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2 yrs ago
Need two more people for our Fantasy + Sci-fi roleplay - we have angry burning trees!
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2 yrs ago
New interest check is live, check it outttt
2 yrs ago
If i could go back now, i wouldn't change a thing
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2 yrs ago
You've got red on you
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3 yrs ago
Its just me, you, a pile of Chinese food and a couple of f**k off spreadsheets.


New roleplay: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/189457-the-eye-of-the-needle-where-fantasy-and-sci-fi-collide/ooc

Hey, I'm Catharyn! I joined the Roleplayer Guild on 2nd Feb 2011, then rejoined on the 17th Jan 2014 after Guildfall.

I was active every day until late 2015, accruing (i think) around 7k posts across dozens of roleplays. Then, I started working and had to gradually slow down my RP schedule. In 2017, I officially went on hiatus when other commitments got fully in the way of roleplaying.

This continued until the COVID-19 pandemic hit, when I suddenly realised I had a lot more free time in lockdown! So in mid-2020, I returned to the Guild with a vengeance. I also managed to get The Cradle 1x1 off the ground - a story i've had percolating for almost a decade.

My posting schedule has slowed down a bit now that the world has opened up again. I still love science fiction, fantasy and espionage themes, and generally aim for around 300 words per post.

Most Recent Posts

We're still open! The roleplay is heating up, but there are still ample opportunities for new characters to join in.

The discord link is here if you want to drop in and ask any questions/get a feel for the participants: discord.gg/hDZKJt8ZHt
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“Don’t you think it’d be best to take the lake first? We could get a feel for these people first.” Masgard asked, stroking his neatly clipped beard.

“I see pros and cons for both. This could be a sociological pattern as much as a purely natural design. This ship really is quite stealthy - we could be in plain sight and stand a good chance of being undetected.” Freyr muttered.

“If we really want to steer clear of the locals, then the mountain perch gives us the largest clear area of operations.” Dr Wetherall chimed in, looking up from his console.

“We’d have at least 10 klicks of unpopulated wilderness between us and them. Some brave souls could take one of those little landers and investigate the other sites at their leisure.”
The blast doors to the Jotunheim’s hangar were partly closed, so Fret’s line of sight onto the concourse was limited. Big plate glass windows looked out on the car park and workshops, so he had an obstructed view of what was going on outside. Closer, on the small stretch of visible concourse, there lay abandoned loader vehicles and cargo crates.

The heavily armoured LMG wielder had misjudged their position and had opened themselves up to being shot in the back from inside the hangar. Fret’s bullet hit his armour, forcing him up against the railing in front of where the plate glass had been before they’d shot through it. A well placed shot from the Israeli operators outside went through the guy’s neck, spraying blood everywhere.

For a few seconds from there, the gunfire died out. It was still deafening in the hangar, with sirens going off and screaming from the passengers as they jostled with each other to get onto the ramp leading into the Jotunheim’s cargo bay. But an eerie quiet descended on the entrance.

Then a black-clad hand appeared round one side, and threw a grey canister along the floor into the hangar. Acrid smoke began spilling out of it, obscuring visibility. It also released particles which scrambled sensors, complementing the military-grade comms jamming that had surrounded the hangar like a dome.

After a few seconds, the smoke had expanded to fill the doorway. A machine gun poked around the corner and began firing into the space. Bullets pinged off the Jotunheim’s landing gear and other nearby surfaces.

If you’d been watching closely, you might have seen a black shape sprint across to take cover on the other side of the door, under the cover of the smoke and gunfire. You’d have also seen a tall Norwegian riot police droid step out and start walking slowly into the hangar with its shield raised. The uplink light behind its head was flashing red, indicating a direct connection with someone close by.

Immediately after, still under cover of fire, three more men in snowy riot gear and ballistic face masks emerged into the smoke and tucked in behind the droid. The front two poked their guns out on either side and started shooting.

Zeynap didn’t need to see what was in the smoke to know it was time to get the hell out of there. Unable to leave her crew behind, she disobeyed protocol and opened the airlock from the ship to their cargo/scouter craft bay. The cold wind hit her instantly, chilling her to the bone.

