Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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7 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
8 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
8 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
8 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

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Julian took the broom that was presented to him, peering around him curiously. "The tavern that has no name huh?" He quickly set the broom to the side and strolled to the nearest table with food and took a deep whiff of the aroma. It seemed all too familiar. He reached down and plucked a piece of meat out of the bowl before giving it a sniff, much to the yells of the patron who owned that particular bowl of stew.

He straightened as he popped the piece of meat into his mouth. "Many thanks," he told the grumbling woman before he turned back to the barkeep, chewing idly as he did so. "A little chewy," he commented before he swallowed and started picking at his teeth with a long claw.

"So," he said as he took a seat at the bar, all but forget about the broom and mess she had just told him to clean up. "Where in the great world is this tavern with no name because none of you," he gestured with a hand to incorporate all who were in the tavern, "have a single feather. Not a one. What's it like not being able to fly?"
As the man rushed to its side, the creature took a moment to really look at his face. When he helped to sit them up properly, it reached up to caress the side of his face. Its gray eyes were locked on his face as it glided its hand along his features, getting a feel for his face. When he stood to go get the cart, its hand fell to the side and the creation watched him intently.

It's gray eyes didn't falter for even a moment as the man returned with the cart. Only then did the creature peer down at the cart, looking from one item to the other. When its maker held out he vial of water, it took it and looked fiercely at it. It moved the vial about quickly, watching the water slouch around in the small vial. It then focused its eyes back on the cart. There were quite a few things and it reached to grab a hold of, what one could only assume was a knife. It examined it intently, sliding its fingers along its cool metal blade before it fumbled it and the blade dropped. It plummeted, tip first, right into the creature's leg, burying itself about an inch into the skin.

There was no reaction from the creature as it reached down to grab the blade and pull it out of its leg. It held the blade up and out of the way as it leaned forward to examine the new wound on its leg. There was no pain from the wound and no blood came out of the cut. The creation dropped the vial of water before it reached with its other hand and stuck a finger into the small gash on its leg. There was a sickening plop noise as it pulled its finger out, a grayish, gooey material on the end of its finger now. The creature examined the material intently, before it extended it out to shove the finger in its creator's face. The same grayish liquid was now slowly oozing out of the cut on its leg. It let out a small gurgle, like it was trying to tell it's maker, “Look.” It looked down at its leg again, dragging its hand along the grayish material and smearing it along its leg.

It looked to its hand before shoving it once more into the face of its creator, releasing another gurgle.
The boy had made changes to her deal. It wasn't unheard of for demons to negotiate but the things he wished for, a sneer crossed her face he spoke. Did he think her a god, Lucifer himself? The shadows in the room roiled as her anger grew. A Shedim and the transference of a host, had this boy lost his mind? Dark smoke rose off her in waves as she slowly took a step towards the boy, pulling her hand back before he could seal the deal with her. She could not make that deal. She did not have the power to do what he wanted and just hearing him mention it made her rage boil.

“Who-” she began with venom dripping from her voice, taking another predatory step towards him, “who do you think you are, eh boy?” The shadows bled out onto the floor, reaching for her like children grasping at their mother's skirt. “You dare!” She took another step forward, her eyes flaring brightly. Her form shifted as the shadows condensed onto her and she grew, towering over the demon boy. “You lose yourself, child!” Her voice hissed out from the shadows, her form all but lost in the black mass that now towered over the young man.

“You want a transference of host?” She let out a vicious laugh that echoed off the walls of the apartment before her form came crashing down around him. Shadows crashed and danced around him like he was stuck amidst a raging sea. There was a deep rumbling from the shadows before Agrid appeared before him, her long fingers hovered just over his chest. Her power crackled between the two of them but she didn't allow her fingers to touch him. Instead, she locked her eyes on his and growled.

