Morrigan to remain focused on the form that she took. Now, happened to be that moment for her.

As the man stood to his full height, The Morrigan remained where she was, staring straight ahead at where he was previously. It took her a moment to finally move, almost as if in a trance. Her head cocked to the side as if listening but it wasn't to the man. It was to the land under their feet. It called to her, warned her, spoke to her that trouble was brewing. Huggin peered at her for only a moment before locking his eyes back on the wolf, his feathers fluffing out to make himself look larger as his anger towards the wolf grew.

”The choice is yours O' Queen of the Glass Kingdom.”

That did it. Queen. Yes, she was a queen and now her land needed her to be that queen. Her eyes snapped up to the wolf and she stood suddenly. Huggin wobbled a moment as her form flickered. The black of her eyes dulled and for a moment it seemed like things would settle back to how they were. Then Huggin was thrown off her shoulder as she split. Within moments, The Morrigan was no longer one. Three woman now stood before him. One woman stood regal almost as if she was a queen that stepped out of the pages of an Arthurian storybook. She stood over six feet, her body cloaked in silken robes that flowed to the ground below. Her pale black hair glinting in the sunlight. The middle was not too much different from the original form, height and all, but there were now feathers that framed her face and instead of the crazy curls, she instead had a mass of long, inky black feathers as hair. She had a fierce growl on her face and her arms were crossed over her chest. The final form was of an older woman in casual clothes that seemed to have a gentle, motherly look on her face. The curls were obviously from her as her long black hair sat in a curly mess on top of her head and she stood at an average height, just a few inches short of the wolf man. All had their eyes on different. Huggin eventually settled on the royal woman's shoulder, looking like he belonged there all along.

The taller of the three raised her hand and the ground under their feet rumbled in response. The feathered one grumbled in annoyance as she fumbled to keep her balance. She turned black eyes onto the wolf again, the sneer never once leaving her face. ”Now you did it, didn't ya. Queen, my ass.”

The third woman turned her eyes to the angrier of the three and slowly shook her head. ”You know full well that this is her land. Let her do what she feels she needs to.” Her eyes slowly turned to the wolf and a soft smile crossed her lips. ”Sorry about all this. Honestly, sometimes we really just need to learn to just talk to people. I feel that would probably be better than these theatrics.”

The bird girl turned to the woman with a huff. ”Us- talk to him? He should have come and talked to us! How hard is it to just go, hey we're new here. Nice to meet you. But nooo, we now have to deal with my royalty over there cause someone” she turned her black eyes back on the wolf, ”couldn't bother with manners!”.

”Be silent!” The regal form finally spoke as her eyes turned to the angry one, her voice rumbling with the power of the earth she was summoning. ”Your useless bickering is distracting and if I were to fail because of these distractions, I would be sure to lock you away for a time for your crimes.” The angry feathered one huffed and looked away from the wolf but she didn't say anything more. It was obvious which one had the most power out of the three in this instance and at the moment, she had her full attention on the woman who was now clawing at her own chest. The ground under the woman shifted and seemed to liquefy. The EMT cried out in panic at the sight as his boot was quickly being drawn into the whirlpool of asphalt and dirt. The man scrambled away from the writhing woman, unsure of what his eyes were seeing.

”Huggin, if you would be so kind. We will be relocating her below.”. Huggin took one more nervous look at the wolf man before he hopped off the woman's shoulder and allowed his body to take his human form in midair. He landed on his feet next to the woman and crouched down to grab some of the swirling asphalt. He managed to pull as he drugged some of it up. With a grunt he grabbed a hold of the writhing woman and dumped some of the contents onto her hand. It disappeared under the whirling dirt and the woman cried out as she found that hand now trapped under the ground and struggled as she felt the pull of the earth beginning to pull her down. Huggin then turned to the other hand and did the same thing. At this point, the woman was all but feral, snapping at the air with bloody teeth and trying to free herself as she was slowly pulled into the whirlpool. With a final grunt, Huggin grabbed a large chunk of the shifting asphalt and dumped it onto the woman's midsection. The weight and force from the asphalt cause the woman to grunt out in effort but the battle was lost. She disappeared under the ground, leaving Huggin standing there as the EMT stared at him in astonished horror. Huggin looked to the man, gave a groan before diving into the dirt as well, following the woman below.

