Avatar of cadesmith
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  • Posts: 38 (0.03 / day)
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    1. cadesmith 3 yrs ago
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Current god. i love multifandom rp to bits y'all have NO IDEA
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gender *boom*
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gotta love me some 2064 rom
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i have risen from the grave. letsa fuckin go
3 yrs ago
man!! tokiwa sougo and fret :)


howdy! call me val! i use he/him pronouns and i'm 15 years old! i'm also really into multifandom group rps, it's kinda the main thing i do. that's all you need to know, really.

Most Recent Posts

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Tosai “Fret” Furesawa
Fret’s healthy, but may be ready to throw hands... again.

Okay, cereal Voss without the milk accent is weird, noted.

"Treasure-hunting? Treasure-hunting!?" Fret seemed to get distracted from his original question, eyes now filled with excitement. "C'mon, gramps, tell us! What tales do ye have, aaaargh!" He made a bit of a pirate impression for the last part, laughing a little after. "Sorry, just- that sounds really cool, y'know? You don't find anything like this in Shibuya - or, well, you don't find anything there that's in this cage!" He exclaimed, putting his hands out as he motioned around their surroundings. "Sure, we're kind of stuck here, it looks like... but man, is it cool!"

Once Tosai finally got his answer for his original question, though, he snapped out of his wonder-like state. "So it's generally something like that, huh? Got it, cap'n." Given the sea captain's been around the block of this kind of situation auite a bit, Furesawa figured, hey, he could trust Voss' word! Not take it and set it in stone, but to give himself an idea of what could be the case her-


As Sougo was hit, Fret whipped his head around, brows furrowing as he saw just what hit his friend - Negan. Already, the teenager just... did not like the leathery man's guts. As he tried to offer a hand to Sougo, Fret just- he didn't trust Negan not to smash his friend's head in, really.

So, what did the dumbass do, as a treat?

The dumbass decided to step in-between them, putting his hands out.

"Fool me once, fool me twice, however it goes- I'm pretty sure it applies here."

Watch Fret's dumbass get batted. Watch.

Though, who's to say he didn't have a plan, should Negan try something?

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Currently in the “Narrows”, and healthy as can be. Saibh's rather curious about what Row is planning now, though. Had she been used to this sort of thing?

"Yes. I help Maris around the cafe - and I rid others of an emotion of their choice, should they ask." Saibh explained, looking up to Harper. As the Bluebird mused, all the monster said in return was: "I'm sorry." Once the Row came down and asked to see her neck, the flower eater nodded, glancing to Harper for a moment. Saibh then moved her lilac locks out of the way, as to give the other a better view.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sarah Miller

Sarah’s fit as a fiddle, and feeling a bit better.

Alright? Was it really? Sarah trusted her dad to hell and back, but… this was going to take some time, wasn’t it. Joel’s reassurances were helping quite a bit, though, that’s for sure. It was like the rest of the world just fell away, it was just her and her father…

Well, until the glass cage rattled. Sarah let out a bit of a yelp, caught off guard by the sudden shaking. She kept as close to Joel as she could - which wasn’t a lot given how close he had held her himself. The winger still felt safe in his arms, however.

Once the older Miller pulled away and cupped her face in his palms, she nodded along with his words. “Y- yeah. Got it.”

Sarah wiped her eyes with her sleeve, before returning her father’s smile and taking his hand.

As the father and daughter went over to Tess and All Might, she had to admit. the other guy just looked plain off. Was he sick with some condition or something? Sarah wasn’t going to ask of course, it wasn’t exactly her business… but she was very curious, that’s for sure. As for the woman, well, with that she wasn’t going to hesitate with asking. I mean, they gave each other nicknames. Nicknames! Sarah wasn’t just going to leave this be, especially since it had to do with her dad. “Are you guys, like… a thing? You’re a lucky woman, then.” She said the last bit lightheartedly, laughing.

As the woman then turned to her, and All Might greeted her, Sarah nodded, putting a hand out. “Sarah Miller. Though I’m guessing you already know that... the lady, that is.” All Might, though? Sounded like some super hero name. Which the younger Miller wasn't against, of course!

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Currently in the “Narrows”, and healthy as can be. Though, she's a bit in the dumps after recalling her last moments before awakening.

"Not good at all." The emotion consumer reiterated, nodding in agreement,

The last thing she was doing, huh… yeah, not exactly a pleasant memory. But, the woman did ask, and it’d be rude to lie, wouldn’t it?

