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Finally, with an inaudible snap that broke the tension in her, Kai turned back to Abby and Ameliya with that same natural rictus in place.

“Hey, don’t worry about it! If they don’t starve me to death first, I’ll definitely eat him when I can get this muzzle off.” She paused for a moment, humming thoughtfully and glanced along the walls before pointing at a particularly rat faced guard standing post across the room, escorting some prisoner no doubt. ”And him. He’s a pervert. Likes trading shifts to get camera duty all the time.” The second half of her sentence was a stage whisper, more repeating gossip and a particular warning she was quietly given than any personal experience. Apparently she looked very small for a human.

Looking over at the bright and cheery words coming out of her fellow cellmate, she couldn't help but chuckle at her plan to eat the guard that had gotten her ribs good with the cattle prod. She appreciated the offer. Her ribs still felt sore though as she thought about it, they were definitely going to bruise but she would not let a hand go to touch them. Not here, in front of everyone.

A smile teased at her lips though and she commented, "Might as well just eat all the guards then." With a smirk, she still faced the table but her eyes slid to look at the guards standing behind them. Maybe the thought of being digested by a small girl would be an embarrassing enough death to make that asshole think twice. Though as she watched, the old guard didn't seem to be shaking in his boots but maybe it was just her imagination she couldn't help feel like he looked a little paler.

Looking back at the ravenous girl, she just managed to catch sight of her throwing a spoon down her gullet. That got a proper laugh out of her, the laugh causing her to cough slightly as it caused her to remember how sore her ribs were. The little girl was odd but she couldn't help that she actually didn't mind her company.

Though with the sight of her eating more of others' meals, Ameliya made sure to take another scoop of the gruel just so her food would not manage to just disappear in front of her. Looking to see it was the scarecrow of a man's meal that had been stolen, she looked curious to see if he was disappointed but only instead found him staring intently at her.

But instead Charon focused on Ameliya. Having just been shocked by one of the guards for insubordination. While she, and the punk looking woman who'd attempted to stick up for her and was similarly reprimanded, seemed to move on from the incident. Charon kept his gaze focused and his hands tensed.

Ameliya rose one sharp red eyebrow at him, questioning exactly what he wanted. Though this did not seem to create an answer though as he seemed completely tense and focused. Having no idea what his problem was she instantly thought of two reasons, and jokingly winked at him before snorting and continued eating her food. If he wanted to go at her, she would be ready.

Rueyn ended her piece by removing her mask with her bone-colored claw-tipped hand to set it on her thigh, revealing the exposed bones and wicked, long fangs and serrated teeth. The scar that ran above her left eye apparently had been so deep that even her cheekbone bore scoring, and judging by the slightly darker color in the groove, it was an old one. She opened her wicked jaws to pop some of the ginger cubes into her mouth, the flash of a pierced forked tongue as she did so.

Quickly eating up what she had on her tray, Ameliya watched Rue with curiosity as she not only gave the girl with a black hole for a stomach, not only her food but somehow candy she had somehow managed to get in this hellhouse. That was surprisingly kind of her in this place. Her curiosity was only furthered by the sight that lay under Rue's mask.

Seeing the demon's complete face for the first time brought along even more questions with it. One was how the hell she managed to keep that candy in her mouth. Though with the sharp teeth and exposed bone gave a surprising feeling of nostalgia. Rue might be an interesting sight, but she was not the first demon she had ever met. Though she might be funnily enough one of the more kind ones...

Scraping the remnants of breakfast, Ameliya made quick work of her food. No telling when she was going to lose it after all. Especially, with a woman that not only ate every food in front of her but the spoons as well. With that thought in mind, she cleaned the spoon of the last of the food and then threw her spoon over towards Kailani. Not like she had any use for it anymore.

"What's this?" Grinning, his teeth showed brightly as Körbl listened to the various replies. More than he expected even.

"And here I thought everyone had lost their spines. How quaint."

Ameliya's attention was instantly grabbed back as she looked towards the heavily chained sitting down across the table from her. This kind of talk only led to fights and fights she was too used too had more often than not meant the difference between her surviving the day.

