Avatar of Cleveraptor


Recent Statuses

8 hrs ago
Current Feeling kinda bleh today.
2 days ago
My therapist says I should do something nice for myself every day. What should I do for myself tonight...?
2 days ago
The urge to find someone to write with who has your exact same hyperfixation. 😭
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3 days ago
3 days ago
As a Monster Hunter 4U player, I'm so incredibly proud to see Little Miss Forge all grown up in Monster Hunter WIlds.


Most Recent Posts

Back to work today. Anyone want to brainstorm? Biggest cravings right now are mecha and kaiju, a RP set in the Jurassic World universe, or an original post-apocalyptic setting with dinosaurs.

In related news, currently creating characters for a Bionicle story. Could turn that into a RP at some point.
Merry Christmas, all. Enjoy your Navidad!
I could use something to distract me tonight, even if it's just brainstorming a RP.
Bumping. See something you like? Have an idea you think would be fun to try out? Shoot me a PM!
Yui listened and watched silently. Most of the others weren't happy, aside from the... kid, she assumed. She couldn't really blame any of them. Those angels had brushed off their questions right before sending them to some forest. She took a breath, unsure of how to feel. Well, introducing herself was probably a good start.

"My name is Azuma Yui... Yui Azuma, and I'm from Tokyo." Her voice was emotionless, and she didn't attempt to smile. "I would prefer it if you referred to me by my surname." She put her glasses on, and true to what the girl had said, she could see names above everyone's heads, like a video game. "Good feature. Now it'll be easier to remember everyone's names." She looked around. As Yui turned her head, she could see letters at the top of her vision. It took the young woman a moment to realize it was a kind of compass.

"If we're stuck here, then it makes sense to find a way home." Yui shifted the glasses up onto her forehead. "If what the angels said was true, someone or something might be able to send us back." She scratched her chin. "It seems like a stupid idea to panic, or waste energy being mad. It's like a game or something. We get to the next objective and hope that someone on the way can help us."
Been tinkering with a Bionicle idea, and I would love to write it up in the main post in detail once I get off work. But TL;DR- Bara Magna residents (Glatorian, Agori, Skrall) find themselves transported to a dangerous island and must work together to survive.
"So many questions, so little time," MagnaAngemon said. He seemed annoyed by all the questions, as if he'd just assumed that all of the humans would have zero problems with being snatched up from their everyday life. Needless to say, it seemed like he wasn't going to answer any of them. "In fact, our time is almost up before you're transferred to the Digital World proper. However, Yggdrasil has given you a gift to help you find your way." He opened up the holographic screen again, and an object began floating in front of each of the humans. Yui blinked in confusion.

Glasses? Though for some of the others it was a pair of goggles. Yui took the glasses in front of her and examined them.

"These are Digivices. They'll help you on your journey, and help channel energy to your Digimon partner."

Yui spoke up for the first time. "How do we know who our partner is?"

D'arcmon gave a smile. "You'll know when you find them."

The air around the humans began to shimmer and hum with energy.

"If you want to return home, you'll need to save the Digital World," MagnaAngemon said. "Of course, there could be some item that might be able to send you home. Or if you find a powerful enough Digimon, they might help you... for a price." His tone shifted slightly. "Fare thee well, humans."

"What do you--?"

There was a blinding flash of light, like before. When Yui could see again, she could see that she and the other people were in some kind of forest.
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