Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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6 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
8 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
8 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
1 like
8 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
8 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

Manic frenzy posting
I have lost a 1x1 partner as of late and need a replacement while I wait for them to come back! Come one, come all. You want someone who will post like 20 posts in one day, I'm your gal! Give me someone who can match me energy! Let's roleplay a whole world and bring it crashing down in hell fire!
Things were finally slowly down a bit in the knight headquarters and Jasmine had actually found some time for herself for the first time in forever. She was taking that time to explore what Charon had done to her aura sense. She was waving her hand in front of her face, watching at the energies around it swayed to and fro as she did so. When she concentrated on what she was going to do, she could see subtle shifts in the energy with her choices. It was as if the energy was preparing a path for her next move and when she decided not to do whatever she had chosen, the energy returned back to it's original movements. It was these tiny, subtle movements that alerted her of someone just beyond her door. She saw the twitch of the energy before the knock. That was interesting. She could most certainly use that, she was sure.

“Enter,” she said and the door opened to reveal a young woman with papers stacked in her arms. She stepped in and walked forward to Jasmine's desk. Amy was Jasmine's assistant and she took her job very seriously. She knew that if she didn't do her work well, Jasmine would find herself lost in paper work that she couldn't read. They were working on converting their system to one that better suited Jasmine and her blindness but for the time being, they were handed in on papers that Amy then had to scan and set up to be able to be read to Jasmine through a program that was designed to read papers out loud. It gave the girl a new respect for the blind. Jasmine had it rough in a high position of power like she was.

“Morning Jasmine,” she said with a smile as she rested the papers down on top of the desk. “We have a lot of reports to go through today. I have most of them scanned and queued up for you to listen to. Most of them aren't too important. Just basic daily reports from the squads. But we do have news about the angel born though.” She shuffled through the papers till she came to the report, skimming it over before continuing. “Aliana has flushed all the drugs out of her system and has finally woken up. Kyle was given free reign of everything in the compound like you asked and was set up for classes as well so he could better learn to control his powers.”

Jasmine perked up when she heard that Aliana had finally woken up. “Has she now? Guess I should go say hi and explain to her what the seal does and how it will help her learn her powers.” She stood from her desk, giving a small whistle to Bruno who was asleep on his pillow in the corner of the room. Bruno looked up with a tired expression, standing and giving a long stretch before he walked over to Jasmine. She picked up the harness that she kept leaning against the side of her desk and strapped Bruno in it.

“Thank you Amy. I'll go over the reports as soon as I'm done Aliana. Is there anything else I should know right this moment?” Amy let out a hum of question as she flipped through the papers quickly. She gave a shake of her head before repsonding.

“No, looks like it's all smooth sailing right now. You'll get an alert if anything changes.” Jasmine gave a nod before patting Amy on the hand as Bruno led her past.

“Thank you, Amy. You're always so helpful to me.” She then walked out of the office and followed along the hall, giving nods of greetings to those she passed as she made her way to the infirmary. Event she came to the door where she found Michael standing before it. “Oh, Michael, hello.” She walked up to him and stoop just before opening the door. “I was not expecting you to be the one they set to guard the door. I suppose you were free from your police job today?” She reached over and felt along the wall until she found a cabinet. She opened it to reveal a large selection of clothes, sectioned off by size. She dropped her hand through the different sections until she came to the large area. She felt around until she pulled out a sweatpants outfit. She laid them across her arm before she closed the cabinet and took a deep breath.

“Wish we luck.” She said with a chuckle before she gave a gentle knock to the door before opening it and stepping in, letting Bruno lead the way. “Before you worry about whether or not I see you nude,” she held up the sweatpants with a chuckle, “I'm blind. So you don't have to worry about it.” She walked over to Aliana and held out the clothes for her. “You may find these helpful. I'm sorry I don't have any underwear. It's hard to keep that much underwear stocked. Sweatpants are easier.”
That's fair lol. We only really have two of them. Let me go ahead and get Jasmine on it
Lucian kept a firm grip on the wolf's snout as it thrashed its head back and forth, spinning Lucian wildly along the floor in the process. He cursed and tried to pull his wings in as close to his body as he could to keep them from getting too battered. This wasn't the most elegant way to fight but this was really all he had at the moment. He didn't have claws or teeth. And speaking of claws, Lucian had to keep the wolf distracted enough to make sure he didn't remember that he had claws and he could use them to rend Lucian's stomach open while he lay on his back just under him. It probably helped that this was most likely the first time anyone had ever grabbed a hold of the wolf's snout like this and didn't let go. It probably kept him confused and unsure of the next move. But Lucian still hoped something would happen soon before the wolf came to his senses and ripped him apart into little angel man chunks.

