Interacting with: Self
Opportunity: Eskand-aligned Players – Siege Chamonix.
Event: Ebbs & Flows Location: Outskirts of Chamonix
Ulfhild was slightly suffering from imposters syndrome, it seemed like she was right for this war when she nearly delivered the Queen of Parrench a just duel and then managed to strike down a horse back warrior later in the field. Yet, battle after battle from that point she would be thwarted and nearly brought to the precipice of death. Had she gotten too overconfident or were the gods simply mocking her? Whatever it was she would still mentally persevere knowing the war was still in its infancy and the chance to snatch glory and solidify her place in the Æresvaktr.
Four days had passed since Sweyn had saved her by means of divine intervention, that’s not to say the enemy faction did not have one of their own. The king was incredibly powerful, one blessed with the ability to manipulate time. Undoing the vicious dismemberment of the savage warrior that sent Olaf to the table with their peers. The ace up their sleeve revealed, something invaluable to the Black King, if the information would find its way to him in time. As for Ulfhild, she had spent her days licking her wounds and getting her armaments in order for the siege to come.
She readied the raiding parties she was now at the helm of and made her way to the hilltop strongpoint they had sent for themselves. Many of them rode on horseback while others took the field with shields, keeping their stapled shield wall approach if needed to turn on the defensive of a provoked army. Others laid in wait in any of the cover behind them, a bit away back. Ulfhild herself had a plan to slip in once the chaos and battle erupted. For now she would ready their forces to siege the city and avoid finding herself between two Parrench forces.
Four days had passed since Sweyn had saved her by means of divine intervention, that’s not to say the enemy faction did not have one of their own. The king was incredibly powerful, one blessed with the ability to manipulate time. Undoing the vicious dismemberment of the savage warrior that sent Olaf to the table with their peers. The ace up their sleeve revealed, something invaluable to the Black King, if the information would find its way to him in time. As for Ulfhild, she had spent her days licking her wounds and getting her armaments in order for the siege to come.
She readied the raiding parties she was now at the helm of and made her way to the hilltop strongpoint they had sent for themselves. Many of them rode on horseback while others took the field with shields, keeping their stapled shield wall approach if needed to turn on the defensive of a provoked army. Others laid in wait in any of the cover behind them, a bit away back. Ulfhild herself had a plan to slip in once the chaos and battle erupted. For now she would ready their forces to siege the city and avoid finding herself between two Parrench forces.