Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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7 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
8 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
9 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
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9 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

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They- they chose her. Agrid sat up in her seat and leaned forward, her blazing eyes locking on Puriel and their little minion for a moment before a large grin split her face in two. She cackled like an old hag as slithered out of the chair and laid down on the ground next to them. The vial appeared out of a puff of shadows and smoke once more. She snatched it out of the air, her grin contorting into a demented smile.

“This is more than just a healing potion, Puriel. It's hellfire, straight from the pits themselves. It'll do more than just heal you, darlin. It'll empower you but I only have the one. So you should be thankful that I'm willing to give it over to you for your service.” She stood swiftly before she uncorked the vial. The room grew dark as if all the light had been sucked into the fire. Once opened, the flame inside began to grow until it licked its fiery tongues outside of its lid. Agrid reached down and grasped a hold of the flames and it consumed her shadows and dark smoke, turning the flames black as night. The cries of the damned called out from the flames and if you were to look close enough, one could even see small faces of souls as they screamed in the fire.

It continued to consume all light in the room and Agrid's dark magic until there was no light left, the black flame being the only thing producing any light in the whole apartment. Agrid ripped her hand out and it sizzled and smoked. She gave it a shake with a hiss before she crouched down in front of Puriel.

“Prepare yourself fallen.”

She then laid the fire down on their back where it crackled and danced for a moment. With a wave of her hand, the fire began to grow, consuming all of Puriel within its grasp. Every part of them was covered in the black fire now and they glowed like a demonic night light. Agrid backpedaled a few steps, still remaining crouched all the while, her eyes locked on Puriel as she watched the flames hungrily. Oh how she wished she could be the one using those dark flames but she had made a deal, and much like the new demon had said, the Devil's in the details.

Eventually the fire faded and Puriel's body was completely healed. Agrid stood and walked over, examining them like someone looking to purchase a new car. She checked the old wound locations before giving a firm nod.

“How do you feel?”
We currently have three active members in the group at the moment. You can post. That's fine. You're also welcome to post as both Michael and Aliana in the same post if you wanted to. Up to you though.

Darkness. Everything was just so dark.


Where am I?

Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Tha-thump.

A twitch of its hand was the first sign that the experiment was a success.

Tha-thump. Twitch. Tha-thump. Twitch.

Everything hurts.

A hand flexed every so slightly, the fingers moving stiffly.

Where am I? Why is it so dark? Why does everything hurt?

There was a hiss as its chest rose with an inhale of breath.

My chest hurts so badly. Why does it hurt so bad?

Another hiss and another breath. Slowly, its eyes fluttered open and the experiment got its first look at the world around it.

Where am I?

Another hiss with another inhale of breath, deeper this time. Clenching of stiff hands and moving of muscles long out of use.

This place, it's odd.

The creation raised a hand up in front of their face, examining it intently. The stitches stood out against their gray skin. There was grime under their fingernails and when they clenched their fist, they found the movement stiff and awkward.

They examined their fist as if they had never seen one before. Then they unclenched it and dropped their arm. Dark steel gray eyes looked around the room, finding themselves in some kind of tank. They reached out and grasped the edge of the tank with one hand, then the other. Slowly, they began to pull themselves up.

Muscles that had not seen use in so longer were slow to move and it took them a time to finally pull themselves up and into a seated position. They looked around the room again, those cold eyes finally settling on their creator just a few steps away.

Who is this man? What am I doing here? Where is here? The creature thought to themselves as they stared blankly at the man just across the way. Slowly they looked back to the tank, as if calculating how to get out of it.

They bent their knees and slowly began to shakily rise to their feet. Their legs wobbled under the weight of their mass but eventually they found enough stability to take a shaky step out of the tank. They took the time to stabilize themselves before they took a second step and left the tank entirely.

They stood there, stark nude and quivering as the muscles in their legs shook from the effort of holding them upright. The creature looked down upon themselves, examining the rest of its body.

Long legs led to a muscular abdomen. A broad chest adorned by supple breast lead to wide shoulders and a long neck. The creature reached up a hand and grasped a hold of its own face. The face was angular, with a strong nose and broad cheekbones.

Who am I?

