Polina frowned at the way her sword and knives buried themselves into the demonic creatures. Unlike the previous demons she had encountered, these seemed to act more like a liquid. It didn’t take much for her to guess that using high explosives would probably be more effective… then again, few things were immune to cordite applied correctly.
Although she continued to go after Havershel, the Farisian maid wasn’t so callous as to completely ignore the security of the man’s mostly innocent guests. She was capable of multi-tasking enough to attack some of the creatures from behind as they pursued, to better allow them to escape from the demonic horde and give them a fighting chance. Dodging a lava ball and parrying an attack with her sword as she spun around the blow, she finally made it into the hallway along with Lucrecia.
Bursting into the room at the end, she was greeted with a grisly scene.
What had happened to the Lady Havershel?
She felt conflicted. What would have happened if she had met with the lady? Could they have helped? Unfortunately, what’s done was done. They needed to get the bigger picture, and Polina began to move in to assist her fellow maid when Lucrecia brought the entire chandelier down towards them. Her eyes widened at the uncommunicated and reckless move. Thinking quickly, she grabbed a set of metal trays nearby with her powers and immediately inserted them above the surviving maid. If Lucrecia’s little gambit failed, then the maid would still be protected, though no doubt the silverware would be rather banged out of shape afterwards.
Cecilia was no stranger to waking up on a pleasant bed of grass surrounded by trees. Not to say that she was familiar with being isekai’d to random fields on fantasy words –no matter the similarity to her surname—but it was not the first time she’d fallen asleep on the Balliol quad with a book in hand, and the silver-haired master’s student had little reason to find waking up against some dewy grass and an open sky being overly unusual.
What was unusual, though, was the fact that others on the lawn were making such a racket. Even at Oxford, there were troublemakers and rabblerousers, but frenzied screeching was a little beyond the pale. As she fully blinked open her eyes, she found that her body was feeling a little breezier than normal. Her limbs were somewhat heavier too… What?
That prompted her to look down, and that prompted her own screeching. “What in the nine hells is this!?”
What she’d found, after all, was not the sweater and skirt she had been wearing, but a very skimpy white bikini. There was honest to goodness plate armor adorning her arms and legs, but that wasn’t the big deal right now—someone had stripped her and put her in this… revealing… thing! And in public! Trying to cover herself up, she searched around for her towel to wrap around herself—and that was when she saw the other girls.
The other girls that had also been making a noise about their situation. The other girls in strange, costumes and cosplay… And shooting strange magic at random trees that were certainly not in the university city that she was intimately experienced with.
...I'm totally pushing it with this costume, aren't I.
Name: Cecilia Feilding
Age: 22
Height: 155 cm
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Silver
Nationality: Great Britain
Occupation: Master’s student; museum research assistant
Gender: Female
Personality: Imagine a posh brat. Then imagine her without the brat part. In other words, she's a person with money that's okay. Most of the time, at least.
That’s Cecilia, a calm, collected individual under normal circumstances. She has a refined demeanor, with a matching taste in clothing, cuisine, and artistry—but appreciates the simpler things too, sometimes. She has a quiet confidence, but is usually chill and goes with the flow. She’ll totally give you a scathing verbal smackdown (although kept classy, to a certain extent) if she thinks you’re being a fuckhead. Cecilia is a studious, well-educated, but still active woman that enjoys history and the pursuit of the arts.
Of course, these are not normal circumstances. While she doesn’t instantly judge, she still thinks clothes maketh the (wo)man, and the barest possible skin coverage in a costume is utterly… unacceptable. Cecilia actually doesn’t mind cosplaying in cute outfits, but she thinks of this particular costume as ridiculous, scandalous, and highly embarrassing. She wants to wring the neck of whatever being dumped her in this world with the barest of shreds of clothing.
Cecilia is an actual, legitimate, true-blood upper class girl from a British noble family. She has a posh life, with impressive digs in London, and an equally fancy ancestral estate in the countryside. Although she comes from a background with a significant legacy and certain connections, most of her achievements are her own.
