A couple of years ago, I stumbled across a little pen and paper RPG entitled Clever Girl, and wanted to play a modified version of the game for two (or more) players. From the website:
Clever Girl is a game about the extraordinary lengths someone will go through to survive in the face of crushing odds and terrifying circumstances. It is a game about loneliness, fear, and the will to live. It is also a game about trauma and revenge, and how a burning desire for retribution can become your downfall.
HUMAN EDITION: You play the solitary survivor of a devastating failure of park security. The dinosaurs are loose. You’ve seen people torn apart by merciless killers and trampled by herds of colossal beasts. You may not have done any killing yourself, but you certainly caused deaths in your haste to find shelter. Who might still be here if you had just stopped to help?
RAPTOR EDITION: You play as the leader of a raptor pack, newly freed after a massive park failure. You and the rest of the dinosaurs have claimed the park for yourselves, driving the humans out or destroying them. While others were running away you were rushing back in, tracking the one human who did you the most harm.
HUMAN VS. RAPTOR: You and a friend will each play one side of the story in a tense race for survival. Intertwine the stories of a human trying to survive long enough to go home and a raptor fueled by grief and revenge. Requires two tumbling towers and one deck of playing cards.
COOPERATIVE PLAY: Play together with a friend as human companions supporting each other or as raptor hunters out for blood. Will your bonds remain strong through the hardships and trials this island has in store?
The game is played with
One (1) D6
A standard deck of playing cards (jokers removed)
A tumbling block tower (not necessary, and frankly I don't think it could be done over the internet unless the GM was trusted by the players to pull every turn)
ten (10) tokens
The following is copied from the game's PDF manual (copies of which I can share via Discord or Google Drive):
If a tumbling block tower isn’t available to you, or you prefer to not use one, simply play without it. Ignore any time the game instructs you to pull from the tower and play until another game end condition is met. Alternatively, you can keep count of how many times you are instructed to remove a block, with the game ending after 11 blocks would be pulled. You can make the game more difficult by lowering this number or easier by increasing it.
You will also need a way to record your game. An audio or video recording device is recommended for thematicreasons, but you can also write journal entries, compose social media posts, or just say things out loud to yourself and those around you.
The game is played by drawing cards that correspond to prompts in this book. You will read those prompts, following any and all instructions they give you, and then create a journal as a record of your character’s experiences. This process of revealing cards and responding to prompts is detailed in The Day section.
You win the game if you draw the Ace of Hearts to activate the long-range communication system, broadcast a distress call, and live long enough for help to arrive. You can lose the game in a variety of ways:
+ If the tower falls, the control center collapses and you die. + If all four Kings are drawn, the raptors find you and you die. + If you can’t draw a card, your supplies run out and you die.
Set up the tumbling block tower as you usually do. The tower represents the state of the control center. Roll a 6-sided die and pull from the tower that many blocks. When you are instructed to pull from the tower, take a single block from any position other than the top of the tower, and place that block on top.
If the tower falls, or you would have pulled 11 blocks, the game immediately ends with your death as the control center collapses around you.
Next, shuffle the deck of playing cards and place the deck face down within reach. To play a shorter version of the game, place the Ace of Hearts face down on the top of the deck. Next, decide who you are. It is recommended that you be a park employee to make it easier for you to get around and use the available resources. Decide if you are an archaeologist, a computer programmer, a geneticist, or another profession that might support the park. You can instead play as a park guest if you want to feel even more overwhelmed by the circumstances.
You are now ready to begin the game.
The odds of the game are normally tilted very heavily against the player(s), but I would like to modify the rules to a certain amount to make the odds better for the players (or in the event of Human vs. Raptor, try to make the odds as equal as possible).
I've never GM'd a game before, and this certainly not a typical system like DnD or Pathfinder. I would love to find 1-3 people to brainstorm help me brainstorm how to make this work on a forum.