It reached up with its other hand and found long locks of hair tangled in a jumbled mess on the top of its head. It pulled some of the hair forward so it could get a look at it and found the hair to be dark. It hurt to pull on the hair, however, so it released it with a grunt.

It turned its eyes on its creator again before allowing their hands to drop limply by their side. It opened its mouth as if to say something but only a sickly gurgle escaped its lips.

Perhaps this man knew who they were and where they were. Perhaps he could help the pain go away. The creature took an unstable step towards him, a hand reaching out to grasp at the air in front of them. Another gurgle escaped their lips before its legs gave out and the creature collapsed to the ground in a heap.
Lucian had to move quickly. The older man had started an assault on him much like the other girl, claws glinting on his fingertips now. He ducked, slid, and dove every which way to avoid the man's new weapons as he cursed to himself. What were these people? I had figured there had to be other magical beings out in the world. How else would the research people change them into these monstrosities if they didn't somehow have DNA from the source? But he wasn't sure what exactly these two were, that was until the girl Aneria was fighting went flying into the open front door. He couldn't take the time to see just what was going on Aneira because the one time he took a glance, the old man sliced him across the collar bone and he couldn't risk another wound like that. So he just kept moving, dodging, and slipping just out of the old man's attacks. That was until suddenly a large wolf slammed into the old man and sent him toppling over into the hallway.

Lucian whipped his head around, hoping that the wolf he saw go flying wasn't Aneira and felt a wave of relief when he saw her in her own wolf form, panting and growling just behind him. So they were werewolves. Well, at least now he knew what they were fighting. Within in instant, he activated his own transformation and he felt the familiar burn as the angelic runic language slid along his arms and chest. The blue markings settled down into his flesh and his wings burst from his back, spreading out wide behind him. He could feel his hair elongating as his shift finished and he rolled his shoulders as he prepared.

The two in the hallway slowly stood up from the ground, the older gentlemen locking his eyes on Lucian and the wolf snarling as she bared her teeth at Aneira.

“Look,” Lucian said with a sneer, “We didn't have to do this. We don't want to fight. We just want to be free and safe. You don't want us here, fine, but if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get.” He flared his wings out in an aggressive posture as the old man crouched down into an attack stance. Then he was moving, just as fast as before. It was as if he didn't suffer any kind of damage from a giant wolf barreling into him and forcing him out of the apartment.

Lucian let out a cry of rage before he ran up and met the man. He grabbed a hold of the man's hands and they stood off against each other, pressing firmly on each other and twisting this way and that to try and get a upper hand on the other. The wolf man, in an attempt to catch Lucian off guard, released one of Lucian's hands and went for a wing, however Lucian took this chance to twist his body, slamming his hip into the man's own, twist his arm over his shoulder, and bend down fiercely. The man came hurling over Lucian's shoulder and slammed hard into the ground, the air leaving his lungs in a loud “oomf”. Lucian twisted the arm he had, bringing his knee down hard on the man's chest to keep him disorientated and tried to get him in a hold to lock him down. However, the arm he had a grip on slimmed down and Lucian could feel fur growing out from under his grip.

He cursed loudly as he jumped back from the old man as he began to shift into a large white werewolf. This was quickly getting out of hand. “Fuck this, man.” He muttered to himself, unsure of how he was going to help Aneira face off against two werewolves. He didn't have claws. He didn't have fangs. All he had was superior strength and wings.
Jasmine felt something settle down on her shoulders like a coat. It sat heavy on her for a moment before it seemed to sink into her very being and vanished. When the man told her that what he had done wasn't just another tool, she looked around herself and with help from the new gift Charon had given her, she could almost make out the world around her. She could see the flow of the energy as it curved around people, buildings, and objects. She could almost make out the outlines of items and buildings around her as the energy curved around their corners. It wasn't that she was seeing the buildings, it was almost like when something was just below the surface of murky water and so caused the flow of the water to warp and ripple around the item, even if it didn't full break the surface.

She sat there on her knees for a moment, her mouth open in awe at the new sight. She wasn't sure what to think about this gift that he had given her. What did it mean for her in the long run? Would this sight only grow stronger as she used it or would this gift only last for so long.