"I was serving a customer. They asked me to take away their love for somebody, and… it made me upset, but I did so anyway. I remember Maris checking in on me, I was crying, then my neck and head began to hurt, and everything went black… then I’m just here." Saibh explained, looking downwards. Her brows were furrowed in a rather gloomy manner, the only indication that she was a bit blue about the situation still.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Tosai “Fret” Furesawa
Fret’s fit as a fiddle.

"Nice to meetcha, Dris! But, me? A soldier? Nah, but I was a Player once! Freaky experience, I should tell you about it sometime!"

He kept his hand still as the rodent sniffed his hand… kinda weird, but to be fair, they were an animal. Though, Fret’s smile became a frown as Dris showed disgust at the Player’s scent. Come on, really? The perfume wasn’t that bad! Was it? "Oh, uuuh- sorry? Usually everyone’s fine with it! The brand’s really popular too… then again, guess it isn’t for everyone."

The teenager got up, looking to Voss and tilting his head. "I think I’m doing pretty good at being sociable, maybe I can help ease the pain or something! So, let’s start with an icebreaker - cool accent! Where’d you get it from?" Fret, you absolute dumbass.

...first time? FIRST TIME? Voss knows about this kinda stuff?

Tosai followed Voss, gently grabbing the sea captain’s wrist. His hands were actually really soft, to be honest. "So you know what’s going on? Spilll it then, gramps! Please."

As Schezo made his demands, Fret looked over, calling out to the slobbering Wegey: "I think this guy’s got it! Come over and he’ll tell you!"

Voss, from player to character, I am so fucking sorry.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sarah Miller

Sarah’s fit as a fiddle, but also feeling terrible still.

To reiterate her thoughts once the answer was revealed…

Oh my god.

Sarah looked to him with widened eyes, before they darted downwards and to the ground… oh gosh, here come the waterworks once more.

“I… I know you said- I- I’m sorry, okay?” The winger was well aware of what Joel had said, but- how do you just say “okay, cool” to being dead for twenty years then move on like nothing happened? She felt horrible, she couldn’t just, brush it aside, she-

She couldn’t even look him in the eye right now… not out of malice or hatred towards him, Sarah just felt terrible, and… god. Sarah didn't know what else to say.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Tosai “Fret” Furesawa
Fret’s fit as a fiddle.

“What I remember? Well, let’s see… me and Rindude were gonna meet Nagi and Shokie at Wunafo - like how we used to, just with the other two coming along! I was on my way there, but I felt really weird and I think I passed out… then I’m just here!” The Furesawa summarized, before it clicked for him. “Waitwaitwait- you passed out, too? Does tha-”

Then came along the walking talking advertisement. What the hell is a Kromer? He waved a hand a bit dismissively, shaking his head. “Nope, don’t want it - but I’ll say that Batty shouldn’t have it, he’s looking to resell it for, uh- more Kromer than he bought it for!”

…oh man, Batty was kind of intimidating now, if he wasn’t before. Which he sort of was, Fret just didn’t want to get Dris hurt. The former Player ended up glaring right back at Negan, clearly annoyed by the man. Who does he think he is? Calling him a kid basically - Fret’s very sure he’s been through way more than this sleazy guy has! So maybe he’s the adult here, not the leathery man- er, boy!

His annoyance turned to a bit of a lighthearted mood, as he shrugged slightly towards the sea captain. “Naaah, you looked lonely, just… laying there by yourself! Good thing this guy brought you over, if you ask me.” Fret nudged his head towards Sanford, and right then and there, his thoughts regarding what he remembered before waking up here came back to him. So Voss was a victim of this too, huh..? “...I’m starting to think this wasn’t some sorta coincidence, if you guys get me. That’s three people who just blacked out, I’d bet that it happened to the others here too.”

Suddenly, Dris was attacked. Fret was right about to use a Psych before it ceased, as he scooched closer to them to make sure they were alright. “Holy shit- are you okay?” It looked like the rodent was fine, but… yeesh, that was close.

Adopting a softer tone, Fret gave a kind smile to Dris, once more putting out his hand. “Call me Fret. Whadda 'bout yours?” He’s already said his full name quite a few times, so not saying it once wouldn’t hurt, right?

