Avatar of Carlyle


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2 days ago
Current Bonus week at work. Would've got more, but taxes ate nearly a thousand of what I'm getting.
22 days ago
I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
23 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
27 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
1 mo ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
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twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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I think we all just got overwhelmed by the holidays.

I know I did, having to work in retail.
Merry Christmas

Late Merry Christmas as well.

I should probably do a role call to see who is still kicking here or not.
Hopefully I can answer some questions, but I'm like half-awake and exhausted from work after spending the entire day trying to catch up on post-Christmas department management/updates, so I imagine my train of thought here isn't as fluid as it should be for answering questions.

I've envisioned this mainly as an open sandbox-like game; most locales I don't have anything strong in mind. If someone wants to say, I don't know, Twinleaf Town had been swept underwater and is now part of the huge, nearby lake or something, all they have to do is run it by me. I'm likely open to most concepts.

On the topic of plot, as with the prior roleplay it happens to be based on, there isn't any overarching plot save for the details listed above. The prior concept was simply "treasure divers in a post-Kyogre world", with the plot essentially boiling down to nothing more than "bad guys appear and cause problems", being the reason that the characters get forced out into the open world. What I envisioned was more akin to probably what Zeroth mentioned, though I can imagine something formulating depending on what sheets people end up making.

Regarding tone, I want to aim for a semi-serious tone, if any of that makes sense. The examples given could essentially work; I just don't want to lean hard into Mad Max Pokémon: the RP or the like. I don't want it to be full on goofy just because it's Pokémon.

[] R O L E P L A Y S Y N O P S I S
It is the grand opening of the Pokétopia island resort.

In order to celebrate the grand opening, a number of celebrity guests have been requested to attend. Champion trainers, famous actors, but most of all—you. Whatever path you walk in life, the Pokétopia Foundation has chartered passage to the island in your name on a luxury, state of the art yacht, the S.S. Avalon. Their only request is that your presence helps promote their new battle resort favorably within the public eye.

Taking the offer, you and a group of others set out to sea with expectations of swift arrival. Unbeknownst to everyone, however, there lies other powers hidden deep in the shadow of the sea that threaten your journey—and it is hunting for you.

[] O O C I N F O R M A T I O N
As many of you may know, I tend to think outside the box with my Pokémon RPs (or so I believe I do). I love the standard formula, but I often feel that the Pokémon universe can allow for so many more possibilities outside the traditional scenario of brand new trainers filling out the Pokédex. Therefore, this roleplay came into being.

So, if you're interested in something with a dash of mystery, feel free to let me know. I'll probably keep slots limited as I feel a smaller group might work best for this, but I'm not entirely certain on that yet.
I love Pokemon, but I hate post apocalyptic settings. Why do you do this to me?!

Don't worry, I have other Pokemon ideas cooking in the oven right now as well. This is just the first idea I've actually finished.

[] R O L E P L A Y S Y N O P S I S
Pokémon: Sorrow's Song is a roleplay set in an alternate future of society's collapse.

We all know the story. The two villainous teams, Magma and Aqua, succeeded in awakening their respective legendries, Groudon and Kyogre, only for their nefarious schemes to be put to an end by Rayquaza.

Yet in this world, Rayquaza had disappeared when it was needed most. The devastation at Sootopolis wracked the entire world, and ushered in a new era of cataclysm. Entire cities suddenly had been flooded by powerful tsunamis. Long dormant volcanoes exploded, showering the land in lava and soot. The world as it was known was gone.

Thankfully, you are one of the lucky, or perhaps unlucky souls, that have succeeded in surviving the end of the world. Adventuring out into the ashes of the past, each of you have left the confines of safety a decade after the initial event to see if the world still yet has anything for you. Perhaps you're looking for a lost relative or friend. Perhaps you want to see if the devastation uncovered any ancient treasures. Or, perhaps, you're just looking for a new place to call home.

Regardless of what you're after, though, the thing that comes first is your own survival. The world had become a death trap, and it is filled with pissed off Pokémon. For your sake, you have gathered around a group of like-minded individuals, who you can only hope that they might have your back as much as you have theirs.

With sheer grit and will, your group will hopefully be able to survive amid the chaos. If not, well, perhaps someone will be kind enough to bury your corpses along the way.

[] O O C I N F O R M A T I O N
Howdy, everyone!

This is a take on a prior roleplay scenario I had done many, many years ago. This time, however, rather than Team Aqua and in turn Kyogre bringing forth the end of the world, I decided to change up the story slightly to allow for an inconclusive draw between the two legendary Pokémon. What this means is that the world is not just flooded, but seriously fucked up in general. Regions, towns and even routes are either gone entirely or completely changed from their original self. Different Pokémon may now live in an area that was once inhabited by other Pokémon.

Put simply, the world is one big mystery, and it is now up to the survivors to redefine the boundaries.

As for the characters themselves, you're not some big, important champion with a party of pseudo-legendary Pokémon at your side. You might have been someone back then, but now you're an average joe like everyone else just trying to survive through the thick and thin by not dying in the process. The only thing I ask is that the characters aren't a bunch of edgelords. I don't want a bunch of Pokémon expies of Negan or whatever edgy character you can think of running around.

If this is something that interests you, feel free to post below with any questions or ideas you might have for me to answer. I'll be posting a character sheet soon, so keep an eye out for that as well!

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