She looked down at Bruno, watching the energy ebb and flow around him. She reached out to glide her hands through the flowing energy that flowed around him but she felt nothing, even though the energy flowed around her fingers. She looked up at Charon as he stood beside her. Her eyes widened at the sight of him and the way the energy reacted with him. Unlike with Bruno and the other things around her, the energy around him was halted and cracking, like it was on the verge of shattering if she looked at it too long. She got a sense that his energy was different than everyone else around her and as she peered up into his face, she felt as if she was looking into the face of someone impossibly old, an immortal who had walked this world before the towering city around her was even conceived. Once again she found herself question, who was this man that stood before her now?

She slowly stood up, unsure of how to proceed. She eventually turned to face him. Her eyes locked onto his face and she took a moment before she bowed her head in thanks. “Thank you,” she said quietly. When he told her that if she were to ever need him, she would know where to find him, she felt it as true. She felt as if this gift he had bestowed upon her gave them a connect of some type. She could sense him, just slightly, like a dull feeling pointing her in the right direction. She slowly nodded. “Yes,” she said quietly, “I think I do know where to find you if I need you.”

There was a buzzing in her pocket and she absentmindedly reached in and grabbed it. She slid her fingers along its screen in a perfected gesture and the ear bud in her ear read out the message to her. “Angel borns have been secured. We are on the way to gather you now and to head back to headquarters.” She let out a deep sigh of relief at the thought of the angel born finally coming under their protection. She turned back to Charon, a calm and thankful look on her face. “Again, thank you. My men will be arriving soon to pick me up. If you want, you are welcome to come join us. We are going to the headquarters for the knights. The angel born are safe in our custody now.”

It was only a few moments more before a van came around the corner and came to a halt at the curb. The side opened and a few knights sat there, watching her and Charon. One stepped out of the van and lightly grabbed her arm to guide her safely to the van. She slowly turned from Charon and faced the van, following the knight's lead as she walked into the open door. Hands guided her to a safe place to sit and her eyes swept over the angel born secured peacefully in the back of the van. The knights kept the door open a moment more as Jasmine called out to Charon. “You are welcome to come.” Eventually, whether Charon accepted the offer or not, the door to the van was closed and they made their way back to headquarters. Bruno settled on the floor on her feet, letting out a long huff as he did so.

Jasmine busied herself by turning to face Aliana. They needed to help get her powers under control and if they could handle it before she woke from the medicine they had given her, all the better. Jasmine turned completely around in her seat and reached back so she could touch Aliana's forehead. “Seraphina Malachi,” she muttered quietly as she slowly drew a small symbol on her forehead, “May this sigil bring you peace and my God in heaven bless you with the means to control these great gifts you have.” She enclosed the symbol in a circle, muttering a few words in Latin before the sigil she drew became visible and lit up brightly. After a moment, it dulled then vanished. That should help keep her powers bound long enough for her to gain control of them. She sighed quietly before she turned back around and settled into her seat with a groan.

She still had a strong headache and she was so darn tired but they finally got everything under control for the time being. She took the time to use her new vision to see how the energy flowed around her people, looking from one person to the other. She wasn't sure how she was going to be able to use these new powers that Charon blessed her with but she was determined to figure it out and quickly. She pondered this as the van continued its way to the headquarters.
@Meri" Demon shit, she replied sagely. Your problem."

Love it
I don't mean it as an insult. I apologize if it came off that way. I just mean I could use a simpler rp to just randomly post in. My other stuff tends to be long, some of it pages. This will be a nice little break from time to time to just rp and have fun.
I'll have a post up today yall
"I am the wind.
Naawa Jamt

Race: Wolf shapeshifter
Profession: Assassin
Age: 25

I dance upon its graceful curves,
and with its guidance,

When it comes to Naawa's personality, there are two sides to her coin.
One moment she's the happiest person you have ever met,
quick to help and a bright light when she enters the room,
but the next her hood can come on and the wolf comes out.
The moment her hood comes on and her wolf form is adorned,
she is silent and very controlled.

You'll figure that out in the therapy group sessions

you shall never hear me coming."
You know, I could use a really simple rp that doesn't take much brain work. Let me figure out a character.
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