Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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6 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
8 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
8 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
8 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

@Varshanka I do need you to take a breather on these journal entries. They're taking up the whole thread.
Julien listened intetly to them, a look of legitimate concern on his features as he looks from one raccoon to the other. He nodded slowly, as the raccoons explained but then sat up right at the mention of an orb. "Magic orb you say?" He looked to the raccoon named Rookie, leaning forward just a hint. "Any chance I can get a look at this magic orb?" If what the little critters were saying were true, then either some deity has a missing relic that they need to take accountability for or they purposely released it into the world to see the chaos it would ensue, much like Discordia's golden apple.

He sat back in his chair, gazing up at the ceiling of the tavern as multiple thoughts went through his head. A magic orb that allowed non-realm hoppers to hop realms and discover each other. Why were they not meant to be together? There were just so many different thoughts with no answers to his questions as he pondered. This was turning out to be quite the day, it seemed. Quite the day indeed.
Typically with threads like this, the best way to include yourself into the thread is to read a few posts ahead of where you plan to make your entrance then weave your characters entrance into the thread as best you can. It helps to incorporate things that have just previously happened so the other players have something to work off of and then off you go.

The best way to interact is to give the other players as much to work with as possible. What is your character doing? Are they thinking anything interesting? How are they interacting with the world around them? Just stuff like that. Before you know it, you'll have a nice post people can work with.
"You know, normally I wouldn't find interest in a mortal human but damn girl," he called back at her with a laugh. What can he say? He found strong personalities appealing. He leaned back casually in the chair, peering around at the items along the walls. That was when the trio of raccoons came into the tavern, bickering with each other. Julian allowed an eyebrow to raise before he casually slid out of his chair and began a leisurely stroll towards the three. He tucked his hands behind his back, humming happily to himself as he approached them.

"Boys, boys," he reached out and grabbed the two fighting raccoons by the scruff of their necks and lifted them off the ground. He looked from one to the other and gave a small laugh. "There is no need for anyone to go fighting here. You need to have respect for this place or else our wonderful," he peered over his shoulder to where the barkeep went into the back are of the bar before yelling, "NAMELESS, barkeep will get upset." He set one raccoon in one chair and the other raccoon in a separate chair across the table from the other.

"Now, what's going on? Why are we fighting here?" He sat down on the last chair at the table, flaring his wings out so the back of the chair didn't bother him. He crossed his arms, looking from one raccoon to the other.
She had worded her sentence so carefully. Julian let an eyebrow raise before he felt his lip twerk up just a hint in the corner. He waved it off though as he looked her up and down. "Human, right? I don't want to assume. You could be something other than human but your scent and appearance tells me that you're likely a human. I would feel very ashamed if I was incorrect and you turned out to be a short eared elf or the like, but," he eyed her again before giving a nod, "yeah, I'm going to go with human. So, perhaps you have beef back there?" He said, his eyes peering past her and into the kitchen area behind the bar.

One of the many things he took pleasure in was the sampling of food from different realms. He found beef to be a good one along with kadric, a long angel fish that flew through the skies of Adrion. That fish was downright heavenly when cooked properly. Get the meat flakey with just a hint of spices and you could die just to taste it again. Just the thought of the fish had his mouth watering.

"What happened to your chef? Did he run off with a waitress?" He idly dug his initials into the bar top, watching as his marks sealed back up over and over again. He peered up at the barkeep before he frowned fiercely. "I just realized. I don't know your name." He straightened before he extended his hand out to her for a friendly shake. "My name is Julian Kar, phoenix extraordinaire, at your service. And you would be?"
Julian looked up at the woman from under his lashed, a broad grin crossing his features when she mumbled under her breath that she hoped they were only like him in appearance and not personality. "Of course not," he said with a chuckle, "There's only one of me out there and I'm it." He chuckled lightly, still keeping his face close to the gash as he watched it seal up. "No, no. There are only a few phoenixes in my realm but it's just full of realm hoppers. Some of them call it planeswalking but honestly, I never felt that was descriptive enough to explain the place. We're going to different worlds. It's not just another little grassland we're heading to. Plane just doesn't seem to cover it. So I, personally, call it realm hopping." When the gash sealed up completely, he sat up and settled more comfortably in the chair. "So very fascinating. I wonder if I know this deity that brought this place into being." He looked around the room as if looking for any kind of sign or something familiar that he could recognize the handiwork of.

