Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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7 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
9 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
9 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
9 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
1 like


A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

all my characters have posted... :) and are awaiting responses....

Your demon boy is hilarious. The knocks and penny killed me.
I'm thinking of bringing in a demon myself.
@BunniesOfDoom I am sorry to say this, but I think I will leave this roleplay. It is not exactly what I was thinking when I showed my interest on the interest check. This is not a complaint about anything, just a matter of it not being a good fit with what I enjoy writing about.

I'm sorry to see you go but it's okay. I understand. Sometimes games just aren't a fit. Thank you for playing for a time though. Good luck finding your next game.
I did. Just editing on sandstorm yo answer it lol. They can choose to ignore it, if they want
This was not a good day. It started bad with a nightmare and spiraled into uncontrolled chaos. Rufus was dead, the angel born that she had discovered had been taken by, all things, another angel born, and the demon had run off. Now Jasmine was sending message after message, arranging an army of knights to sweep the city but first, she needed to handle Rufus.

“Hey Google, call Mark,” a gruff voice was in her ear a moment later.

“Mark here.”

“Mark, I have no time to talk. Rufus is gone. I left his body to be discovered by police. We need to arrange someone to recover him from the city morgue. They should be on the scene in about fifteen minutes. He fell in battle so he deserves all the rights.”


“Bullet to the head.”

Mark was silent for a moment on the other line as he took notes before responding. “Got it. I'll arrange it.” Then the line went dead.

Jasmine sighed quietly as she let Bruno guide her out of the alley way and onto the sidewalk away from the scene. She could hear the people around them and her head throbbed with each step. That battle was a doozy and she really hoped she wouldn't get any kind of visions any time soon. Being stuck in the in-between like that was not something was had ever done and something she really did not care to repeat.

However, she wouldn't be so lucky. She got about ten minutes away from the scene before she felt the weight of the angels pressing down on her shoulders again. Fuck. She cursed herself as her vision flicked out and the scenes flashed behind her eyes. One scene after another. She stood transfixed, holding tightly to Bruno's harness as she got images of the pizzeria flashed by. She saw Kyle, his boss, and Aliana in the back off of the restaurant. She also saw Michael there as well, confronting the demon girl from earlier. How in the world did they manage to get so far away from her in such a short time?

She saw a second person approaching the restaurant and her aura sight told her it was another demon possessed. Michael was going to be out numbered very quickly and she needed to get those two angel born out of that area as quickly as physically possible. Thankfully the vision ended almost as quickly as it started and the angels left her soon after.

“Bruno, to headquarters.” The dog let out a bark of understanding as he led the way to her work. She had google dial a number and it was picked up instantly. “We need a convoy to the Saucy 's pizzeria immediately. We have two demon possessed there, two angel born in trouble, and Michael is facing off about to be out numbered. I don't care how many people you bring. I don't care about secrecy. This is a matter of upmost importance. Get everyone you can and get there NOW” She hung up the phone, following Bruno's lead before she paused a moment, pondering on what she was going to say next. She sighed before having google call Saucy's number.

The phone in the Saucy's office rang. Jasmine hoped they would pick up. This whole thing was a mess. She needed to get to those kids before something bad happened. She especially needed to get to Alaina. Her powers were great but she needed them sealed before she killed someone with them. Pick up, pick up, pick up.
I think Jasmine is about to do a creepy Prophet thing lol. Saucy's is about to get a phone call
Moved into a new dorm today :)

Oh that's exciting!
@BunniesOfDoom If it's not too much trouble could you update the "Character Interactions and Plot developments" post with where everyone is?

Sure can! Give me just a moment.
<Snipped quote by meri>

Thank you! Your creepy little horror scurrying around is quite lovely

Feel free to post. Yall are in a different area now. Yall can post in your own turn order at the moment.
When the shakes started, Lucian looked up at Aneira with a look of concern. She was looking worse for wear with each passing moment. They needed to get this dang bullet out of her side before it really got her.

He bit his lower lip before he focused his eyes back on her side, trying to get a feel for just how quickly he could get this thing out of her and how little pain he could cause her. Despite how much he hated it, he was going to have to hurt her quite a bit to get this thing out but he knew that he could probably do it. It would just take some time and some pressure, two things that would make this incredibly uncomfortable for her.

When she began to wobble, Lucian looked up at her again, his eyes bright with concern. He could tell he was losing her. She was going to go down in three,



He caught her as her knees buckled and she landed against his chest. He gave out a gruff grunt as she put pressure against his newly healed wound but he paid it no mind as he slowly situated as best he could. He laid her on the ground in front of him. It sucks that the poison had gotten this bad for her but it was also fortunate for them. She was unconscious now and she wouldn't feel what he was about to do. He thanked god that she had given him permission before passing out. He would feel really bad about doing this if she hadn't but he would have either way. She needed this damn bullet out, whether she wanted him digging around in there or not.

He slowly stood up, feeling the ache of his body as he did so. He rolled the stiffness out of his shoulders and reached down to gingerly pick her up. She was right. He probably should do this on some kind of tile. No point in staining the area of where they were probably going to be sleeping tonight. He released another grunt as he straightened with her in his arms, shifting her ever so slightly. His body hurt all over and damn, he was so tired.

He carefully carried her into the kitchen, resting her carefully on the counter so he wouldn't have to bend over the whole time. Checking her pulse and making sure she was secure before he began, he started to push on her side right under the bullet. He could feel her body pushing against the bullet, trying to force it out and he worked with that natural reaction, easing it closer and closer to the surface with each push.

After a few minutes of pushing and wiggling, the bullet was close enough to the surface, he was able to reach in, just barely, and grasp it with his fingertips. He carefully pulled it out and tossed it into the sink before he turned to look at Aneira. He felt her pulse once more and checked her vitals before he tore a piece of the bottom pants he had used earlier to stop her bleeding off. He pushed it gently to her side and held it there with firm pressure. In the meantime, still keeping one hand on the pants, he reached over to the sink and tried the facet. He wasn't sure if this apartment had power or water but he might as well try. He let out of a victory cry as the water turned on.

He waited as the old water pumped out of the facet in a nasty brown tint before it started coming out clear and clean. He tucked that free hand under the water and started to rinse the blood from his hand before he switched hands and started to rinse his other hand. When his hands were free of blood, he peeked under the cloth to see if her side had clotted. Sure enough, her side had stopped bleeding and so he took the fabric away and got to work on rinsing that piece of pants clean of blood before using it to wipe her clean of blood. It didn't take long and soon she was nice and clean.

He pulled her shirt down then picked her up. He cradled her against his chest and made his way back to the front room after turning off the facet. He settled back against the wall and left her against his chest as he leaned his head back against the wall. He kept one arm wrapped around her and tucked the other behind his head. One crisis averted.
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