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Sometimes, discretion really was the better part of valor.

Even more so, when your temporary partner makes a fatal mistake, like provoking an apex predator with a bit of pain and a light show. Lissa thought that she was generally a chill person, but at the moment, she couldn’t help but to screech at the moth girl’s instinctual reaction.

“Gaaah…! Nylah! Stop provoking it!”

Of course, it was far too late. Something –whatever is was, she couldn’t quite see it properly—barreled out of the forest, obviously provoked by the magic spells and began to make a beeline for the fleeing girls. Lissa didn’t spend much time goggling at whatever was going after them, but between the camouflage and the glimpse of the lizard-like being as the landscape briefly transitioned from forest to field, she knew it was nothing good.

She was going to have some words exchanged with the girl once they made it back to the village. For now though, she held on for dear life onto the stretcher as Nylah accelerated the thing into light speed back to the village. She just hoped that it wouldn’t follow them all the way back to the place and lay waste to it.

Naturally, I went for a Fire Emblem class. As closely as one could fit, anyway.

Edited in a class description since I forgot that yesterday.

Yeah, Fire Emblem's Pegasus knights are fantastic. There's quite a few more games in the series that have kingdoms with entire orders of Pegasus Knights, too.

I think I have an idea that I can work with, but I'm worried it might be too ambitious. If you don't mind, I might have to slide into your DMs to ask a few questions in a little bit!
I just wanted to drop by and say that anybody who incorporates Pegasus Knights into their grand worldbuilding is a pretty swell person in my book.

It's possible that I have a character for you, but I'm not very sure yet.

A grin stretched across Lissa’s face as her hits found their mark. If a mere pair of wolves gave her reason to break a sweat, then she would have never made it this far from home. Really, the wolves should have known better than to have launched their attack like that. In the corner of her eye, she noted that the third wolf had been bloodied against Nylah’s light spears. Good; that was one less person and wolf to worry about.

The ribbon-less girl turned to the wolf whose face she had kicked in—the one that she gored was out of the fight. Raising her sword, she prepared to end the fight with one last slash when the ground began to rumble.

An earthquake? Now? She had experienced a few such tremors in the past. One of them had been bad enough that she had the fortune to experience the thrill-inducing adventure of having to dodge flying bricks from a building collapsing next to her. As unique as that experience had been, Lissa had not enjoyed the aftermath of poking around looking for survivors in the rubble.

The reaction of the wolves, however, told her that this was no mere seismic activity. Literal alarm bells began to ring in her head as her instincts told her to run, and she immediately began backing away from the forest, just as the remaining wolves began to sprint away.

“You guys… I think we should leave,” she began, voice unsure for the moment.

When a tree was knocked aside, and a wolf disappeared into the treeline at the lash of a monstrous tongue, that uncertainly coalesced into stone cold fear and then into a firm course of action.

“…Run. We’re leaving. Get to the village!” Sheathing her sword, she jumped backwards, latching onto Haruno’s light-stretcher. Mustering all her strength, she began to pull it along with her as she ran back in the direction of Dawn, hoping that Nylah would follow, or help her with the bed.

Whatever remained behind the trees was not to be tangoed with.

Lissa had hoped that her immediate reaction would have been enough to ward off a lone wolf that might have bumbled itself into an opportunity, but it seemed that the three of them would not be that lucky. Although it had momentarily looked deterred, it was soon joined by two other wolves. The Raam only had the luxury of processing this information for a brief moment before the three beasts were upon them.

For better or for worse, the pack split its attention between herself and Nylah, clearly smart enough to disregard the injured Oni as a threat. Nylah drawing the attention of one of the pack meant that Lissa faced down a far more reasonable two wolves, though, and from the spears that the Mothraki had summoned, it seemed the villager was more capable in a fight than she had initially assessed. At the very least, she could count on the girl not immediately dying in the next few seconds, which was more than enough for the armored girl to make things work.

She paid little attention to the avatar of the moon goddess that hovered in the periphery of her vision as she met the first wolf head on, sword at the ready. If it continued its charge in the way it did, it would simply gore itself on her sword with relatively little effort on her part. Simultaneously, she kept track of the second wolf that had remained in the corner of her eye as it jumped at her, syncing its movements with its packmate. That it could coordinate this well was mildly impressive, but she was confident in beating them off.

As the two wolves converged on her, she simply shifted her stance at the last moment to let the first wolf thunder past her before bringing her sword to run down along its body. Immediately following up, she turned this momentum to engage its mate, leveraging it to bring… a boot to the face. Regardless of how the engagement went, she then quickly disengaged by jumping backwards, making sure to remain in a position that would keep the wolves away from the other two.

It took some quick thinking, careful work, and the two of them working together, but it seemed like they had gotten the wounded Oni stabilized enough to be moved to the village without immediately dying on them. Lissa couldn’t do anything for the trauma on the girl’s torso besides applying pressure to staunch the bleeding before Nylah was able to finish up her medicinal paste and apply a stopgap treatment to the wound, but the Raam-in-disguise was able to staunch the other bleeding with well-applied tourniquets to her extremities.

