Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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7 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
9 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
9 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
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9 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

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When the girl stepped up into Aneira's face, Lucian got incredibly defensive and stepped up to rest a hand on her shoulder. He leaned forward so his face was in the face of the girl. “How about you back up there?” He didn't like these people so much. The girl seemed annoying but the older man was obviously the one in charge and he sent Lucian's instincts into code red. There was something about the tautness of his muscles, the way his eyes watched them like he was looking down a prey animal instead of two people he didn't know. He especially didn't like how long the man's eyes lingered on Aneira.

Lucian slowly stepped up in front of Aneira, his arms crossing in front of his chest as he put himself as a barrier between them. His green eyes scanned the two in front of them, his body almost as tight and ready to move as the older man in front of him. “Look, like Aneira said, we just need a place to lie low for a bit. We won't be long. We just need a safe place to-” before he could finish his sentence, the older gentleman moved. He was hellishly quick and he grabbed out at Lucian with a outstretched hand, going right for Lucian's throat. Lucian jumped back, almost tripping over Aneria in his attempt to get out of range of the older man. The younger girl ducked under Lucian and dove right for Aneria.

“What the fuc-” Lucian cursed as he reached down to try and grab a hold of the girl as she tried to slip past him to go for Aneria. As he directed his attention to the girl, the older man reached out again and grabbed a hold of Lucian's arm and wrenching him back and out of range of the woman. Suddenly, Lucian was moving and fast. The older man was much stronger than he was expecting but before he could even really register what was happening, the man had spun Lucian around and slammed him hard into the wall right next to the door. He used the arm he had a hold of and cranked it behind Lucian's back, causing the angel man to release a loud cry of pain as his face smashed into the wall. There was a harsh burning along his lip and he knew that it was probably split from the hit. Damnit, this man was strong.

Things turned into chaos within a moment as Pipper, the border collie, came barreling into the area and dove at the man. She grabbed a hold of his arm and began to thrash her head about harshly as the man released a curse and let go of Lucian so he could get the dog off his arm. Lucian took the chance to push off the wall and use that momentum to get out or range of the older gentleman. He reached up and dragged the back of his hand along his lip, looking down for only a moment to verify that it was indeed bleeding. The man ripped Pipper off his arm and threw the dog to the side. She slid on the ground for a moment before she lowered her head and barred her teeth at the old man. “What the fuck man. Normally people talk shit out before they attack.” He raised his fist and got into a defensive stance, ready for if the man came for him again.

All the while, the woman had gone after Aneria. There was a broad grin on her face and her eyes shown golden as she kept her body low. There were vicious looking claws on the end of her fingers and she brought them up in a vicious swipe when she got in range. She kept the attacks coming, one swipe after another. Left hand, right hand, up, right, left. One swipe after the other. She even let out a laugh like she was enjoying herself as she kept the barrage of attacks up. “You're in our territory, pup! Time to leave,” she called out with a laugh before she launched herself at Aneria in an attempt to grapple her and pin her to the ground.
Footsteps echoed through the halls as a lieutenant of the Sankotho guard ran through the halls. His breath was coming in quick and sharp and he had a scroll in his hands. It was bad news all around and the governor had to know what had happened just the night before. He came to a stop just outside the governor's door and gave it a swift knock. There was a rustling inside until the door was opened by an older portly man. He had a long powdered wig on and the elegant frilly fashion of nobility. A sword clanged at his hip, a mark of his status in the Republic of Sankotho. He looked at the lieutenant with a frown before he stepped to the side, a silent gesture for the man to enter his office.

The lieutenant gave a swift nod before he quickly stepped into the office, brandishing the scroll to the governor as he did so. “Sir, there was an attack on the town of port Proya two nights ago. I'm afraid to say it's grim news.” The governor's frown deepened on his face as he snatched the scroll from the lieutenant and stepped over to his desk to take a seat.

He used a letter opener and broke the seal that marked it was official military information before he unrolled the scroll and began reading it quickly. His frown only deepened as he read more and more, a scowl bringing his brow down and his eyebrows together. “This was two nights ago?” He asked. The lieutenant nodded grimly.

“Yes sir,” he said, tucking his hands behind his back in a parade rest as he continued to deliver the news. “Everyone in the port was killed, all except for the children. They were taken.”

“I can read.” The governor bellowed angrily at the man before he rolled the scroll up and slammed it on his desk. Those damn vampires have been terrorizing the Sankotho area for a month now but they never took prisoners like this before. He paused a moment as he stroked his chin, pondering on what could be done. Once the attack happened, a ship was sent out to track the vampire's ship and had been on their tail for the last two days. They only waited on the word to attack and retrieve the children. Some would say it wasn't a hard choice but vampires could be pesky things. They didn't like sunlight but fights with vampires usually took place below deck during the day. It was not uncommon for the vampires to clear their ships of intruders, wait for the sun to set, then counter attack and sink the navy ships. It really came down to if the governor wanted to risk his ships and men for a bunch of kids that may or may not be alive.

