Avatar of Cleveraptor


Recent Statuses

14 hrs ago
Current Could be worse. You could be trapped within the Steven Universe fandom.
17 hrs ago
Reminder: you are not immune to alcoholic cougars.
1 like
1 day ago
If you're dropping by my profile more than once, at least leave some anime thighs for me to enjoy.
1 like
2 days ago
That sounds wrong on so many different levels.
2 days ago
I forgot just how good the original Teen Titans series is.


Most Recent Posts

Hundreds of years ago, we, the Matoran, found ourselves adrift at sea. Searching for a new home, we eventually stumbled upon an island. Despite the dangers, we settled in for the long haul, erecting a wall to keep the island's dangerous Rahi beasts at bay. In time, we created the village of Ora-Koro and began exploring the island. The coast was charted, but the deep forests, treacherous mountains, and boiling volcanoes contained mysteries.

One of the village elders, Turaga Ranga, proposed an idea: an expeditionary force to explore the island and catalogue locations and creatures. His fellow Turaga, Watiri and Nongu, agreed, and asked for volunteers. In the time since the Expeditionary Guild was founded, many species of Rahi have been discovered, and the area around Ora-Koro has been thoroughly mapped. For the time being, Ora-Koro is safe.

However, Turaga Watiri has received a vison: a great evil will come in the future, threatening to enslave the Matoran. Heroes must be created, and the only way to do that is with Toa Stones. Hidden on Avsa Nui are six Toa Stones. These stones, once touched by destined Matoran, transform them into mighty Toa, heroes who wield and control elemental powers as an extension of themselves.

Time is running out, and the Expeditionary Guild has doubled their efforts to find the Toa Stones...

Looking for a few more partners.

Welcome to the forum.
Looking for one or two more people.
Hey, you. Wanna RP?
In the mood for some sci-fi and/or horror. I had a weird idea that's essentially Turok (2008) meets Starship Troopers.

The weekend is here. Hope you all have a good one. ^^
Bump. Added fandoms and fandoms that inspire me (note the difference).
Going to add fandoms to my list after work, but what I'm most in the mood for:

- Jurassic Park/World
- Digimon (been thinking of a story inspired by Ghost Game)
- Halo (would like to play as my SPARTAN-III character in the current era of Halo, fighting the Banished and other threats)
- Bionicle (been trying to come up with a story setting following Bara Magna residents trying to survive in a new world)
Agumon-- Kuro-- raised a paw-like hand. "Actually the village I live in is pretty close," he said. "It's not much... houses and a farm and a tavern and a town hall and a gym... but it's home." The creature glanced past the humans at the other Digimon. "That's Gaossmon. Thick head, not much brains. But he speaks the truth; I think the elders Jijimon and Babamon could probably explain it better than I could. Or T.A. But it's hard to tell what's real speculation and what's fantastic stories she dug up. Like that story of humans turning into Digimon."

"A village sounds... quaint," Yui commented. She was already getting vibes of some kind of RPG. Like the equivalent of waking up in a wagon and an NPC noting that you were finally awake. "But if... Jijimon and Babamon might know something, then that's worth checking out in order to get back home." She crouched down to reach the Digimon's eye level and gave a rare smile. "Lead on, Kuro."

The little Digimon cocked its head to the side again, as if processing the nickname. "Can do. It's not that far."
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