The regal woman turned to her other two parts and the wolf. Her face was bare of any strong emotion, though it did seem to hint at frustration with the quirk of her eyebrow and the frown line marked just along the side of her cheek. She snapped and the ground in their circle began to shift just as it had under the girl a moment ago. ”You have a choice to make, wolf. You may come willingly and assist us in handle of this matter. Or you may be forced. Either way, you will find that you will be coming with us.”

At the word forced, the feathered woman smiled and uncrossed her arms, her right hand settling on the gun at her hip. Her black eyes locked once more on the wolf, making it very obvious just how they intended to force him.

The regal form slowly began to sink below the ground. The more casually dressed one peered down at the gun and frowned. She gave a small shake of her head, an apologetic look to the wolf, then began her own descent under the ground as well. That left the wolf and the feathered one alone in the circle, the pull of the earth growing stronger and stronger around them.

”I'll give ya to the count of three.” Her teeth glinted in a vicious grin as she pulled the gun from it's holster.

Below, Huggin had used his body to pin the writhing woman to the ground. They found themselves in some kind of tunnel below, perhaps a piece of the sewer or subway system. The woman screamed out and tried to snap at Huggin who dogged her attacks easily. She paddle-wheeled her feet behind him in an attempt to throw him off, arching her back harshly as the magic of the wolf convulsed through her veins. The regal woman floated down from the roof of the tunnel, quickly followed by her other third. Both woman looked to the poor girl under Huggin. ”Perhaps cleansing the blood from her system would solve the issue. It's going to hurt, though I doubt more than it already is.”

Both landed quietly on the ground and began their approach of the woman. Time to get to business.

The Morrigan

Corvids are very territorial, you see. It's true. Of course, when people think of Crows, they think of murders and the large groups of them that they might see hanging around their homes or businesses, but truly that is only a momentary thing. Crows have their own territories and their own roosts that they return to and they defend them fiercely. It is not unheard of for a crow to kill an intruder in their territory, if they felt the need for it. They can be that territorial but crows are also very, very smart. They know who they might want to keep around and who could be very helpful to them in the long run. That was exactly how The Morrigan ran her city.

The Morrigan found herself lounging sideways in an arm chair, her thighs resting on the armrests and her feet in the air, slowly kicking up and down out of unison. Her black cloak of oily feathers cascaded around her form and flowed down onto the ground. She wore tight leather pants that tucked into shin high boots with a nice, thick heel at the end. A corset of blood red lace was tied tightly around her midriff with no shirt or blouse underneath it, leaving her upper chest and arms bare. Her unruly black hair sat in curls on the top of her head and her gray eyes gazed upon a book that floated just above her midriff. The page turned with a wave of her hand as she read.

She was in her office at the top floor of a 20 floor building. The whole floor was hers, so her office was quite large indeed. One whole wall was a solid piece of glass that gave her an exceptional view of the city beyond. Her desk faced away from that window, an old timely thing made of solid wood. Her desk chair was plushy and comfortable looking with wheels so she could move wherever she felt she needed to. Just before her desk was a resting ares with a love seat and an arm chair, separated from each other by a rather exquisite and expensive looking rug. A small library sat against the wall just beyond the resting areas. Her office was the center of her business and if one were to rip the rug out from under the chairs, they would find a very intricate and detailed circle of power carved directly into the wood below. If someone moved the library to the side, they would discover runes that ran along the wall next to the door, warding it from unwanted entry or leaving. This was her seat of power and she conducted her business in this office. All of her business.

