Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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6 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
8 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
8 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
8 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
8 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

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Pop goes the phoenix.
Julian had never faced a werewolf who kept his distance like this. He was growing rather frustrated with it. Let alone the fact that he wasn't going to give him his name. It wasn't like Julian was going to bind him or anything. He just wanted to know the man's name. That way he could put it to the face but he sighed as he figured it probably didn't matter that much.

When the cutlery came flying, Julian just shifted slightly to be missed by the fork that was somewhat close to his arm while reaching out to grab the knife before it hit his chest but before he could grab the knife, he felt a tingling in his legs that turned in a burning then agony.

Julian looked down at his leg, the dynamite finally going off in his pocket. The look of confused shock turned to horror before he was consumed by the explosion. His wings curled inward as he began to slide along the floor from the force of it.

It was as if time came to a halt as Julian's mind took the time to process and figure out the next step. He could see the flames and power from the explosions blasting out from his hip but he feared if he didn't do something, then everyone and everything in this damn place would be charred broken bodies.

The pain was still rocking through his body as the explosion reached its apex, ripping apart the lower half of him and starting to eat into his upper torso. He pulled his wings in around himself, calling on his control of flames to stifle the explosion as best he could. He was a goner. He would just have to regenerate after this mess but if he could keep this place from being destroyed, then he can keep his new little hang out just a moment more.

"Damnit," he cursed through pain gritted teeth as he grabbed a hold of the flames with his claws and redirected them back inward towards him. He used his wings to guide any flames he couldn't reach back into the makeshift ball he was making of himself. He did this over and over again, feeling the heat from the flames picking at his face and chest. The pain was excruciating but he was a phoenix. He had been through worse.

He kept this up as the explosion eventually died die. What remained of him plummeted to the ground in a heap. "Ow," he whispered before his body began to slowly turn to ash, leaving a small hill of it on the ground in his place. But he had managed to at least contain the explosion as best he could. Nothing he could do about the gory sight of it though. After all, before he turned to ash, there were pieces of his lower body strewn about from the explosion. It was not a pretty sight.
Julian watched the wolf slip around his ability and he felt a broad grin split his face in two. This fight was going to be a good one, one for the history books.

He let out a good laugh as she straightened, allowing his body to relax in a smooth stance. "Smooth moves there puppy boy." He popped the last potato into his mouth, chewing absently as he slowly stalked Clayton. The patron behind the wolf stood up and got put of the way. These people had seen what Julian would do just to entertain himself. Gods know what he's going to do in a fight.

"What's your name pup? I figure if I'm going to give you a pounding, I might as well know your name." His fiery eyes were locked on Clayton, watching every little twitch of his muscles, noting the flexing and relaxing of his muscles as he moved about.
Oh a butch female huh? I think I can fill that role for you. Could be a lot of fun. Do you have any plot ideas?
Evalynn grunted in response to Eldwic's comment about her being in a hurry. He wasn't wrong. She was very much in a hurry, a hurry to get as far away from this farm once and for all. She sighed as she realized that, that probably wouldn't be happening if her father was declining every marriage proposal she was getting. If her mother was still alive, she wouldn't stand for this. Evalynn would be off, married and starting her own life, not stuck on the stupid farm with her father and brothers. She hated being the only girl with four brothers. She wished her mother was still around.

She bent down to pat Larder on the top of the head with a slight groan. “It's my brothers. You know how the two M's are. They just pester the hell out of me all the time and Dad doesn't care. He's just happy I'm still doing chores and helping keep the farm running,” she grumbled as she lead the way to the back of the far, where the horses were kept and the cart was located.

“Instead of going to see those nasty carcasses your father got delivered, how about we go to the pub?” She picked up the leads and reigns and walked over to the large brown horse with tuffs along his hooves that were a stark white. “I got a little coinage from the other day and I could use a drink, my treat.” She hooked the horse up and lead him over to the cart, giving him plenty of pats and affection along the way. “Come on, Merlin,” she spoke to the horse as she lead the way, “Let's get you hooked up and we can get out of here. Yes we can.” She gave him a good scratch behind the ear before he got situated between the bars of the cart to be properly hooked up. She hitched him to the cart before she climbed into the front seat of it, holding her arms out as she gave a whistle for Larder. “Come on, girl.” She said before the dog jumped up and Evalynn caught her and pulled her into the cart as well.

