Everyone has this sort of card. It's not a literal, physical thing, of course. It's a record of your past, of your personality, of every decision you've ever made. It's a metaphysical bingo card of everything that makes you you. But today, some of those things that make you you happened to line up in some metaphysical ball cage, and BINGO! A man with a briefcase stepped out of a door that wasn't there less than a moment before. He stands before you with a double-sided bingo sheet. One side shows a series of events and facts in your life lining up. The other is blank, save for a five-letter word in capital letters at the top.
He makes you an offer: If you can fill out the blank side of the sheet he has, you'll be granted a once-in-a-lifetime free zero-consequence chance to alter reality itself, no terms and conditions applied. In layman's terms- fill it out, get a wish. To help you fill it out, he's going to let you make that five-letter word your own... whatever that means. Of course, he's made the same offer to a lot of people. People who might stop you from filling out your card. Some of them might not even be entirely human anymore. As he hands you two more bingo cards- MORAL and CRIME- he wishes you luck and steps back through the door.
Okay, so this RP inspired by three parts Kamen Rider Dragon Knight, two parts Legend Heroes, and a pinch of Ryuki. A bunch of everyday citizens, criminals, lawmen, and civil servants are given the opportunity to right something they think is wrong with the world. Maybe a lost love, maybe they want to rule the world, maybe they want to be legally immune to stop signs. The guy with the briefcase doesn't seem to care what. The important question is: just what are you willing to do to get that wish?
Please, highlight the two to five cliches that got you chosen.
Identity: The five-letter word you've claimed in ALL CAPS. It's also the source of any powers you have.
Brief Backstory:
Your Wish: You don't have to fill out this part publicly if you don't want other players knowing your wish. Still, PM it to me.
The rules are simple:
Your Identity is a five letter word in all caps. This is so it can fit on your cosmic bingo card. One side of your card is a game representing your backstory- the two-to-five toku backstory cliches (or appearance or personality cliches) that got you a suit. The other is specific people you need to defeat, listed by their 5-letter word. Getting a total of 5 bingos on the fight side means you win the fight and get a wish.
The more you use your powers for good or evil, the more MORAL or CRIME cards you fill out, granting you new powers and equipment.
There are a few Identities that aren't open- mostly because I want to use them as villains or they might get a little broken. So far, these are:
JOUST, and
And taken by players, we have: