Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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6 days ago
Current Welcome to the internet! Have a look around!
8 days ago
No, no, no. My cards know exactly what they're talking about unless the person they're reading is giving mixed signals but that's not really their fault, is it?
8 days ago
W-what did I just read? Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.
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8 days ago
Okay, so maybe my tarrot card collection has gotten a little out of hand but I needed the Beetlejuice tarot deck! You can't not have it!
9 days ago
Well, if your partners are anything like me, they have the thread subbed so they get notifications when it's been replied to. Unless it's the first post and you didn't share the link. If so, shame!
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A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

Alright, let me get something out her for yall.
I love that your character walked in, saw Julian and quickly questioned if it was a good idea to go in lol. It's great.
@gobboguy I apologize for what Julian has done xD
Julian watched the raccoons and the barkeep, giving a slight shrug as she asked if he wanted a room. "I hadn't planned on staying but seeing how interesting this place is, perhaps I will stay." He took another piece of meat and popped it into his mouth. He let out a grumble of enjoyment before peering down at the multitude of raccoons.

"So magical orb?" He really, really wanted to get his hands on that orb. Not because he wanted to realm jump, he can do that just fine already, but because he wanted to see what kind of item was causing these three little critters so much trouble but it seemed like they were content to just out right ignore him and his attempts at viewing the magical item. He just watched as they went about discussing the drinks they have had in other realms and he felt his mouth pucker as if he ate something sour. He was not a fan of being ignore. So he had a choice to make. He could grab the critters and shake the orb out of them, that one was his personal favorite, or he could just wait until they acknowledged him across the table. Unfortunately for the raccoons, Julian just really wasn't a patient man. So with a sigh and a look of determination similar to when he was attempting his experiments, he slid his chair back from the table and stood.

He gave his arms a shake as if shaking off dust before he took a few steps over to the raccoon that they had named the orb keeper. He quietly hummed to himself before he reached down and attempted to pick the raccoon up, right out of his chair. He would then give the raccoon a variable shake as if he could materialize the orb out of thin air. "Let. Me. See. That. Orb!" his words punctuated with a shake of the critter.
<Snipped quote by BunniesOfDoom>

Got any plans for where you might like to take that character?
Any character development goals?
Employment, adventure, lodging, combat? (all can happen here.)
Just winging it is also fine, just thought I'd offer.

I've got a few regular characters I can also bring out.

I don't currently. I'm just going where the wind takes me
And @BunniesOfDoom, while I'm at it, really enjoying the banter :D

It really is some great banter. It's a lot of fun.
The creature watched its creator, listening intently to him as he explained that the gray goo was indeed part of it. It watched his hands as he held its in place. Its eyes followed his every move, leaning forward to sniff the rag as he went about cleaning the goo from its hand. When he showed it the rag, displaying the gray chunks smeared there, it reached up with its other hand to grab at the rag but stopping short from take it out of his grip.

It allowed the rag to be taken away as he turned to place it back on the cart. It watched it go, following the new rag he had acquired. It wasn't sure what that strong smelling stuff was that he had put on the rag, but it was acrid. Its smell was so strong, it lingered in its nose even after the rag had been taken away.

It shifted every so slightly as he placed the rag over the gash in its leg. It followed its master's directions and pressed firmly on the rag, tilting its head to the side as if it could peer up the rag if it just cocked its head a certain way. It wasn't quite sure what fat was but it seemed to be something that came out of it. With its other hand, it reach out and pinched along the arm to the hand that held down the rag. No goo seemed to come out. It gave the skin a few scratches with its dirty fingernail, doing nothing but leaving ashy lines in its gray skin. It let out a harrumph before it looked back at its creator. There was a lot to learn about its own body. There was a lot to learn about this place too.

The creature looked around the lab, its eyes lingered on this thing or that. Its eyes lingered on the tub behind it for a moment before it looked back at its creator, releasing a gurgle that resonated like a question. “Where are we,” it seemed to ask.
You're good! No worries! I was just going to patiently wait for you to notice lol.
Things were quickly spiraling out of control. He needed to somehow call this area and bring this boil down to a simmer, at least until they could talk something out. Just fighting in this damn apartment wasn't going to do anything for them. They needed to call Jessie and get going. They can't stay in one spot for too long.