The lieutenant waited impatiently at the foot of his desk, still in parade rest. He was ready to go give the word and hoped beyond hope that the word was to retrieve the children and slaughter all those vile demons while they slept but everyone knew how much of a risk it was to attack vampires, especially vampires that had just fed recently. Eventually the governor sat forward and pulled a piece of paper from one of the drawers in his desk. He pulled his quill from a bottle of ink sitting just to the side of him and began writing.

“I'm giving the orders to retrieve the children and burn the ship and all those hellions in it.” He signed the note, slipped it into an envelope before he stamped it with his own wax seal. He held it out for the other man to take, giving it a shake when he felt the man wasn't taking it fast enough. “Get those children back and make sure those demons are returned to hell.”

“Sir!” The lieutenant said with a salute before he took the note and ran from the office to deliver the news. The governor sat back in his chair and stroked his chin again. He hoped he didn't just sentence a whole crew to their deaths and he hoped beyond hope that those kids were still alive.

Ayita sat in the corner of the room, chained to the other children as she swayed from side to side with the sway of the ship. Most of the crying had come to a stop the day before after the children had been in the hands of the vampires for awhile. There was no talking, only a slight sniffle every now and then from one or two children who were still refusing to let the tears end. Much like Ayita, most of the other children just sat quietly and stared off into the distance as if they were dreaming of being somewhere else, anywhere else. A few of the children had been grabbed and dragged out of the room the night before and they knew that it was only a matter of time before it was their turn before a vampire grabbed them and took them off to their death. She only hoped that when it came to her turn, it was over quickly and she wasn't left suffering at the hands of the vampires as they fed on her. She could still hear the cries of the children they had dragged off. It echoed in her head like background music she couldn't bring to an end.

It was only when the door opened to expose the harsh moonlight did the children stir from their daze. A vampire stepped into the room. He was lean and pale, his blood red eyes scanning the children quickly. His pointed ears protruded from the side of his head and his pointed nose twitched as if he was sniffing the air for a scent. Eventually those dark red eyes settled on someone and Ayita's heart stopped when her milk chocolate orbs locked on those deep crimson ones. He smiled, teeth of vicious sharpness glinting in the light as he reached out to grab her. His long bony fingers coiled around the chains on her wrist and she cried out, trying to pull as far from him as she could. Her attempts were futile, of course, as the vampire unlocked her chains and grabbed harshly at her wrist. She called out in pain as she felt the bones in her wrist give a harsh snap before the vampire ripped her off the ground and threw her over his shoulder in one swift move. She kicked and punched. She bit and clawed but no matter what she did, no matter how much she screamed, she couldn't get free from his grip. He strolled casually as if he wasn't holding onto a squirming child and made his way towards the captain's quarters.

Ayita could hear more screaming from the room she came from as another vampire snatched another child, a boy this time, and carried him off into the dark below deck. She wasn't sure why she was being carried to a different area of the ship but it didn't make a difference to her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she screamed and screamed, trying everything she could think of to get the man to release her. He just continued walking, he even began to whistle as if he was simply taking a stroll through the park.

They eventually approached the door to the captain's quarters and the vampire opened them to expose a lavish area with a large bed to one side, a huge wooden desk in the center, and a bay window area that showed the sea outside of the ship. A dark silhouette of a man sat in a plush chair just behind the desk and because of the bright moonlight from outside the window, Ayita couldn't get a good look at his facial features. He sat leaning back, his legs spread wide and his head resting against the back of his hand with his elbow pressed on the chair's armrest. She could see the glint of his red eyes before the vampire who had her unceremoniously dropped her onto the bed.

“As ordered Captain.” the man said before he took a turn and left the room, closing the door behind him. Ayita's breath came in harsh gasps as the man stood from the chair. His form was unnaturally slender and he stood taller than any mortal man she had ever seen. His arms were far longer than they should have been, extending to almost his knees, and his shoulders were broad and pointed. She could see sharp claws at the end of his long, bony fingers and when he spoke, his voice was coarse and quiet like he had been smoking every day of his life.