When she offered him a drink, he frowned lightly before shaking his head. "No, no. I don't drink. Not since the last time I got so drunk I found myself in a completely different realm with tiny little men trying to burn me at the stake. I'm not sure what happened then, it's still all a little fuzzy. It took hours to explain to the people that you can't burn a phoenix. No matter how many times they tried and how many logs they added to that damn inferno, they just wouldn't get the hint. It wasn't until all my nice clothes were ash and they had run out of logs to burn did they finally just let me go." He shook his head as he leaned against the bar. "Some people, you just can't talk to, ya know? When they want to burn you at the stake, they want to burn you at the stake. Sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy the show. And those pants, they were the finest silk! Burned to ash, just like that." He sighed as if he had faced the struggle far too many times to count and he was growing tired of it. Though he did perk right up at the mention of food. "Now, food. I could definitely go for some food. What have you got? Anything fresh?"
I am having far too much fun with Julian.
Julian listened intently to the woman as she explained the tavern and he hummed quietly to himself, stroking his chin in thought. So the tavern was a living thing, essentially. Did some all powerful deity leave it here so it can explore the realms or was the tavern itself a deity? He strolled idly back and forth as he pondered the new questions that came to his mind, that was until she asked where he was from. He paused then, peering back at her from over his shoulder. "Hmm," he questioned before he turned to face her completely. "Me?" He gave a small laugh before he walked over to the bar, purposely toppling over a table along the way just to see how long it would take for the tavern to make it right again. The patron sitting at said table only eyed him fiercely. He smiled courtly at them. "For science," he whispered with a small pat on the person's shoulder as he went by. He didn't get a chance to see how long it would take for the table to right itself because the patron leaned down and picked the table up once more. He frowned at that but let it be.

He came to settle just before the bar, eyeing it like he was looking at a new species he had never seen before. "Some people," he said curtly, "not naming any names," he shot a fierce glance back at the patron who had ruined his experiment, "just don't understand science." He then drove his claw deep into the bar top, listening intently as if he expected to hear some kind of creature cry out. When nothing of the sort happened, he gave the claw a wiggle in the wood then waited to see if there would be any kind of reaction. When, again, nothing happened. He ripped his claw along the bar top, leaving a long deep gash along the wood. He pulled the claw to his face to examine it but it was none different than when he plunged it into the wood in the first place. He flicked with that finger a few times as he 'hmm' to himself before he took a seat at the bar, eyeing his handiwork.

"I came from a magical realm call Molkof. There are a lot of people like me there," he spoke idly as if he wasn't giving it his full attention, leaning close to the long gash and eyeing it every which way. "I'm, what some might call, a phoenix. A firebird, houou, ect ect." he waved a hand in the air as he spoke the ect parts. "It's not uncommon for people of my realm to go realm hopping. We do it all the time. I just never thought I would end up in a place like this after a fight for dominance." He sat up quickly, pointing to the gash in the wood as it began to slowly seal up. "There! It's closing." He leaned forward to watch as closely as he could. "Fascinating."
Julian looked down at the piece of table in his hands when she gestured to it. He let out a cry of surprise and released it as its legs grew out from the bottom of it, quickly taking the form of a table once more. It clattered to the ground, a complete table once again and he leaned over him, examining it diligently. "Curiouser and curiouser," He muttered as he prodded the table with a claw. He looked over to the broken window he had used as an entrance and watched as it repaired itself.

He 'huh'ed at the sight before he stepped once more over the bar and took a seat. "Interesting," he said as he pondered on his new interesting information. His fiery eyes eventually locked onto her, a frown forming on his face. "So does it fix anything that's been done? What if you decided to redecorate? Would it undo everything you did? And if you learned that the hard way, how much did you get painted before you found it all back to the wooden walls again?" His mouth quirked up in a broad grin once more.
He watched her idly, an elbow rested on the bar and his head resting in the palm of his head. When she snapped back at him about not being able to follow the basic rules of social interaction, he allowed a snark smile to cross his features. He thought a moment, watching her grumble over the mess he made before he stood up from the bar stool with a clap of his hands.

"What are you doing?" He asked incredulously, planting his hands on his hips and gazing at her like a mother catching a child doing something they shouldn't be. "That's my mess." He reached out and snatched the broom from her hands quickly as he tsked her. "Young ones," he muttered as he ushered her to the bar and tried to shove her down into a seat. "Let me show you how it's done."

He allowed a large smart grin to form on his face as he snapped his fingers but the air in the bar shifted just slightly. His grin faded ever so slightly as he snapped again, the air only moving a hint once more. He let out a nervous chuckle. "There comes a time in a man's life where he might find it hard to perform. It's perfectly normal." He began to snap ferociously, the air moving little by little until a gust finally picked up in the tavern.

"There we are!" He said with a broad smile as he looked once more at the barmaid. "See, works just fine." The winds swirled around his hand before he sent it out to with a gesture. It whirled around the floor, gathering up the debris and trash in a heap. He spun his finger about in a circle and the debris began to cyclone about on the floor before rising up and off the ground. He pointed to the nearest trashcan and it diligently flew towards it before dramatically dropping down on top of and around it. A large chunk of the mess ended up in the trash but there were still pieces that had missed and now laid scattered around the rim of the trash can.

"Why work hard when you have magic?" He reached down and picked up the large, heavy tabletop with a single hand before he turned to the barkeep, pointing to it with his other hand. "Can I keep this?"
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