Already from afar, movement and activity from the guards had already spread as they try to move an unruly prisoner into place. That brief distraction was all that Körbl needed as he grabbed the wooden spoon. "Then onto my second question."

"Who amongst us...is the strongest?" Körbl this time said loudly, body readied and willing to jump into action. It's been a long time since he had gotten into a proper fight.

Maybe it was because today had already started off as a challenging day thanks to the asshole guards, or maybe it was because she too had not had a proper fight in a while but a bold and defiant grin grew across her face. Only the strongest survived and she was going to damn well survive this miserable purgatory.

So she stared back at him with eyes that seemed to flash with fiery light as she answered him, "Well I don't know about the strongest, but from my experience, most men do tend to burn up all the same."

Turning around Ameliya was about to move to the line of inmates getting their food, but on her way she found a smaller woman staring up at her. With a raised eyebrow, Ameliya looked down at her just daring her to say anything about her actions with the guard. The interaction was caught short though.

The guard that tried to hold onto the handcuffs held onto his hand in pain; “God damn it….” He screamed out. The other pressing the cattle prod against Ameliya’s ribcage. Sending many volts of electricity into her body. Soon helping her onto her feet; “Fuckin bitch. Ya try something funny like that again, and you gonna be put into the hole for a couple of months.” The guard took the cattle prod while the other handcuffed Ameliya. The injured guard shocked Ameliya once again. Bringing her to the cafeteria with the others; uncuffing her and sitting her beside Abby. She was given a tray of slop looking quite miserable to the other inmates.

Hissing out in pain, Ameliya clenched her mouth shut as she forced herself to not scream. She wasn't going to give them that pleasure, especially with all the other inmates around her that were always eagerly testing each other's strengths and weaknesses. This did not help her legs that instantly buckled under the electric charge though.

As she felt the guard's hands on her, picking her back up, she swiveled to look at the two guards and gave them both firey death glares. Her hands were already starting to glow a warm orange, reacting on instinct she looked as if she was about to not go down so quietly. That was until her mind seemed to catch up with her body as it heard the words 'the hole'.

That stopped her for a moment long enough to have the cattle prod once again electrocute her. Hissing in pain, she let herself be moved over to the cafeteria table.

“Ya guys should lay off on her; She’s been through enough already...we all have.” This got her a smack with the bud of the cattle prod. “Shut up.” The burned-hand guard shouted. Abby spat some blood on the tray below her; “Fuckin piss ant.” She cursed with a sneer on her face.

Sitting down heavily, her form seemed to shimmer with heat for a moment. Her hair looked a lot less like a mess of red fibers and more like the flames that she was infamous for. Staring down at the table she took deep breaths as she tried to remind herself that she actually needed this food. Hearing her fellow inmate tell the guards to lay off her, she stopped her calming breaths and looked up curiously. A small smile grew on her face at the woman cursing at the guard. Maybe not everyone here was so bad.

With that in mind, she looked around at the table and the other inmates. She had seen some of them around before, the 'food' girl was even sitting just a few places from her. Next to her far side was also the demon woman she had seen around before, Ameliya gave her a small nod in greeting.

That was when she caught up to the talk about different types of strength coming from the guy that smelt like he had just been uncovered from a grave.

"We really talking about strength in a place like this?" She scoffed before shoving a spoon full of muck into her mouth.
Discord link for those that don't know: discord.gg/ZCFGp2b9QB

Ameliya's eyes flickered to the other windows of the prisoners as the screams and complaints filtered into her own cell. The sound seems to reverberate thanks due to the stone consistency of her small cage. The feeling of her eyes suddenly brought her attention to the familiar face across the way from her. The small girl in the muzzle had always brought Ameliya more questions than answers. As she saw the other prisoner mouth the words food to her, Ameliya couldn't help as a small smile played on her lips as she watched the other girl point towards her mouth. She was an odd one but she seemed harmless enough, well harmless as anyone in this place could be.

The sharp crack whipped through the air, and Ameliya unconsciously hissed at the sight of the guard ordering around the other girl. Her bright orange eyes looked back to the girl, and then the guard. Slowly studying his face, she made sure to note what he looked like. Then a small tsk escaped from her lips, as she walked back towards her bed, or at least what was left of her bed.

