Name: Andrew MacDonald
Age: 25
Gender/identity: Male
Appearance: Andrew is a bit shorter than most men, and a little bit chubby. He tends to wear Hawaiian shirts and shorts.
Skills: Computer knowledge, fishing
Personality: A quiet, shy young man, Andrew finds it difficult being with people, and this often manifests as a certain level of anxiety. He likes being around animals, and often talks to them when nobody else is around. Andrew cares strongly for his family, to the point that some might call him a "mama's boy". While normally very quiet, he can lose his temper, and will say things he'll regret later.
Likes: Computers, video games, animals, rock/metal music
Dislikes: Large groups/crowds, people who mistreat animals
Fears: Being forgotten, losing his family
Backstory: Andrew comes from a broken family, and sought shelter from the problems in his life in books, movies, and video games. While incredibly intelligent, he would often get in trouble in his younger days due to his temper and his penchant for skipping school. He did graduate on time, but only after cramming two years' worth of schooling into one. After high school he tried college, but dropped out, and found himself working full time. He managed to make a few friends, but never had much of a social life. His friend, Erika, talked him into going on a day of sailing with her college friends and associates.