It was just as they finished treating her that the girl tried to get up, but Lissa held out a gentle hand to stop her. “Don’t move unnecessarily, or you might open a wound again,” she explained. “Nylah has some spells that can help you move, I think—”

Just as she finished speaking, movement in the corner of her eye drew her attention away towards the brush.


It seemed the predator from earlier was a wolf after all. The deer from earlier probably fell to it, then… or, more likely, to another wolf in its pack. “Kuh… What awful timing…” With a pained expression, the armored traveler stood up, quickly drawing her longsword from its leather sheath. Dropping into a guard stance, she warily eyed the approaching wolf, making sure to place herself squarely in between Nylah and her injured patient, and the hungry beast.

“Nylah, hang back and support me from the rear if you can. Keep an eye out for the rest of its pack. If it’s just one right now, it shouldn’t be a problem, but I can’t defend from all angles.” Although a sword, even a longsword, wasn’t the most optimal weapon to fight off a bunch of hungry predators –the lances her race preferred were far more ideal—between her chainmail coat, her constitution, and her own skill, Lissa was well prepared to tank a simple wolf. It was the two others she was worried about, if they were encircled by a wolf pack.

With that in mind, she kept her position static for the moment, giving up the initiative to the predator. Far better to hold here and let the wolf skewer itself on her sword than to rush it and leave the two others to be ambushed by the rest of the pack.

It had been a close thing, their discussion, but the two of them decided not to go looking for the predator. Lissa was far more inclined to look for the beast, confident enough in her own martial skill, but she deferred to Nylah’s judgment to head back to the village. After all, they were to collect herbs for poultices, not hunting.

It did make her uncomfortable when the deer’s cries were cut short, for all of the uneventfulness the remainder of their foraging mission went. Until they reached the edge of the forest, that is. At the boundary between the forest was a foreign woman, injured, and to her, tottering on the edge of consciousness. Lissa’s companion understandably rushed past her to aid the horned woman, and a brief moment later, the Raam-in-disguise hustled to join her. She didn’t need Nylah to ask her for help to immediately begin rendering aid. Just from looking at her wounds, she agreed that the Oni needed her bleeding staunched. It seemed that the two knew each other, but that wasn’t an important detail at the moment.

“Of course. I’m right behind you,” she replied, her hands already behind her head as she undid the large blue ribbon that usually sat cutely on her head. Lissa liked it very much, but it was also her best option to use as a tourniquet at the moment. One of her belts were the second-best thing, but belts were in a far distant second for stopping bleeding—first aid tips that she had learned over the years on the road.

“On it,” she nodded, immediately descending on the injured Oni. Finding the limb with the most pressing wound, she quickly began applying the tourniquet. If there were any other wounds that needed one too, she’d undo her belt or one of the fasteners on her coat, although she knew it was less than ideal. Working with Nylah, she did what she could to stabilize the girl—she didn’t know anything about herbs, so she left the Mothraki to prepare the poultice as she rendered the first-aid she knew.

Hopefully the apprentice healer had a trick up her sleeve, or getting their unexpected back to the village without injuring her further would be troublesome. Lissa was sure she could carry her, but that was less than ideal…
Nazca Whitehall
Clockwork Autumn

Nazca couldn’t help but to show a slight look of surprise as her visitor gave his response and met her gaze. Between her initial impression of the student in his official role, and her colored impression of visitors after the day’s events, she had come to expect Maximillien’s motives to be far more self-serving than the reality of why he was here.

Pissed as she was, if his apology was genuine, she could recognize that he actually showed quite a lot integrity to admit that he was wrong.

“I see,” she responded simply, settling back into her hospital bed. “It’s all water under the bridge now. If it is as you say, neither of us could have expected such an… extreme outcome. Apology accepted… but it is clear that something is still not right with this Jeanne business. It is strange for somebody to be attacked just for being around or looking into her business, if what I have been told is correct. It’s a shame that I remember nothing of what happened.”

At his offer for improving her stay, she glanced at the door. “A nurse and a doctor with a better bedside manner would be pleasant.”

Later in the day, either as a result of her request, or by complete coincidence, she received her last visitor for the day as she nibbled on one of Maximilien’s gifted baked goods. Upon hearing that it was a student of medicine, Nazca was quick to give her assent to the arrival of the oriental student. This one she coincidentally recognized, although she had yet to interact with her in any real capacity on the island before now.

“Hana Yun, was it? No need to apologize. I can and will appreciate any additional medical expertise. Just being apologized to is a nice change of pace compared to rude students barging into my room demanding things.”

Yes, she was still salty about James and Bunga. She would be for a while.

Her eyes tracked the bottle as Hana revealed the medicine, glancing at the exotic characters on its label as she placed it on her bedside table. Nazca listened intently at her instructions, not caring if the girl seemed to ramble. If it would help her heal from those awful burn wounds, then just being a bit hungrier was no issue. She had a whole basket of food now, anyway.

“I see. Thank you for the medicine. I appreciate it,” she gratefully replied. “As long as there aren’t any other detrimental effects… then I have no real questions. If I do, then I’ll be sure to call for you.”
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