“Do you wish for me to rid you of this host? It wouldn't be too hard. I could send both you and this one right to hell and you can start all over again. Is that what you want? A transference of host?” She stepped back from him, slipping once more into the shadows as she pulled them back from around him. They swirled around her like ribbons before they condensed back into her form, a few feet away from the demon boy. “You have what you have. Deal with it and don't ask me to ever do the chore of our lord Lucifer again or I will send you to meet him for your insolence.”

She felt that she had made enough of a show. Usually, she wasn't one to go and make such a fuss but to be demanded of in such a way, especially things she couldn't possibly hope to do, it made her blood boil. She huffed before she crossed her arms over her chest and locked her eyes on the demon boy again. “I can do the power AFTER we have acquired it but if you must have a power increase before we go, I suppose we would track down an angel born for you to feast upon. It would take me no time to find one for you but I cannot and will not go against what was already given to you by Lucifer himself. Do not ask it of me again.”

She took a seat in the armchair, rubbing her temples with a grumble. She knew this could be a pain but she wasn't aware it would be this much of a pain.
@Varshanka A lot of things asked of Agrid. She's not going to be happy about that one.
I've been sick and we got a hurricane coming along. It's made my brain quite dead. Hopefully I'll get something up for you soon.
The Bloody Revenge was quite the ship. It's hull was painted a dark red with dark wood trim. She had seven cannons on each side and the figurehead to the ship was a skeleton figure holding a lantern out as if to guide lost souls. Her sails were black and the railings along her sides were painted black as well. She was intricately carved, perhaps previously belonging to nobility at one point, so intricately that it was easy to spot the places were the wood had been replaced perhaps from damage or from wear. Lanterns were placed strategically throughout the ship and it had plenty of room for the whole crew. Below deck, one would find a large storage area full to the brim with preserves and water. There were even an area with bunks for the crew, though not nearly enough for the number of men that served upon on her. To make up for the lack of sleeping quarters, there were hammocks strewn about for the men to sleep in.

A rather lavish kitchen was set out in the back of the boat with a large cooking area. Along the wall of the kitchen were cages full of live fowl. They clucked, cooed, and pecked at the cage they were in and just next to them were a large selection of fresh fruits. By this time, it was learned that Scurvy was caused by the lack of vitamins and many seafarers made sure to have a decent selection of citrus and other fruits that would last awhile without rotting. And just behind the kitchen were barrels and barrels of liquor. Vampire hunting was not an easy task. Death, blood, and pain was part of their livelihoods, so Ayita was sure to keep a constant flow of liquor for her men, all with the understanding that none were to get so drunk they were unruly or an annoyance. For any that found themselves getting to that state, a brig was located at the bottom deck.

There were loud shouts as men scurried about the deck, pulling sails and getting the ship ready to sail. There was a long plank that led to the deck of the ship from the dock. The two men got their things together and began the trek onto the ship. Orders were shouted and the anchor began to rise from the water. The bald man strolled over to the quarter deck, approaching Ayita who watched her crew get the ship ready to sail. They shared a few words before Ayita locked her eyes on Nils. A frown formed on her face at the sight of him before she began a stroll towards him, her crew hurrying around her like bees in a hive.

Hair multicolored hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and her swords clanked against her side as she approached. She stopped in front of him, crossing her arms and cocking her hip to the side. Her brown eyes scanned him from head to toe and she sighed. “So, you're our new recruit, eh?” She strolled around him, eyeing him down as she did so. “No weapons,” she pulled his clothes this way and that, examining his skin for any real signs of past battles, “No real battle scars.” She came to stand in front of him again, crossing her eyes tightly across her chest as her brown eyes locked on his own. “What do you hope to do here, die?” She could hear a snicker or two from her men around her and her head whipped around to glare at them. “Am I speaking to you? Don't you have things to do?” The men quickly picked up their pace and scurried off. She gave a shake of her head before she turned back to address Nils.

“Look, I don't know what my men told you to get you to join but this isn't some cruise. We hunt vampires and treasure on this ship. Every single one of these men around me have seen the blood of war and survived to tell about it. Each with their own scars and stories to tell. What can you give me? Or are you just a lamb to be fed to the lions?” She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before she gave a shake of her head. Of course Ayita had spare weapons and they needed the men.

