Avatar of Cath


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Need two more people for our Fantasy + Sci-fi roleplay - we have angry burning trees!
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2 yrs ago
New interest check is live, check it outttt
2 yrs ago
If i could go back now, i wouldn't change a thing
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2 yrs ago
You've got red on you
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3 yrs ago
Its just me, you, a pile of Chinese food and a couple of f**k off spreadsheets.


New roleplay: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/189457-the-eye-of-the-needle-where-fantasy-and-sci-fi-collide/ooc

Hey, I'm Catharyn! I joined the Roleplayer Guild on 2nd Feb 2011, then rejoined on the 17th Jan 2014 after Guildfall.

I was active every day until late 2015, accruing (i think) around 7k posts across dozens of roleplays. Then, I started working and had to gradually slow down my RP schedule. In 2017, I officially went on hiatus when other commitments got fully in the way of roleplaying.

This continued until the COVID-19 pandemic hit, when I suddenly realised I had a lot more free time in lockdown! So in mid-2020, I returned to the Guild with a vengeance. I also managed to get The Cradle 1x1 off the ground - a story i've had percolating for almost a decade.

My posting schedule has slowed down a bit now that the world has opened up again. I still love science fiction, fantasy and espionage themes, and generally aim for around 300 words per post.

Most Recent Posts

In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Top potential landing sites appeared on the map table as small red circles. Dr Lang didn’t move from her position behind Marae - instead she reviewed the locations through implants while processing other data.

Masgard did move over to study the automatically generated dossiers for each zone.

“Hmm, so we have one high mountain cave, partially covered in roots and shoots... Its a few dozen klicks from that mined-out site you mentioned. We’ve got an underground lake close to one of the largest population centres of the largest clan…and we’ve got some…rotten old bough?”

“That looks like the closest unused section of the Morgrawal to its Heart. All of the root systems begin there. Might mean something.” Freyr murmured, lights flashing underneath the shades of her AR glasses.

“So where should we go?” Masgard asked.
Here's my bid for an accidental crewmember.

Both accepted, thanks!
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Masgard nodded, relaying their recommendation via a direct line to Captain Andersen. She had been spending more time analysing the makeup of Earth’s fleet than the simulation. Tapping a stylus pensively against her bottom lip with arms crossed, she stared at the system’s holographic map. After a few moments, she got in touch with the Rothian Admiral.

“Andersen here. The team is requesting they stay put while we move back. I don't like it. I recommend we go one further - put them down somewhere safe on the surface. They can hide while we make this next part of the battle look realistic.”


Augmentations: (If Human, optional)
Magical affiliation: (If Native, optional)
Occupation: (e.g. blacksmith or pilot)
Key skills: (max three)
I'm thinking of sort of an organic Android, she was human once but her memories wiped Ghost in the Shell style
Enhanced sensors like eyes, ears, taste, smell, sonar, (IR/Ultraviolet/Thermal, Hear a mouse fart at 100 meters, detect toxins organic an artificial, track fresh scents (6 hours old), 360 spatial awareness 30 meters)
No serious physical augments outside of internal organs, maybe subdermal armor meant more for projectiles than melee

She's a CIC of a sort but mobile, meant to follow a highly financed unit of Corp troops
Out of contact with command and in unknown territory her entire memory was dumped as a failsafe and left with a base personality
She can act as Communications between all with Cyberware V-trodes or other communications devices even ham radio her send receive range 6 kilometers for internal systems and external dependent on the source, Ship systems she can receive planet wide.

Sorry I get carried away sometimes

She comes with a Arachne cyberdeck model 119E-EXM1 making her a mobile Mini Citadel Virtual Net

Hi there! The OOC is now out here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/189457-the…

And discord is here: discord.gg/r6WVqQ2r

I'm intrigued by your character but i have a few questions, which you're more than welcome to discuss with me on Discord

Firstly, is she a human brain in a synthetic body? Or is her brain running on AI now too? I ask this to try to understand the level of technological advancement necessary to make something like this.

Secondly, am i right in thinking her role is to process information for a group of mercenaries and generally providing logistical and strategy support? If so, why is she separated from her unit?
Welcome through the Eye of the Needle

Kanth-Aremek had been in turmoil for centuries. On the surface, its lands and seas were a veritable cornucopia. But for the intelligent beings that inhabited this continent, danger grew teeth and talons in the dark, and lived in the recesses of the mind. Stories around the fire told of demons crawling up from hell to wreak havoc with the living.

