Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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4 hrs ago
Current Need to get back in the swing of things, I think.
1 like
1 mo ago
My kids hate my sleep schedule. I'm finally getting one online and they keep interrupting it. Last night it was 2am. The other night it was 4. Just let me sleepppp
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1 mo ago
Can someone explain to this confused meat suit that joints are friends, not food. Or better yet, rid me of it completely. I'd like a factory reset please. Lately upgrade.
2 mos ago
So they're saying we're looking at like 6 to 8 inches of snow here in Louisiana. Southern Louisiana. Like by the bottom. It's 60 degrees outside. Mother Nature, you good fam?
2 mos ago
She probably can! My male cat terroizing my Great Pyranese mix on the daily! And he's like over 60 lbs. Don't get me wrong, he's a big cat but seeing maybe a 10 lb cat bully a 60 lb dog is sight


A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

It's unfortunate we have people who haven't logged on for 18+ days.
Quick OOC check in, does anyone find the rhyming for Fuhgoad in character too grating? Like, "I can't even look at it" and "please stop?" Just checking to see if I'm accidentally pissing anyone off.

Oh no I think it's awesome lol. Malia on the other hand, not so much
Malia sneered at the warden woman. Did she just ignore her? Act like she didn't say anything at all? Oh that wouldn't do at all! No, no, no, no. Not at all. She took in a deep breath to begin telling the woman off when suddenly the warden began to speak and Malia found her tongue caught quite thoroughly between her teeth. She couldn't seem to bring herself to speak as the images flashed behind her eyes. She saw warriors, people cheering, and then she saw the horned knight riding a great winged lizard and she wanted to stop the visions there. She wanted to get a better look at that winged reptile. Was it a dragon? She had never encountered a dragon before. Oh how she wanted to add that beast to her horde of minions! Imagine! A dragon that she could summon and ride at will. In that moment, she decided that she would get that beast, even if she had to behead the rider to get to it.

The rest of the visions and Warden's words passed behind unfocused eyes as she imagined what it would be like to have that beast under her control. It wasn't until the warden turned to face Malia, that the young woman finally focused her eyes on her. So now she was going to pay her attention, aye? However, Malia was taken aback at the fear that rose in her chest as the woman seemed to get closer without taking even a step forward. Then the words from the Warden danced within her head and Malia violently pulled away, or at least attempted to but still found her body quite stuck in place. Her own thoughts were overpowered and shoved down by the Warden's voice and by a new set of images within her head. The image of the masked man kept flashing over and over again. She got it, alright! They had to get rid of the masked god king guy. She understood that! Get out of my head! Malia screamed with her thoughts to only have the woman finally say that was all and retreat from the young girl's thoughts. Malia was breathing heavily as she stared at the Warden. She fought back her fear with rage and bared her teeth at the woman in front of her. She would remember this day and would be sure to return to the woman to somehow return the favor. She didn't have the same magical gifts that this beast of a woman had but she would be sure to, at the least, remove that head from her shoulders!

Malia didn't break eye contact from the Warden woman for even a moment. Even as the world around them rumbled loudly. She could feel the violent vibrations as the room around her shattered and fell apart, crashing down on them like tidal waves of rumble and filth. She flashed the woman a vicious grin just as the world disappeared from view.

The world was slow to waking at first. It began with the soft sounds of wind dancing lightly through tall grass but soon, more things came to her senses. Malia could see a bright light through her lids. She could hear the trickle of water as it flowed smoothly over a rock bottom creek. She could hear the movements of her fellow inmates. Inmates that were now, no doubt, surrounding her!

Malia's eyes snapped open and with one swift movement, was on her feet. She found herself fully adorned in her jewel and fine clothing, her satchel crossed over her chest just as it always was. At least she had her things back and she wasn't defenseless in front of these other people. She looked around at the gathered group, her gray eyes looking from one person to another. Her hands reached down to grasp at items in her bag as she eyed those who were now standing. An Orc, covered in battle scars and an old woman were on their feet but Malia could see that the others were waking or already awake. Perhaps the sudden transportation left them disorientated or perhaps they just were not ready to rise yet. It didn't matter which. Malia only cared to keep eyes on those moving. The warden said they were all monsters, villains, and traitors. People who could be useful but a threat until she knew them all better.

She pulled out a large red stone, idly tossing it up and down in the air as she straightened to her full height. She was just a few inches shorter than the Orc and a whole few heads taller than the woman, a dwarf perhaps. It was only a guess but judging by the wide shoulders and short stature, she assumed she was correct. The others seemed to be human but it was the Orc that kept Malia's attention the most. He showed signs of being a mighty warrior, if all those battle scars stood for anything and his hand hovered over the hilt of his blade.

When the Orc spoke, she froze. A speaking man wasn't likely to turn into a fighting man, at least not right away. It showed he was willing to work with them, even if his hand still hovered over his sword. She caught the stone and opened her mouth to say something snarky when the small dwarven woman spoke first, in rhyme. The woman spoke in rhyme. Malia could feel her eyelid twitching as she listened to the rhythmic words leave the small person. That, that was going to be a problem. She would be sure to avoid speaking to the woman at all costs.

“Do- do you always speak like that? Gods that is going to get annoying really fast.” She fingered along one of the chains on her neck, quietly counting to herself before she stopped on a small brown stone. She grinned as she pushed magic into the gem. It began to dissolve and the dust from it flowed into the air and hovered over her arm that she extended out. The dust came together just above her arm and a large hawk appeared there. It let out a loud cry as it shook itself out. She reached up to scratch it on the back of its head. “Hello darlin,” she cooed to the raptor. “We need you to fly out and find the nearest town. Report to us the moment you do.” She threw her arm up and the mighty bird took to the air, flying off in some random direction. She watched it go before she turned her eyes on the Orc and flashed a broad smile. “We'll figure out where we are soon enough.”
I'll get a post up tonight!
I'm personally fine with either way. The most my girl will do is gather stuff together to set up an area where everyone can stay for the night
Hey I did what I could lol. Literally shooed them off
<Snipped quote by Dragonydas>

Thank you. Where would be a good place to plop Sam into the current plot?

We're only on the evening of day one. So your dude could have just slept in lol
Nooo! Dragon man can't go smoking the gremlins out! That would ruin the whole game! That's cheating!
Omg this looks like fun! I get to create a whole new type of race and world to throw into this! Yes please
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