Her reading was interrupted as she felt a vibration in her pocket and the familiar ding of her phone. She gave a small groan and reached into her pants to pull her phone out, tapping the screen once to see what the message was about. The message caused her to sit upright and pay attention. Her other hand snapped into a fist and the book closed. She waved that hand and the book floated off from her, joining the rest of the books in the small library. She kicked her feet off from the side and turned so she was sitting in the chair correctly, her heels making little clicks on the ground as they settled. “Hmm,” she purred as she examined her phone.

The message had a photo in it and was accompanied by one word, “Wolf”. She slowly stood from the chair, her meager five foot four stature making her seem frail or weak to some. She fiddled with her phone, pulling up the contact who sent her the photo. She smiled as she clicked the call button. The man answered on the first ring. “Huginn,” she purred into the phone, “It looks like you found me a plaything.”

“Yes, m'lady. We discovered him last night. Our birds have been following him for awhile. He hasn't shown any signs of being hostile or looking to take over your territory but he is a wolf.” He said the word wolf with enough venom to melt the phone in The Morrigan's hand. Huggin had developed a hated for wolves from a long standing feud he held with another named Fenrir. It was a long story, that one.

“You did wonderful, Huggin, as always.” She threw her free arm to the side and sickly black, oily strands of magic flowed from them to touch a part of the wall next to the door that did not have a small library in front of it. Runes along the wall lit up before a click was heard and the wall moved. It pulled forward a few inches and then processed to slide to the side and disappear into the other wall. Just behind it was a large stock of magical weapons, spell tomes, and what appeared to be a small alchemy area that was full of all kind of different ingredients that anyone could ever need to make potions or poisons. She walked towards the area and gazed at the weapon selection.

“Do we know anything about this wolf?” She asked into the phone as her hand hovered just over a sickly looking dagger that looked at home in the hands of an assassin.

“Negative, m'lady. We have asked around but no one seems to know who he is, or if they do, they are not providing the information.” Morrigan released a low growl at the thought that her contacts might be holding back important information from her. It had been some time since she last paid them a visit to 'renew' their information contract. Perhaps, it was time to pay them a visit again. Especially if Huggin felt they were possibly keeping secrets.

“I see,” she purred before she moved her hand over to the more modern weapons. Her hand fell on a Glock 19 and she picked it up. She released her phone that hovered just where it was without her assistance so that she could have use of both her hands. She ejected the magazine and gazed at the bullets inside. Lead. That won't do. She waved her hand and the magazine floated over to the wall, a different one rising from its place and floating over to her. She snatched it out of the air and examined it. Silver. She gave a small inhale, wolfsbane. Whether the werewolf was actually hindered by the use of wolfsbane was a toss up. Much like how there are humans who are not affected by poison ivy, there are wolves who are not affected by wolfsbane. However, it doesn't hurt to have it in supply, just in case.

She clicked the magazine in place and then grabbed a holster from the wall as well. She attached that to her hip and slipped the gun inside. She grabbed the phone once more and stepped away from the wall, giving her hand another wave. The black, oily magic once more flowed from her fingertips and touched the hidden runes, lightening them up again. The wall moved back into its place and hide away her magical arsenal.

“What is he doing now?” She asked Huggin on the phone. She didn't need to ask if he was watching the wolf. She knew her Huggin. He wouldn't let the wolf out of his sight for even a moment.

“He's- drawing.” He responded with boredom obvious in his voice.

The Morrigan laughed as she walked back to the lounge area of her office. It was a loud, piercing laugh like a crow calling out. The irises of her gray eyes began to expand and enlarge until they engulfed all of her eyes, turning them both inky black. “Drawing,” she said, her voice sounding as if three separate people were speaking at the same time. Her cloak flared out about her and the floor under her rug lit up under her feet. “Drawing,” she laughed again as the magic ignited. Her cloak turned into black ink and swirled around her, the force of the magic causing her unruly hair to rise on her head like she had just dove feet first into a swimming pool. “Interesting,” she purred and for a moment her form flickered, exposing three separate people before returning back to her singular form. The black ink condensed into a ball around her and with a sickening pop, she was gone. The floor's glow died down and soon her office looked just as it had before, not a single magical sign in sight.