The people in charge of the asylum didn't seem to see it fit to replace her bed quickly, maybe in hopes that it would teach her a lesson about keeping her temper. Not that this knowledge would have changed her actions in the slightest. So against the wall there now just lay a charred mattress on the floor, the melted pieces of what had been her bedframe having been removed for what they called security reasons. Probably a good thing considering all the ideas she had come up with for what she could have done with it. Not that she had had time to do anything, as soon as the room had been lit up fire she had gone down quickly as oxygen had been sucked out of the room.

So she threw herself back down on the mattress with a heavy thud, and lay down with her arms behind her head. It would only be a matter of time before some idiots knocked on her door and she was going to be eating whatever slop they served today.

Knock, knock

Ameliya smirked slightly, they were right on time. Slowly getting off the mattress, Ameliya stretched out her back as she eyed the guards who would be coming in to escort her. The sight of a recognizable and recent guard, made her furrow brow but without needing to be told she walked over to the wall. She knew the procedure well enough and she wanted food enough not to make an argument at the moment. That would have to wait for later...

"To the wall," Came the shout of the guards as they opened the door cell, "Hands behind you."

Ameliya rolled her eyes, didn't they see her standing there already. Clenching her teeth as she tried to keep herself calm, she put her arms out behind her. Just hold it in for a little bit more, just think of breakfast...

A few minutes later and she was being escorted out with not only a power dampener strapped to her arm but a set of cuffs as well, to her sides were the poor suckers who were dressed up in firefighter gear. Eyeing the bright yellow that announced the guard's outfits, Ameliya couldn't help but question if they pulled straws for who had to wear that.

Her eyes roamed back to the face of the man that had so rudely interrupted her interaction with the other female inmate. Her teeth clenched as she reminded herself to just wait a bit longer.

The balls of fire staring directly through the young guard, was not only realized but had him starting to question what the hell he had done bad enough to deserve this. He really needed to get a new job, the pay might have been great but there had to be something better than this bullshit. Even working at Mcdonald's would be an easier way to get coin.

With a sigh of relief, they reached the cafeteria. She would surely be looking at the other inmates now right, as he turned to look at her as his coworker undid her handcuffs he found her blazing eyes still glaring at him.

"Shit," the other guard mumbled as the handcuffs fell towards the tiled ground. He leaned down to get them but Ameliya was faster, hands quickly seizing the metal from under his hands. The guard's hand had quickly reached for his side, his hand wandering over both the gun and fire extinguisher as he seemed to have trouble figuring out exactly which one to use at this moment.

Ameliya ignored it though and her eyes locked back on the younger guard, her hands reaching towards him with the handcuffs. The younger man was startled for a moment as he watched her behavior, was she actually... helping? He put out his hand for the shackles.

What he hadn't seen was the cold silver colour of the metal starting to turn into a brighter orange. With a smile on her face, Ameliya forcibly put the searing hot metal into his open hand.

A scream emanated throwout the cafeteria.
"Ops," Ameliya said feigning innocence, as she watched the guard hold on to his wrist in shock. The smile growing back, she quickly turned towards the food line before they could stop her possibly getting breakfast.

(lol feel free to punish her)

Barefeet strode across the small space as Ameliya paced along the cool stone floor leaving flaming footprints behind her. The flame flickered for a moment before it found no fuel and started to die out, leaving an ashen mark branding the flooring.

Ignoring the starving flames that would follow her, Ameliya stared out the small window in her door towards the outside world. Her eyes blazed with a light that seemed inhuman as she watched the world outside her cell for any movement. She was just waiting, waiting for a moment for someone to slip up. Waiting for a moment when she had her chance. She had escaped worse, and she was going to get her way out of here. So she paced back and forth the cell, much like a tiger at the zoo, and tried to wait as patiently as she could.

Hearing a cry about food, she stopped her tempo for a moment. Moving closer to the carved-out door, she looked out to the other inmates with a curiosity. It looked like it was going to be another lively breakfast in this hellhole.


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