As a lover of the great British pastime of stealing foreign cultural artifacts, Cecilia wants to follow in the footsteps of her great ancestors and become a museum curator. She was studying for a master’s in history before being rather rudely ripped away from the perfectly pleasant life she was having.
Costume Overview:
Type: Hybrid Warrior/Caster
Source: Phantasy Star
Imagery:Maximum defense bikini armor
It's a skimpy bikini, okay?
Powers/Abilities/Spells: - Auto-Cleaning: Your costume somehow washes itself daily, meaning you never need to worry about stains or bad smell! Neat. - Auto-Repair: Should your costume ever become torn or damaged, don't worry! It somehow restores and repairs itself daily, meaning maintenance is a non-issue! ... Unless you're in a still on-going fight. - Pajama Party: …It’s the same damn costume. - Stat Boost (minor): Depending on which type of costume you picked, you gain a small passive boost to the correlating primary attributes. Do not touch this section though, the GM will fill it in once your sheet is accepted and posted in the characters tab. - Regenerative Shielding: Have you ever thought about how an advanced version of bikini armor works? Well, this is it. When Cecilia wears this costume, she’s shielded by what’s functionally a force field spell. Normally, this passively conforms to her skin, but she can turn this into a more active bubble form that she can even extend to other party members although with reduced effectiveness. It is good against physical attacks and offensive spells, hot and cold, and if she’s aware of it, can filter dangerous gases too. A little bit of creativity can let her use the energy offensively. If it depletes too much from being hit too much or too hard, it will fail. That’s bad, naturally.
Alright, alright. What I'm hearing is that you're all mostly fine with whenever. So, as soon as @Click This gets their sheet done, I'll try to get the first IC post up ASAP.
Don't feel like you're in a rush thougbClicky. You seize that opportunity and get rich. Then wire me some of your earnings, m'kay? :3
Oh, and @Crusader Lord, that link you provided leads to a 404 error. xD
Aiming to finish this tomorrow if I don't have any more interruptions!
As a rabid coffee-enjoyer, Éliane was happy to see at least one other person in the group liked the beverage that they had ordered from the café. With her own coffee in hand, she had just started to enjoy its rich, foreign flavor –it was quite good, at least to her standards—that her valuable and important coffee time was interrupted and spoiled by a very rude man. At first, she gave him the stinkeye when he dropped his mug, but she actively began to scowl when he began to yell and completely ruin the peaceful café time that she was having.
“Interrupt the most sacred time of the day, will you,” she muttered, as the man ran from the shop. “You bastard! Get back here!” A moment later, and the redheaded gunbreaker followed, looking agitated enough that it was quite likely she was literally going to beat up the man in an alleyway for the disturbance.
When Éliane returned to the party some hours later at the Caradoc lodge, she looked suspiciously guilty of having administered a beatdown for disturbing the peace. Nonetheless, despite her slightly ruffled state, she was carrying a few small sacks of what was obviously coffee beans.
Ignoring the obvious byplay between the servant and Izayoi, she asked “Could you see us to our lodgings beforehand? It would be a good idea for us to freshen up,” she hinted.
Polina refrained herself from frowning as well. Personally, there were both merits to both accepting and declining, and the two of them had made the wrong bet in Livia’s eyes. Not the most ideal, but obviously it wasn’t something critical—
Until it was.
Certainly, the Farisian maid hadn’t expected things to escalate so quickly. Within seconds, she had a defensive array of knifes up around her and her two companions, most of them bladed cutlery from the evening’s dinner setting. She grumpily realized that she would not be finishing dessert today…
“On it,” she acknowledged, drawing her sword. While Lucrecia focused on running down the lord Havershel, Polina turned her attention to the petty beasts in their way. With a flick of her sword, the bladed weapons shot forth and sank into the otherworldly creatures as the still disguised maid maneuvered around the room and the fleeing nobles.
there needs to be more cuteness in the world
cute girls doing badass things
rp with me if you agree
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">there needs to be more cuteness in the world<br><br>cute girls doing badass things<br><br>rp with me if you agree</div>