The proto empires which sprung up after the discovery of Magic eschewed these stories. The Margraves and holy men chose instead to focus on polarising different faiths, races and values. Meanwhile, the safe passages between settlements grew harder to control with each passing year. The guilds and monastic orders, once early engines of progress, retreated behind their walls to study in private. Many thought that a sign from the gods would signal the coming of their saviour - or the end of days.

It was through a telescope that a Guild apprentice thought they spotted that sign one night, far off in the distance...

The sky rent open in a flash of mauve. A sleek object poured forth, shining in the full moon's light, and hurtled towards the ground. Fragments split off, and what began as a spark turned into a fire. The blazing pieces crashed into the shoulder of the Grearedar mountain range far in the distance; others set the ancient forest ablaze.

Despite what the apprentice stuttered to their master, this was no sign from the gods. At least not the gods of this land.

[Stavanger Interplanetary Spaceport, Norway, Earth - 2296]

Most of the crew of the Jotunheim slept aboard their vessel the night before its maiden voyage. They were exhausted from the events of the last few months, but there was a charge of excitement running through them as well. Their ship was the first of its kind; able to jump vast distances in an instant using a state of the art Tamerlane warp engine.

Their exact capabilities were a closely guarded secret outside of the company. But pressure was now well and truly on from shareholders to prove that the Jotunheim could indeed reach beyond the Solar System. The crew had been forced to drastically expedite their test jump programme, and their launch date had already been moved forward, so it was a mad rush to get everything ready. The crew were experienced, but hadn’t been working together long, so there was confusion when they woke to ear-shattering sirens from the hangar.

After a few attempts, they learned that the spaceport and adjacent shipyard had come under attack. Hostile soldiers, potentially disguised as Norwegian military police, were fighting through the complex, looking for something.

Chaos erupted in the hangars where flight-worthy ships were kept. Spaceport staff and other passengers swarmed them to get away from the fighting, as gunfire chattered in the distance and alarms blared. Little did the Jotunheim’s crew know that this would be the least of their worries. Turns out their new warp engine was not quite as stable as previously thought…


That’s where our tale begins! A state of the art exploration vessel from the future accidentally tears through into a completely different dimension. They must survive this fantasy world and try to return home. I’m looking for 8-10 experienced roleplayers to come on this adventure with us.

Map of Kanth-Amerek

Link to zoomable map.

Playable Species

Native institutions:

The Ship - "Jotunheim"

Information tabs about the prototype craft our Human adventurers rode in on.

Technology & Magic

Things to bear in mind:

  • Your character can be a member of the ship’s crew, an accidental passenger who found their way aboard during the chaos, or a person from Kanth-Aremek (KA)’s various species and groups.
  • This story is a blend of science fiction and high fantasy, with a real emphasis on survival and resource management for the interloping crew to begin with. KA is a very dangerous place, particular in the wild spaces. They’ll need to work together to avoid a nasty fate.
  • Myself or my co-GM will control the environment and some NPCs.
    • In general, I'm happy to give you a higher level of control on how actions pan out for your character. However, I will be keeping an eye out for ‘clutch’ outcomes and evaluating whether they align with your character’s strengths and weaknesses.
    • I will have the final say on what items the crew can gather or find in their new world, at least to begin with. I may even set up an inventory, if some responsible persons will help with its upkeep.
  • While this RP interest check is in Casual, I’m classifying the skill level required for this roleplay as Low-Advanced. I’m not expecting an essay every time, but I also don’t want throwaway responses that don’t add real value. I'd say 250-300 words is a good benchmark.
  • Discord is here: https://discord.gg/hDZKJt8ZHt

Character sheets


I just found this and you got me interested.

Also, Hi Shu

What I'm thinking of is an Iriad fire mage. Someone from the Myriad who, through hibernation/meditative states, was there when parts of the forest were incinerated. Through some weird mind-opening shenanigans, it opened their mind to the heat domain. After that happened, they're pretty much a perpetually burning tree person who can light things on fire.

Their theme song would probably be smth like this. Space wizard from a far off place who looks like they'll kill you just by breathing on you.

Thats awesome - i think we can accomodate that!

Also, the OOC is now live! roleplayerguild.com/topics/189457-the…

The official discord server is here: discord.gg/hDZKJt8ZHt

Lets get this party starteddd
@Catharyn Maybe the lunar monarchy is the nice name for something thats more like the Italian mafia?

i intentionally left lots of parts vague.

Yeah, that works! In that case, you'll need to clarify each of those institutions in your v2 CS.

We'll open the OOC soon. Just working on some of the visuals.
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