A moment later, Huggin hung up his phone as it released loud, ear splitting screeching into his ear. Morrigan always forgets to end the call before her magic interfered with it. Strong magic, like teleportation magic, does not work well with electronics. So he didn't even bother. He just slipped his phone into his pocket just as a dot of light lit up on the ground next to him. Huggin had figured Morrigan would simply teleport right to him, so he chose to be on a roof, high above everyone else so that none would see her arrival. That dot of light quickly began to move about frantically. In its wake, it left glowing lines of runes and incantations. Once the whole design was finished on the floor, the black orb that The Morrigan had disappeared into formed into existence. It swirled like black oil in the air before it began to expand, the black ink shifting into black feathers. As the feathers condensed and became more tangible, Morrigan stepped out from the spell circle. Her strut was confident and she had a manic smile on her face. When all the oily blackness was nothing but feathers, it coalesced into her cloak and settled on her shoulders once more.

She stepped up the edge of the roof and gazed down. Huggin simply pointed to a man that was now standing from the stoop. Morrigan allowed her eyes to lock onto the moving figure. He was tall, handsome, and healthy looking.

“Oh,” she cooed as she bent at the hips, her hands locked behind her back as she did so. “Look at him. I'm sure he could be an alpha somewhere if he wanted to be.” She cocked her head to the side as her black eyes locked on Huggin. They still had not changed back to their original gray selves since before the spell. Huggin flinched ever so slightly under that gaze and it caused Morrigan's smile to go from manic to deranged upon seeing it. “Interesting that no one knows anything about him.” She turned those black eyes back to the wolf, her grin now cutting her face in two. “Let's see what kind of wolf he is, shall we?”

Just as the wolf man came to a stop at the crosswalk, The Morrigan let out a deranged giggle as she moved her hand from behind her back to in front of her. The sickly oil black magic flowed from her palm and she gave her hand a little push. Next thing to happen, a woman at the crosswalk went stumbling into the road as if someone had given her a shove. Huggin watched in silence.

The wolf had taken the bait. He threw himself forward and grabbed the woman. Morrigan's eyes widened in enjoyment as she let out of a small whoop of excitement. She could hear the panic from here, the screeching of the car's tires, the cries of the people, the sick crunch of bone. Her teeth shone in the sunlight as her grin spread. She turned her eyes back onto Huggin for a moment but he couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes.

“Come Huggin, let's go meet our new toy,” and with that she stepped up onto the ledge of the roof before allowed herself to step right off. Her cloak bellowed out about her and slowed her fall until she stopped just before touching the pavement of the sidewalk below. Her heels clicked as she took the first step on the sidewalk, Huggin following her in his crow form. Her hands were back behind her back as she hummed a soft song to herself.

It didn't take them long to get the to crash scene. People parted for them without even realizing their presence. It was as if something in their very nature told them to move to the side and so they did subconsciously. The Morrigan walked a circle around the wolf, her eyes never leaving him as she did so. She continued to hum to herself and in her wake, intricate lines of light were left in the cement. She kicked car parts to the side that might be in her way, and when the circle was complete, she gave a small chuckle and squatted down in front of the wolf with her arms resting on her knees. Huggin came to settle on her shoulder, giving a threatening caw to the wolf.

“Oh, look at you, poor dear. Sweet of you to save that mortal girl though.” The Morrigan said was a remorseful look on her face. The humans continued their business around them, as if the circle had completely removed them from the area and out of their minds. It was as if the wolf man had never been there before. As EMS tended to the woman and the police began to try to piece together what had happened, no one seemed to notice them in their glowing circle. It was as if the circle removed them from reality itself.

She allowed her gaze to move along his form, taking in ever bump, scrap, possible broken bone. The remorseful look was gone in a flash, replaced by the same sick smile she wore when speaking with Huggin on the roof.

“You know, it's polite to introduce yourself when you enter someone else's home.” She reached down to rest a finger under his chin, helping him lift his head off the pavement and to look up at her. “But you are a wolf and they do tend to not have the best manners.”

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