“Do not fear, child. I have chosen you. You, out of all the rest.” He stepped forward and Ayita finally got a look at his face. It was horrid. He had a pointed nose like a bat, his nostrils flaring with each breath he took. His mouth was too large for his face and his teeth were sharp and plentiful, like a shark's. His eyes were black except for the blood red irises that bore into her very soul. His ears, much like the other vampires, were pointed and extended too far from the sides of his head. His skin was a sickly gray color and looked slack like it was just a suit he was wearing instead of his actual skin. When he reached out for her, she could smell something horrid from his hand, like rotted blood.

She screamed and scrambled to the other side of the bed, trying to get away from him but before she could even put her feet on the ground on the other side, the vampire was there before her, his teeth glinting in the moonlight in a vicious, hungry smile.

“You should be grateful child. I chose you.” Before she even knew he had moved, his fingers were coiled tightly around her neck and he was easily lifting her off the bed by that grip. She squirmed, her voice cut off from the tight grip he had her on throat. She was finding it difficult to get air through that grip and she gasped harshly, clawing at his arm to make him let go. Her nails scrapped along old, saggy skin that peeled away from him like slouchy muck. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled for her life.

He used his thumb to push against her jaw and forced her head to tilt to the side. Her neck was exposed to him now and she could feel the hunger radiate off him in waves. His mouth opened and his jaw lowered like a serpent unhinging its jaw to consume something much larger than itself. Two long, sickening fangs extended from his gums and with a hiss of hunger, he dug those fangs into her neck. She screamed out in agony as fire began to burn there before is spread along her body, coursing through her viens with each beat of her heart. She could hear the sickening slurp as he fed from her and her body convulsed under his grip. Her hands dropped from his arm and she fell limp, her body twitching harshly.

The world around began to darken, the tears eventually coming to a stop as she felt her heart begin to slow. Despite the heat that was burning her innards, she felt cold, so very cold. Her hands and feet grew numb and soon that numbness extended to every part of her except for where his fangs were embedded into her neck. There it still burned like hellfire. Was this what it was like to die? Everything was just so cold. The world grew black and even the fiery touch of the vampire faded away into nothing.

The next day, the Navy ship boarded and attacked the vampires. Ayita sat on the bed in the captain's quarters, staring out of the bay window at the sunlight that danced along the waves. She was naked and the two holes from the vampire's bite the previous night were gone. Her long black curls flowed around her head in a bundled mess. Her dark skin was sickly pale and her eyes were dull as they stared out at the sea. She didn't move when the sounds of violence began. She could hear the cries of battle below as the navy seamen began to fight the vampires. She could hear the breaking of the wood deck as men used pry boards to rip the deck open and expose the vampires below to the sunlight. She could even hear the familiar voice of the captain as he engaged in the battle below. None of it broke her gaze from the sea. She simply sat there and stared ahead as if nothing in the world could pull her from her daze.

Eventually the sounds of battle died down and the doors to the captain's quarters were busted open. Navy men ran into the room and began searching for anything that might be of a threat, one running up to examine Ayita but even then, she did not look away from the sea.

“God,” the man said as he grabbed the sheets from the bed and wrapped them around her. “She's just a child.” He picked her up, peering down at her in concern before he turned and carried her through the threshold of the captain's quarters.

Ayita's heels clicked on the wood of the deck as she stepped out into the sunlight, raising a hand to block out the majority of its brightness as she allowed her eyes to adjust. It had been almost twenty years since the day the Navy pulled her from that vampire ship. Her long black curls were done up in braids and dreads to keep them out of her face. She wore a long coat with a multitude of buttons along the front. Pants were tucked into thick leather boots and she had multiple belts around her waist, each with its own sword latched to it. She had long decorative earrings that tinkled lightly as she walked and had many necklaces and chokers around her neck. She had a scar that branched up from her eyebrow along with a few other scars and small pockmarks from battles in her past.

Her brown eyes gazed out at the sea and she took a deep breath before letting it out loudly in a happy sigh. “Another wonderful day to hunt vampires and seek treasure.” She said as she made her way to the quarter deck. They were docked at the Tenio Isles, where the drinks were pleasant and the weather even more so, a small group of islands in the Imbala Sea just off the shores of the Xaegosti republic. They were having a nice little vacation and spending their won rewards from their previous vampire hunt just the week before but it was time to get things going. Gold doesn't last forever.

“Rise and shine boys!” Ayita called out as she walked over to the main mast, giving the bell that hung there a mighty ring. “It's time to get a move on.” She kept ringing the bell until she saw some movement of her crew as they crawled their way out of the bowels of the ship. “I hear there's a vampire ship just a week's sail from here! If we move fast enough, we might even get to loot them before the Navy shows up! Come on, get a move on!” She finally stopped ringing the bell as more and more of the crew showed their faces.