That something came in the form of Aneria taking her human form and trying to talk some sense into the wolf. Lucian could see the beast's eyes leave him and lock onto Aneria as she spoke. The wolf listened to her speak and when he turned those wolf eyes back on Lucian, he instantly released the muzzle and raised his hands up by the side of his head in surrender. The wolf slowly backed off from him, his fur retracting and once more taking his human form. Lucian took the chance to scramble off his back and go stand next to Aneria.

The female wolf stepped up next to the older gentlemen who was now fully human and staring them down intely. He stepped further into the apartment and closed the front door behind him.

“You say you're running from something. What are you running from?” Lucian practically let out a sigh of relief loud enough to be heard in the hallway.

“Finally,” he said as he dropped down on the ground, allowing himself to try and relax as the adrenaline in his veins began to fade. “Some government type people snatched us off the streets years ago. Turned us into this.” He waved his hands in a gesture to incorporate both him and Aneria. “They want us back.”

The older gentlemen locked his eyes on the other girl, both sharing an intense look before he addressed Lucian. “We know of them. They've been making a habit of snatching supernaturals off the streets for experiments. It's one of the reasons why we're defending our territory so fiercely. They started letting out people like you to capture pure supernaturals and take them back to their base. If what you're saying is true, and you two escaped, you're in for a lot of shit.” He looked back at the two of them, a frown on his face. Lucian just sighed and allowed himself to floop down on his back with a grunt.

“Yeah, we know. We're screwed.”
The items strewn about the room didn't bother the creature. It just found the place odd. There weren't really memories for it to pull from, more like impressions that lingered there in the back of its mind. And those impressions told her things. It knew what the basic body parts were, an understanding that the room was at least odd.. It understood pain and basic emotions but it wasn't a complex thing. It was as if it was pulling from an old guide book that had seen too many years in the sun and rain. Its pages were brittle and faded with age and only some words were left legible.

The creation turned its eyes back to its creator as he explained that he had numbed the area. It didn't feel much different to the creature. It felt a slight tingling that faded to nothing quickly. There was very few things it could feel upon its skin. The time the body had been dead and decomposing had left the nerves decayed and almost nonexistent. It barely felt touch, pain was just pressure on its skin, and it did not feel cold.

When he began to sew its leg back up, it watched intently and listened as he explained the different layers and sutured them back together. When the thread was finally cut and the sewing done, it reached out to gingerly touch the new stitches there. It let its fingers guide along the work before its eyes moved to the sutures that encircled its wrist on that arm. After a moment of examining those stitches, it moved its hand along its body, feeling and examining other spots where sutures sewed together different body parts.

Its examination of itself done, it looked about on the ground for the water vial it had previously. Eventually it found it, half its contents poured out in a puddle on the ground, and picked it up. It put the vial to its lips and took a rather large gulp which resulted in it coughing harshly. The coughing quickly turned into harsh hacking as black gunk came out of its mouth, having been coughed up from somewhere within its body.

The coughing continued until a large glob of that dark gunk was hacked up and spit onto the floor. Once the glob was hacked up, the coughing came to an end and the creature found itself feeling better. The pain in its chest had lessened immensely and it felt like it could breath better now. It looked to the glob of ick, releasing a noise of confusion instead of a gnarly gargle as it had done before.

The sound of its own voice took it by surprise and it raised a hand to cover its mouth, looking at its creator with wide eyes. It slowly lowered its hand and released a low coo, finding its voice far more pleasing to listen to now, even if it still had a bit of a scratching resonance to it.

It looked to its creator with excitement, pointing at its throat and releasing low trill of excitement. It liked these new sounds it could make.
I'm sorry it's taking me so long to respond. I came down with a nasty cold and cough that has kicked my butt. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting enough oxygen to my brain to be figure out how I would like to continue this more. I do have any idea, just not sure how to type it out.

I'll get a response up for you as soon as I can.
Works perfectly for me lol
The twins were a true menace today. Evalynn had spent the whole day taking care of the barn and the animals inside and she was tired but the twins were practically running around her the whole time, chanting how she was a servant girl and had nothing better in her future. Evalynn, being a few years older, was responsible for her chores and they were, unfortunately, too young to have any serious chores on the farm that would keep them busy through the whole day. So now they were making her life a living hell just because they were bored.