Damn, Aneira was quite the fighter. Either the other werewolf just wasn't as experienced or wasn't expecting Aneira too be such a savage, either way, Aneira was wiping the floor with her. When his werewolf turned to face the white one, Lucian could tell this was going to be a different fight all together. The white wolf looked like he had quite a bit of experience to him. He didn't blink when his younger counterpart was sent flying. His eyes were just locked on them and stayed locked the whole time.

When Aneira began her approach on the white wolf, only then did he focus his attention on her completely. Lucian could almost feel the pressure of that gaze. He took a few steps forward and met her half way, dropping his head and attempting to get it under her chest so he could flip her on her back. Lucian cursed at the sight of it. Yep, this older werewolf was definitely skilled in fighting but it looked like he wasn't quite going for blood just yet. Perhaps Lucian could get his hands around the wolf and with Aneira's help, they could pin him down without having to draw too much blood or fighting for too long. It was a long shot, he knew. But damnit, they came this far already. They didn't need some territorial werewolves causing them so much hell just because they took a breather in some apartment while they healed up. Lucian gritted his teeth let out a long, “Shittttt,” and joined Aneira in the fight.

He jumped on top of the older werewolf, who was not pleased by the sudden entrance of a large angel man into the fray. He tried to knock Lucian off with dramatic shake of his body, like a large dog trying to get every little droplet of water off his coat. Lucian held on, however, wrapping his arms tightly around the wolf's neck, cursing the whole while.

“Can we all just,” he had to stop talking as he adjusted his grip on the man, grabbing a leg to try and trap it against the wolf's chest. “Damnit! Can we just take a moment.” He held tightly as the wolf tried to rip its paw free from Lucian's grasp as it continued to fight with Aneira. That showed just how experienced this wolf was. Even with one leg being held in place and unusable, he kept his balance and kept the fight with Aneira up. Eventually Lucian released the paw and reached for the jaws. It wasn't a very smart idea, really and he knew it. But if he could just keep the wolf's mouth closed, he wouldn't be able to fight and they can finally get a word in edgewise. “We don't want to take your territory. We were just running for our,” the wolf thrashed harshly as Lucian's hands came around his jaws, locking them in place. “Damnit!” Lucian cursed as he tried to stay on the wolf's back just by the grip on his jaws. Eventually he fell off, but still keeping the grip, he found himself laying on his back under the wolf's front end just before the wolf brought its head down in a headbutt, right on Lucian's forhead.

The world went white for a moment as Lucian gave his head a fierce shake. “God damn that hurt.” The wolf tried to rip his jaw free from Lucian's grip but the angel was not letting go for a second. “Can we just take a breather for a second?” The wolf went to slam his head once more into Lucian's but he managed to rock his body enough that the blow landed on his collar bone and now his forehead. It hurt like the dickens. Did this wolf have a cement block for a forehead?

“Stop it! Damnit! We just want to talk!”
As the barkeep came out from behind the area, food in hand, Julian practically leapt with joy. It smelled so good and he was starving. When the food was place in front of him, he grabbed a roasted vegetable and shoved it in his mouth. "Friends?" he said, still chewing on the veggie. "No, no, no. These three have found themselves in a bit of a predicament." He put another vegetable in his mouth and chewed happily. He then grabbed the tray of food and slide it in front of himself. He wasn't sure if she was planning on him sharing this food with the raccoons at the table but that was not going to happen. He was far too hungry to share.

"You see," he said as he shoved a piece of meat into his mouth, tucking it in his cheek so he could talk properly. "This one," he said as he patted Rookie on the top of his head. "Found a magical orb that he probably shouldn't have and now a there's a universe after them. Which is interesting." He happily started to chew the piece of meat, giving a low purr of pleasure at the taste. "Wonderful food Ameila, wonderful food." He knew she didn't out right tell him her name but the raccoons. But Julian took it as if she had personally introduced herself to him instead.
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