“We don't need to tell my father anything. Let the man worry.” She huffed as she set her bag into the cart behind her and picked up the reigns. “Did you know what I got a marriage proposal the other day?” She hadn't intended to bring it up but with Eldwic bring up her father, that spark of rage flared in her chest again. She watched Eldwic's face for a moment before she gave a laugh. “Right? Yeah, guess who else didn't know. Me. He declined the marriage and I only learned about it from my brothers. He's controlling every aspect of my life and its all because he wants an extra hand on the farm!” She was almost yelling at this point, her hands rising in the air as she growled out her anger.

“How many times has he declined marriage proposals for me, Eldwic? I just thought I was too ugly for people to be interested in me and this whole time, he's the one doing it!” She sighed as she let her arms drop. “I need a drink.” Once Eldwic had climbed into the cart, she gave the reigns a good shake and Merlin began the memorized trek to the road.

“Where do you want to stop so you can bury that?” She asked as she nodded to his bag of dead rats. “I'm not sure what areas you've used already and which ones are good.”
Julian watched the wolf, the feathers along his arms rising up like goosebumps as he watched the wolf roll his neck. Julian took his vest off and placed it casually on the bar stool, like he had all the time in the world. He turned back to the wolf as he asked if Julian had any children for him to devour. He only smiled with a predatory grin as he rolled his shoulders, flexing his wings as he did so. He reached down to grab a hand full of potatoes.

"'Fraid not. Haven't had much luck as of late." He took a step to the side, rounding a table until we was just across the way from the wolf with nothing between them, popping a small potato into his mouth as he did so. "But judging by your smell, I imagine you're in the same boat as me but don't worry," Julian said around a mouth of potato. He flexed his hands, the claws along his fingers igniting for a moment as he spoke, "I'll be sure to burn the dirt right off ya. Probably the hair too. Maybe skin. Hell, I might go ahead and just burn you right down to ash and see if you revive like me." He dramatically swallowed before flashing a vicious smile to the werewolf.

"Potato?" He asked as he held up a potato in front of his face. The smile dropped from his face, the goofy exterior taking a dramatic shift. It was as if someone had flicked a switch and Julian was in serious mode instantly. He lightly tossed the potato to the man before throwing his other hand out and ignited a fireball in his palm. The fired it directly in the potatoes wake, heading straight for the werewolf. Fun time was over. Fight time had begun.

However, little did Julian known that, that filthy little vermin had placed a lit stick of dynamite into his pants pocket as he ran off with the food and at that moment, the fuse was halfway through its path. In a mere moments, it wouldn't just be Julian who was throwing fire about.
Julian let out a low groan as he heard the front door of the tavern open violently. Instead of turning in his bar stool to see the newcomer properly. He just leaned his head back, his hair falling down to hang around his head and it's little feather tassles dropping with it as well. He watched, upside down, as the man stepped through the door, brining with him the child of the cold air. Julian just idly watched, even popping a small potato into his mouth and giving a shrug at the new man. He seemed to be a regular and for once, Julian wasn't going to make a scene. He planned to just continue eating his food and probably ordering a room for the night.

Julian straightened and turned to his food, content to just munch happily but when the man's scent finally drifted away from the scent of cold and snow, Julian froze and inhaled deeply.

There was no mistaking that foul scent anywhere. Julian took a moment to take a few more deep breathes, making sure he was not mistaken. He didn't want to go and hurt some poor man who just happened to have the scent of the wolf on him. But no, there was no mistaking it, that mam was a werewolf.

He stood quickly, the barstool under him making a loud skidding noise on the ground as he did so. "Well," he said as he turned around to face the man, "look what the cold blew in. If it isn't a flea ridden, bath missing, eat you and your fucking children, werewolf." All while he spoke, he was rolling up the only remaining sleeve, getting it up and out of the way so he wouldn't lose it but after fumbling with it for a moment, he gave up and just ripped it off to match the other. He tossed it behind him as his fiery eyes remained locked on the man.

"You mongrels just can't leave things well enough alone, can you?" One thing you should know about Julian. He hates Werewolves, likes absolutely hates them. He had an instance where a pack of them attacked attacked his nest, taking out his eggs and his mate at the same time. He never forgave them after that and every werewolf that has since crossed his path has been met with brutal hostility from him ever since. He really hates Werewolves.

I would have to agree. It let's you get that old blood moving without too much thought or effort into it.

@Dark Light

What were you thinking brining in a werewolf! With Julian! This should be fun.
Welcome, welcome. It's great to see another world builder here! We're few and far between honestly.

Hope you enjoy your stay
No worries. You take the time you need and enjoy your time with your family.
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