She stepped up on the quarter deck and leaned against the wheel as she watched her groggy crew members stretch and wake up. It was time to get moving and get some treasure.
When Jasmine approached the man, she felt a shift in the world and for a moment, she paused. The world grew slower, quieter and she took a moment to peer around herself. It felt like she had just stepped into the eye of a hurricane. It was calm and it made her nervous. Her eyes locked once more on the prophet in front of her, questioning her own intentions now. What had she just gotten herself into? Was it possible for prophets to be this powerful? Who was this man?

When he asked if she had been running on fumes, Jasmine felt her breath hitch for just a moment. She shouldn't be surprised that a prophet would have knowing insight into her, she had just not expected the man to turn his insight onto her and ask about her. Jasmine had always been the runner, the planner, the one in charge. If things were happening, people always turned to her to ask 'what next' but no one ever turned to her and asked her 'are you alright'. She- she wasn't expecting that. Not in the least. It took her aback a moment as she tightened her grip on Bruno's harness and straightened more. When he told her that she didn't need to keep pushing, she gave a small shake of her head. What did this man know? Of course her knights were in motion and things were moving in the proper direction but there were so many things that could easily spiral out of control. What would happen if Michael scared Aliana too much? What if her powers grew too much again and she lost control. She had lost one knight already. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she lost a knight and two angel born. Her whole body was tense just thinking about it. Her anxiety pulsed from her live waves of heat and she almost felt the need to pace in front of the man. She felt a lecture coming on. Who was this man? Who was he?

"You don't seem to understand. There is still so much that needs to be handled. There is a child in crisis in that building and if she loses control for even a moment, this whole mess will implode on itself. It doesn't matter how many knights are on their way there if they're not fast enough. We need to bring this crisis to an end as quickly as physically possible." She practically twitched with the need to pace, to move, to do something, anything! She knew that if she settled for even a moment- if she settled for a moment, it will all collapse down on top of her like a tidal wave that has been hanging over her head for years. It was as if the sword of Damocles hovered just over her shoulder and if she had a misstep for even an inch it would take her head clean off.

When the man offered her a moment to speak, she shook her head fiercely and took a turn to leave the area. This wasn't what she needed. What she needed right now was to climb into that escort with her knights and go retrieve the two angel born but Bruno, who usually was very diligent in keeping up with her, didn't move along with her and she fumbled over him and tripped up. She fell down to her knees next to Bruno with a surprised yelp, her now scrapped palms pressed hard into the cement below. Her jaw was clenched so tight, she was afraid her teeth my crack from the pressure of them but eventually, her hands curled into fists and she sat back on her heels as tears welled up in her eyes.

"How many?" She asked as she allowed her head to fall back and her eyes to close, a tear now slowly sliding down the side of her cheek as her face pointed to the heavens above like she was asking God himself for the answer. "How many people have to die before this mess is over with? How many good, good men like Rufus have to get their brains plastered on the sidewalk before we can finally end this?" She opened her eyes and they were bloodshot, tears now freely falling down her cheeks and dripping off her chin to land on her jacket below.

She sighed and rubbed at her face fiercely as if she could scrub away the shame of her guilt. “If I keep running,” she started again as Bruno walked up to her, giving a small whine and nuzzling her hand to give her some kind of comfort. “If I keep running, then it never catches up to me. All the funerals, the families, the lost children. If I keep moving then I don't have time to think about it or to question what I could have done better.” She reached out and grabbed a hold of Bruno like he was a life raft in the middle of a raging sea. “I always wonder what I could have done better.” She sighed as she gave him a good scratch behind the ear, falling silent once again and rubbing the tears away from her cheek. It was improper to cry in public, especially her.
Well right now, it seems we are the only ones who are active in the rp. So I think we may have to give them a day or two before we figure out how to handle this rp, unfortunately.
Alright, let's get down to it. I'm an advanced roleplayer who's found herself limited. My group rp has slowed to a crawl and one of my partners has disappeared. So now I'm in need of a partner or two to add to my list of projects to keep these creative juices flowing.

A little about me:
I daydream a lot and it tends to assist in my writing, especially if something really interesting is going on in the rp. I tend to post quickly. If I'm really into the plot at the time, you can expect multiple replies from me in a day.

I'm not too picky about my partner but I do ask for a few paragraphs to help move things along. I can probably work with just a few lines but it's so much easier if there's more to work with. I'm also a knock and look to open the door kind of rper. I don't godmod or powerplay at all unless is preplanned ahead of time and I have permission to just go ham.

I like exciting plots more than slice of life but I can do pretty much anything. I've rped pretty much any plot you can think of. I also can roleplay both male and female part, doesn't matter to me personally.