“We are LEAVING! Everybody get in, now!” She bellowed.

Fortunately, she spotted some of the last crew members they had been waiting for. Unfortunately, they were stuck in a melee of three dozen civilians as they scuffled with each other to scale the loading ramp and get to the door.

“TAKE IT EASY! ONE AT A TIME!” She called, stepping out and grabbing the nearest person. She hauled them to their feet and propelled them towards the airlock, before looking at Vigdis and pointing at the long gun which was propped up against the hull interior.

“Do you know how to use that? We need one minute to get these people in or they’re all going to die!”
Stavanger Spaceport backed onto fjords to the north, but the approach from the south had been carefully landscaped to maximise usable space and access. A carefully choreographed district of workshops and offices separated large parking areas for passengers and staff. It was in one of those freezing cold parking areas that Tyreese Darnell found himself crouched behind a Norwegian police car as its spinning lights shone lit up the snow around him.

His group had made it quite close to the Jotunheim’s hangar when a heavy machine gun had started firing at them from one of the concourse windows. Having made sure he wasn’t dying from a stray bullet to the bullet proof vest under his suit jacket, Darnell clutched a satellite phone to one ear once he’d made a connection with his Tamerlane handler. Its aerial wiggled whenever he flinched at the bullets which dunted into the metalwork around him.

“Mr Darnell, what is the status of the Jotunheim? Over.”

Dunt, Dunt Dunt Dunt. Civilians ran from cover to cover - the ones that didn’t were already lying face down on the cold floor.

“I can’t get through to them; they have some kind of jammer on us!”

“What is the status of the Tamerlane security detachment? We can’t make contact with them.”

“Whoever attacked us took them out first. I barely escaped the blast - they are looking for the Jo!”

A nearby car exploded, flipping over and onto the other side of the police cruiser. Windows shattered, spraying glass all over Darnell’s suit. He threw himself onto the floor and started crawling away.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Tyreese spluttered, blood trickling into his mouth from cuts on his face.

“Focus on my voice, Mr Darnell. Who are you with? Can you get to the Jotunheim?”

“Even though it isn’t even close to my job, I paid some Israelis i just met a MILLION Euro day rate from my fucking CREDIT CARD to get me there. Where is my back up?”

The Israelis in question numbered five in total and were armed to the teeth, like they’d just got back from a mission themselves. They crouched behind various nearby vehicles and attempted to exercise fire control on the invisible assailants. Their leader, Ezra, stuck close to Darnell and calmly co-ordinated the others in Hebrew.

“I don’t care how much it costs, Mr Darnell. I need you to do whatever it takes to make contact with the spaceship sat in hangar 147. We have a platoon enroute from our site in Murmansk but that’s going to take some time. You are Tamerlane’s eyes and ears at this moment.”

“MURMANSK!?” Tyreese yelled as he tried to get up. Ezra pushed him back down and fired most of a magazine into a set of plate glass windows in front of them.

“I need the whole fucking world down here 45 minutes ago!” He shouted over the din.

“Mr Darnell, we’ve got to move.” Ezra grunted, grabbing Tyreese and hefting him off the floor - no easy feat considering the suited consultant clocked in at over 14 stone himself.

The squad had eliminated the threat and they moved as one organism towards a staircase elevating them into the main concourse, Tyreese clutching his sat phone and briefcase in the middle.

Thanks for making these changes - you are accepted! Welcome aboard
Got something up, finally.

Thanks for submitting I will send you my feedback on Discord.
“Captain, do we have any clue how many or how far away from here they are or if we’re getting any help this week?”

"Negative. ATC is kind of busy. I'll try again, over." Zey shot back, before opening up a secure line with the control centre in charge of dispatching and receiving craft.

“SISTraC, this is J147 requesting again for immediate clearance to launch. Please advise on the situation on the ground. Over.” Zey was left hanging for a moment. The bridge door slide open - *shuuk* - and when the Captain looked back she saw Bosko Janković entering. The short and heavy-set, grey bearded Serb gave her a friendly wave and a smile before shuffling past her to check something in the Pilot’s chair. Zey patted him on the shoulder like a feverish person might to check they were actually real.

