Darmancho “Darm” Kartun
Born and raised in the lands of the East, Darmancho lives and breathes pride in his people, with a staunch distrust for the forces of the West. Part of a slowly dying cult that few even within his own lands are now privy to, Darm pays adherence to Sauron, worshipping the fallen lord through half muttered prayers and nearly inaudible chants, all in the black speech of Mordor. It seems then that his apprentice ship to Alatar the Blue could be called nothing but unlikely, yet the secret was maintained, and none, not even Pallando, were the wiser. When the chaos in the East began to reach a boiling point, Darmancho fled to the West with Pallando to warn the rest of Middle Earth, his own personal reasons for accompanying the second of the Blue Wizards kept underwraps. Alatar, regretfully, was separated from his apprentice after a falling out between the two that the state of affairs in the East would not allow them to repair.
Darmancho is slow to trust others, and heavily secretive of his own motives and feelings, though easily opens up when questioned about less personal subjects. Confident in his skill with both swordsmanship and riding, Darm boasts there is no foe he cannot dehorse, and no horse that he cannot tame. Appearing brazen and arrogant to a fault, he is quick to defend his pride and even quicker to attempt to cut down the pride of others that wrong him. However, there is also a gentler, more curious side to Darmancho, one driven by the hunger of discovery and newfound knowledge. A scholar just as much as a warrior, Darm is well versed in the darker lores, and the history of his people as well as the world, though he hungers to expand his understanding of Western history and culture. To this end, he finds it easier to make nice with those willing to share such lore with him, or those equally curious about the knowledge he himself is already privy to.