"You know Dad is never going to let you go." Marcus said with a giggle, leaning on the cow as Evalynn sat next to it, milking it as quickly as she could. Evalynn just rolled her eyes. It wasn't that she was desperate to get married. It was more that she wanted off the farm and when a suiter finally did come to claim her hand, it would mean freedom for her. This was just one of the things the boys teased her about constantly. She was in her early twenties by this point and should be off making her own family but she never got any requests. She figured it was because she just wasn't the most appealing looking woman around. She was average build, with wide hips and broad shoulders. She had long blonde hair that hung around her head in waves and she had figured her face was pleasant enough. She had full lips that sat under a button nose. She had large, brown eyes under thin eyebrows such a pale blonde, it was hard to tell she even had any. At this moment, those eyebrows were bunched in a heap on her forehead as she tried to finish her chores for the day.

"Yeah," Matthew chimed it from behind the cow. Evalynn took a moment to pause and make sure her younger brother wasn't about to startle poor Clover. After she determined he was going to leave the cow alone, she continued milking as he continued talking. "He ain't ever gonna let some guy marry you."

"Yeah sure." Evalynn said as she continued with her chore but Marcus spoke up, shoving his face in front of hers.

"It's true! Dad got a request just the other day and turned it down right then and there." Evalynn paused in the milking, looking up at her brother in disbelief.

"You lie." She said as she shook her head. "Father would not do that to me."

"It's the truth!" Matthew called out as he rounded the cow, leaning against her rump with his arms crossed and a deep smirk on his face. "Told the man no right then. Didn't even let him finish the offer."

Evalynn looked from one to the other, her eyes widening as she realized they weren't lying to her. Her father had indeed turned down a marriage proposal so she would remain on the farm and help. Her mouth fell open as rage began to boil dangerously in her chest.

"You lie." She tried to say again but both twins just shook their heads sadly at her.

"You're stuck here for life, Evie. Dad's never going to let you go." Evalynn stood up then, grabbing the bucket out from under Clover and giving her a firm smack on the behind. The cow let out a moo before it bucked once and scurried off, causing Marcus to fall off and Matthew to fall down into the hay as his support ran off.

She huffed as she turned from her brother, trying to conceal the rage and pain that was bubbling up in her eyes as tears. She clenched her jaw and walked out of the barn, passing by Eldwic on the way. "Give me a moment Eldwic and I'll give you a lift to town." Normally it would be one of the older boys giving Eldwic his ride back to town but it wasn't unheard of for Evalynn to do it and she really needed to do it now. She needed to get off the farm before she did something stupid, like confront her father about what her brothers told her.

She dropped the milk off in the kitchen before grabbing her bag and walking out to meet up with Eldwic again. Her face was flush and her jaw was still clenched tightly but the tears were no where to be seen.
Julian didn't seem to be getting any answers from the raccoon he was shaking. He didn't even see an orb drop out either. He would have stopped either way but a tap on the shoulder had him turning to find himself face to face with a man that wasn't there a moment ago. He raised an eyebrow. The man spoke about his behavior but before Julian could respond, there was a furry torpedo launching itself directly into Julian's face.

"Mother fu-" his words caught off as the thing latched onto his face and clung with sharp little claws. Julian released the raccoon he had a hold on to grab a hold of the one on his face. He pulled, feeling its little claws dragging along his scalp and cheeks. He ripped the raccoon off before reaching up to feel along the side of his face, feeling the burning sensation of claw marks there. He moved his hand in front of his face to see that it was tinted with blood as well. "My face! It's the only thing going for me!"

He went to go throw the raccoon but it had wiped out some kind of gun. A portal appeared where he shot and Julian sneered at the thing. "You vile," he took a step towards the raccoons, "disgusting, little VERMIN!" He reached out to snatch one of them before they disappeared into the portal but, alas, he was too slow. "I better not get a disease!" He called out into the air where the portal was. He felt along his face again, releasing a low hiss at the burning sensation that occurred. "God damn rodents," knowing full well that raccoons were not part of the rodent family. He dabbed at his face with his sleep and huffed as he picked up the tray of food. He completely ignored the suitcase of money. He didn't have any use for the stuff.

He made his way to the bar and sat down at it, grumbling all the while about his face was his only ticket and he needed it to be in pristine condition. He set his tray down at the bar before taking a seat at it. He cursed once more before he stuck another piece of meat in his mouth.
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