“J147 this is SISTraC.” Came the fuzzy reply over comms.

“You are NOT cleared for expedited takeoff, say again do NOT launch. Terminals 2, 3 & 4 are Code Black - Home Guard are en route. Head to the designated secure area and wait for further instructions.”

Zey immediately fired back: “SISTraC that's a negative, we cannot do that. We’re IN terminal 4 and have sensitive property on board. Requesting urgent security assistance.”

“J147 all security assets are tied up right now. Leave your craft and head for safety.”

Zey terminated the connection with the traffic control centre and shouted “FUCK!” at the back of Bosko’s head as he made last minute adjustments. He didn’t even look around when he spoke back.

“What is plan boss? We tooling up and busting out of here on foot?”

Zey considered her options for a couple of seconds.

“No, get ready to launch. We’re moving the Jo.”

She clicked her communicator back on to talk to Vigdis.

“Vigdis be advised - hostiles may be in the terminal and heading this way. Soldiers are coming but no timelines yet. Keep your eyes open and move fast. We need everything packed up and ready to move yesterday.”

When the message came back that Vigdis had secured loading bots to get the last of the cargo on board, Zey moved for the door.

“Bosko you have the Bridge.”

“Aye Captain.”

She had barely made it two steps out the door when she was speaking again.

“Come in Engineering, give me a sitrep, over.”

A large number of people were fleeing down the concourse now. A crowd of a few dozen had gathered outside Hangar 147, and the people at the front were arguing with the Tamerlane security guard and a hastily erected blockade in the doorway. They couldn’t close the blast doors because members of the crew were still making their way over, so the guard had to stand firm and reason with these people to keep moving to designated assembly points. AKA anywhere but here.

Suddenly, the sound of distant gunfire mingled with the blaring klaxons and announcements. The crowd started shouting even louder and jostling forward. The guard went for his stun gun but got pushed over. People charged into the hangar bay towards the Jotunheim.

The sound of shouting could be heard even inside, on account of the open cargo doors. Zey, fresh off from Engineering, asked:

“What's happening out there? Someone give me a visual!”
Hangar 147, Stavanger Interplanetary Spaceport, Norway, Earth

“Passengers, make your way to designated evacuation points. Security to Terminals five and six. Sikkerhet til terminal fem og seks takk...”

Nearby klaxons blared out these hurried announcements over the spaceport’s tannoy system. It was early morning, and dark outside. Red emergency lights flashed over the concourse’s usual sterile white ambiance. The hangar system used by aviation MRO outfits and private companies was bolted onto the side of the commercial spaceport, but was still accessible to the mass of international passengers via a long concourse.

Some of these civilians had evidently gotten lost and were milling around next to industrial equipment and blue overalled engineers. Many had now realised there were charter craft, ready to go, in the vicinity. Confused shouting and the sound of boots on deckplate echoed through the open blast doors into Hangar 147 where the Jotunheim sat.

Most of the crew had slept aboard their craft on the final night before their extended test voyage, but some of them were still missing. Zeynap ‘Zey’ Kadıoğlu stood in the ship’s narrow bridge with a communicator pressed close to her lips.

“J147 actual to all crew, come in! We are launching in fifteen minutes, make sure you’re here or we leave without you. Over.”

Zey glanced out of the Jotunheim’s reinforced forward window. With a rolling clank, the large hangar bay doors were opening to expose a moody pre-dawn vista. Stavanger Spaceport edged out onto a fjord, where the installation’s lights danced over black waters and rugged cliffs.

She turned away, looked at the empty seats on her bridge, and sighed. She opened a view of the external cameras on her terminal and took in the pallets of supplies sitting on the floor, waiting to be loaded. The Jotunheim’s loading doors were open and the ramp was down. Zey activated her communicator again.

“Vigdis, are you still aboard? Come in. I need someone to get those pallets into our cargo bay. Find me a deckhand and some loading bots.”

You are accepted! I will work on finishing my character, then i think we'll get started! Anyone who wants to join can still join afterwards though, don't worry
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