Avatar of Candelabra


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5 yrs ago
Current Really enjoying KOTOR but damn is the light/dark system dumb. I really dislike that showing any kind of passion even when it's arguably justified gives you DS points. Jolee is basically me.


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Welcome to my interest check!

credit to Igor Wolski for the amazing art

About me.

I am a 21 year old currently in college for a law degree. I love going to the gym, photography, and picked up wrestling last year. I've always loved physical activity and combat, which is reflected in my favorite types of RPs to write. I'm mainly a slice of life/action guy. I love adventure stories where a given character goes on a quest in search of some greater end goal or desire to grow powerful. As you can probably guess, this also translates to a love of RPGs, shonen anime, and underdog stories. I'm a huge sap for romance stories but I don't appreciate ones that meander around for too long. That being said, I like romance as a way to spice up an already good plot, not as the main dish. I'm new, but I hope to have fun experiences writing with you all.

Rules and Preferences

-I will only play males as main characters, with females as secondaries to flesh out the world if need be.
-I prefer anime, then western drawings for face claims.
-I'm not a huge stickler for minimum post requirements, some scenes are back and forths that don't really NEED a lot of writing, others are greatly enhanced by it. Just play it by the ear, I'm okay with even one liners if there's something there for me to respond to.
-Please be open and communicate with me if there's anything you want to change about the RP. I don't bite, promise!
-Ideally, please contact me with some idea of what you want to do if you choose a pairing without a plot.
-Feel free to poke me if I haven't gotten back to you. I'm not ignoring you and I'm just scatterbrained and forget to reply sometimes.


*Default backstories to be added in later, though it is malleable depending on the scene. All characters are only used at your specific request, otherwise a new one will be made instead.

General Story Ideas

Choose Your Own Adventures!

*Note, all these are made by me. If you want to use one for yourself, all I ask if that you link this IC. Suggestions for CYOA topics always appreciated, just shoot me a message. The more I do it the higher quality they become.


*=Bold means my preferred role.

-Royal/Pirate, Thief, or Peasant.
-Monster Hunter/Monster
-Delinquent/Goody Two-shoes


*Note, I would love to play against canons to my OCs for these. I have fun with the reverse as well provided I enjoy the character.

-Project Moon (Lobotomy Corp, Library of Ruina, Limbus Company)
-Fate/Stay Night or Grand Order
-Shin Megami Tensei (includes mainline, Digital Devil Saga, Devil Survivor, and, of course, Persona)
-Yugioh GX (Craving some canon play for this one, but OCs are a-okay too.)
-One Piece
-Fear and Hunger
-Hunter x Hunter (My favorite anime of all time, have a character for this one. Would love to play against a canon girl for this one but again, love the setting so much it doesn't matter.)
-Mob Psycho 100
-One Punch Man
-Naruto (Another one I'd love a canon for.)
-Fire Emblem
-Avatar the Last Airbender/Korra

Show's Over!

...And that about wraps it up! Be sure to let me know if you're interested in any of my ideas or have any of your own you'd be excited to bounce off of me. I'm a pretty open guy, so don't be afraid to ask.

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