Genres I'm most interested in:
High magic
Dark fantasy

I'm 30+ and don't mind the darker side of story telling. Conflict just makes a more interesting plot. I don't do smut though. Once things start getting heated, I do a time skip. It's not my thing, sorry yall. I like character building and world exploration. I'll bring as many characters as we need to get things moving. I play both good and bad characters as well. I've got no problem with either.

So tell me whatcha think and hit me up if you're interested. If you need examples of my writing you can find it below.

1. Goddess meets a wolf man
2. Mutated humans fight for their survival and freedom together
3. Heaven and Hell fight for control of the earth
4. Frankenstein, pretty much
5. Friends find themselves caught in the arrival of eldrich horrors from beyond the veil
6. (the one currently on hold) Vampire pirates
Dr. Acula hasn't logged in for like 20 days by now. Sandstorm is ticking close to 10 at this point.
We may be a bit out of luck as of late. We'll see if we get some replies soon or we may have to do some new recruiting and refill the roster. It's the risk you take with big group rps.
Lucian watched Aneira as he took his time eating the curry and rice. He was still trying to think of a way to get in touch with Jessie without causing her too much distress, or himself really. He figures that the stress from it all was really just coming from his anxiety. How would he feel if someone he cared for suddenly disappeared, to only reappear years later, calling out of the blue and asking for help? He wouldn't trust it, that's for sure. Those stupid people kept them locked away for four plus years with no contact with the outside world. Hell, for all he knew, Jessie wasn't even alive anymore. The anxiety ate at him and tightened his stomach. To try and fight it off, he stuffed a large piece of rice into his mouth and chewed fiercely, trying to focus on the intense flavors of the curry. It only helped somewhat, surely didn't squelch the anxiety completely like he hoped it would. So he just kept shoveling food into his mouth, only slowing a moment to answer her question about the puppy.

"I guess we can name him. Echo sounds like a good name, but does that mean we plan to keep them with us? Are you sure it's a good idea? You know, we're kind of on the run. What happens if we have to up and fly off somewhere? How are we going to carry two squirming dogs with us with me carrying you?" He shoved the last bit of rice in his mouth before wiping his hands on his pants clean of any crumbs or mess from the curry. He didn't mind the pups right now but if they had to run, he couldn't imagine they could end up taking them with them. He could just see it now, carrying Aneira under one arm, a pup in her arms and another pup under his other arm. He frowned at the prospect of it. They could backpack train the dogs. Maybe get them to jump into a backpack and stay in there. At least the puppy, anyways. That would free up his arms to properly hold her and she could hold onto Pipper. He wasn't so sure he could wear a backpack while flying. He might have to just see how that would work out. He groaned lightly at the thought of it. The pups could turn into a pain down the road.

He closed the containers again and stacked them on top of each other on the counter before he cleaned his hands in the sink. He watched Aneira interact with the dogs and sighed quietly. He would try his hardest to find a way for her to have her little pack with her as long as they could. She needed something outside of that prison and she found it in these little canines. So he figured he could at least try and devise a way to keep them around her. They seemed to really be bonded to her already after such a short time. They followed her all the way here, after all. He rubbed the back of his head with a small smile on his face, watching her with the puppy. He had to admit, the pup was cute. So small and excitable. He really could make a goo-

His thoughts were cut short as he heard a knock on the door of the apartment. His heart froze for a moment as his eyes locked on the door. He looked to Aneira, raising a finger to his lips before he quietly stepped up the door and peered through the eyehole. There was an elderly gentleman and a young woman just on the other side of the door. They were standing stiffly there, just waiting. He slowly slide away from the eyehole, moving to crouch by Aneira and the dogs. "Two people. An older man and a woman. They aren't saying anything and seem to be very intense." He looked around the room, checking the area for an exits that they could take quickly. He clenched and unclenched his fists as he tried to think of what to do, being sure to slip the phone into his pants' pocket for safe keeping. Before he could come up with an exit strategy, there came a much harsher and fiercer knock on the door then the older gentleman yelling through it.

"We know you're in there. We also know that you don't own this apartment. Open up the door or we'll open it up for you." His words were a stern warning and it caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. Something didn't seem right about this man and the way he spoke. If they thought they were just squatters, why were they the only ones out there? Shouldn't they have come with police? Something wasn't lining up right in this situation.

Lucian looked to Aneira for a moment before he stood to his full height, rolled his shoulders, stretched his neck, then walked up to the door. He grabbed a hold of the handle and braced for whatever might come from the other side of the door as he slowly opened it.
We're waiting on Meri and sandstorm
@Frog Dog Jasmine has spotted your man lol. Do with it as you will.

I posted.
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