@LegendBegins lowercase, please!
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Saibh - Currently in the “Narrows”, and healthy as can be. She’s fairly curious about the newly revealed woman, but admittedly feeling a little embarrassed about not knowing what to do and what not to do in Gotham City - to be fair, she didn’t come here of her own will, but still!

And finally, the source of the thuds and knocks revealed herself.

The horned monster looked upwards, finding the woman with her hands up. Good thing she wasn’t going to pose a threat to Saibh. She nodded in response to the woman’s greeting, expression morphing into a stoic one. Not that Saibh’s expression wasn’t like that before, kind of, her new one was just the usual amount of inexpressiveness now.

Dumbest thing? Narrows? Yeah, Saibh was confused, but a bit embarrassed too. “I didn’t know it was “dumb”. I just woke up here, I’m not exactly sure how… I hardly ever leave home.”

The flower eater took a few steps closer, leaning against the wall near the fire escape carrying the masked maiden. You’re from here then, right? Have you seen a woman named Maris? She’s taller than me with dark hair, and she owns a cafe… I really don’t want her to be worried.”

She crossed her arms, before finally noticing an odd piece on her wrist. Saibh’s dark purple eyes fixed upon the watch with a slight tilt of her head. “...I don’t remember having this on.” The consumer of emotions muttered to herself.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Tosai Furesawa - Fit as a fiddle. He's currently calmer now, and looks like he's switched back to being in a good mood quick.

Welp. Fret may or may not be in deep shit! Probably the former.

However, even with that brave face he had put on, Furesawa gulped as the bat was pointed at him.

Just walk away, Fret! Be the bigger person, avoid ending up spazzing on the ground, all of the good stu-

Aaaand he was pulled to the side by Sougo, looks like! Tosai watched as the icebreaking king pulled out the Faiz Phone X, certainly shocked by the stop sign it produced. Definitely not what Tosai thought could or would happen, but holy shit - it was cool! Like in one of those TV shows.

Then, the rodent went out of their way to trip up Negan. And to think the little guy was glaring at him to buzz off moments ago!

"...and I oop." That was all the former Player managed, before Hershel came along.

A nervous laugh escaping him as he was focused upon, Fret immediately proceeded to firmly put his foot on the ground, turning tail on those nerves. "Wh- hey, wait! I was trying to help, the- uh- whatever the rat's name is!" He gave an apologetic smile to Dris, shrugging lightly. "Sorry, by the way, never caught your name." Now, eyes back on Hershel, Fret spoke once more. "That guy kept things from being amicable, anyway! It's on him, so go and- just- give those specific looks to him, alright!" With a harumph, Fret crossed his arms, turning his head.

And right then and there, the geezer was pulled along to the group by an armless guy. Fret's smile returned, his expression changing as if nothing had ever happened. "Thanks, dude! He was starting to get lonely, looks like."

...what the hell is that. Fret turned his head to find a weird little guy taking Smith's bat. Yeaaaaah, now he knows for sure he's not in Shibuya, if it wasn't clear before. The guy sounded like one of those weird pop-up ads... it was cool, in a way!

As Negan got up and asked for the bat back, Fret shook his head, lightly tsking. The teenager then called out from his spot: "Let's NOT give the bat back, little man! He doesn't deserve it!"

Furesawa gave a big grin hearing that Toking already considered him a friend - looks like his cuteness worked wonders! Not that Fret was purposefully doing that for some weird and/or bad motive, of course - he was just happy, y'know? But then here he came apologizing for defending someone! Yeah, not cool. "Toking, hang on! That wasn't your fault, ya know, it was Batty who started it. So really, just- well, can't take it back now, but hey, keep it in mind, friend, and don't apologize for it either." Fret patted Sougo's shoulder, keeping his smile on. There wasn't any scolding expression or anything, honestly, he spoke more as if this was a friendly reminder. And to Fret, it was!

"I'm fine though, thanks to you and li'l rat!" He smiled at Tokiwa, then over to Dris. Speaking of the rodent - Fret walked over to them, looking down on the rat. "You okay, by the way?" Fret bent his knees a little to get on the rat's level, putting a hand out. "Dunno if you do handshakes, but name's Tosai Furesawa. You can call me Fret, usually everyone does that! I think we got off the wrong foot earlier."

Once the Riding Hood responded, since Fret had been busy with Dris, he turned his head and gave a smile before looking back to the rodent.

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