She looked past him to lock her eyes on the larger man who just gave her a strong shrug as he went about sorting his things and heading below deck. She let out a deep groan as the calls came from her men that the ropes were coming up and the anchor clicked into its place. She locked her eyes on Nils before threw her hands up in the air. “Fine, fine. But if you die, it's your own fault. Follow me. Let's at least get your armed.” She turned from Nils, shaking her head as she did so. This man was going to get himself killed and Ayita would just have to find someone else to take his place.

She grumbled to herself as she stepped below deck and heading all the way to the cargo hold. Men scurried every which way, the calls for dispatcher sounding as the ship began to rock against the dock. Ayita flowed through the crowd like she water, uncaring if Nils kept up with her or not. Eventually she opened a door to a spare room and stepped inside. Within the room were racks and racks of weapons from swords, daggers, even a spear or two. There were flintlocks on the corner and blunderbuss just next to them. Along the walls were ammo of all kinds, even a few bombs or two as well. She quickly got to work on searching through the items before she pulled out a cutlass and a dagger. She turned to face Nils with weapons in hand. She was going to at least make sure he would be armed, even if he was going to die the first time they even encountered vampires.
When Puriel asked about how they could render their services to her and the younger demon also offering himself to service as well, Agrid allowed that dark smile to cross her lips once more. She allowed herself to glide along the floor until she positioned herself to stand in front of the two demons, her hands clasped behind her back. She turned to face them like a general facing down her men. She casually paced back and forth in front of them. “Well, my fellow fiends. You will be pleased to know that I have been very busy at work since the moment I stepped foot into this accursed plane. It took a lot of time and effort but I have found the location of the next seal.”

She stopped pacing and turned to face them, her smile turning vicious and hungry. “Unfortunately for me, it's in a location that I can't simply seal off and get to work.” She waved a hand in front of her, her black smoke rising to linger in front of her, it boiled and shifted until it formed the seal of the knights of the veil. “You see,” she said with a small growl in her voice as she looked at the seal floating before, disdain clear on her features. “These accursed knight have built their headquarters directly on top of it. Which means we have to wipe them out,” she slashed her claws through the seal and it dispersed into smoke and vanished, “before we can get our hands on the seal and break it. As I'm sure you know, Puriel, I am not much of a fighter. My skills lie in the shadows and not so much in the battle field and thus, I need assistance.”

She turned her bright eyes to Kalan. She waved her hand again and a shadow visage of the seal formed in front of her. “As for your payment, when a seal breaks it releases quite a bit of energy. That's why it's important that you break it down little by little. If we went in to just destroy it, it would most likely destroy everything and everyone in the radius. But, as I break the seal down, I can capture some of that energy.” The shadowy seal in front of her began to break down, line by line, releasing wisps of dark smoke as it did so. She reached out and grabbed that dark smoke and the visage vanished. She then upturned her palm and that smoke turned into a vial, much like the hellfire one she had used on Puriel. “I can give you that energy as your payment. I'm not sure what it can do for you. After all, it is just solid ethereal energy condensed down into a seal but I'm sure you could find a use for it. Hell, I'm sure it would make one heck of a bomb.”

She waved her hand and the smokey imagery vanished. She turned to face both the demons before her, eyes bright as she gauged their faces. She really hoped Kalan would agree. She would still need to seek out other demons for the task as well but if Kalan agreed here, that would give her a solid starting point to work with. “Well, how about?” She held a hand out for Kalan to shake, a sinister grin forming on her face. “Do we have a deal?”
I'll get a post up for you tomorrow. My brain is dead tonight.
Oh wait until Agrid tells them the next seal location is in the knight of the veil's headquarters. Should be interesting to say the least.
Responded! Also, friendly reminder that Puriel uses they/them pronouns, not he/him :)

My bad. I'll modify it accordingly
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