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Éliane innocently let the comments wash over her. She noticed that her earlier enthusiasm had probably inconvenienced her host slightly, but he could put up with a little trouble for the greater good. The greater good of interrupting café time, that was. She felt satisfied nonetheless, although the welcoming party at House Caradoc was something else entirely. Being a member of the Household Guards, Éliane was intimately familiar with customs, etiquette, and all the pomp and circumstance that came with nobles.

This was very formal, but formal in the way that showed obvious displeasure at one’s guests.

The Skalian girl ignored the byplay between Artorias Caradoc and Izayoi, but she still noted it nonetheless. When the disapproving attention of Galahad’s father turned to the rest of the party, and then her, she scrunched her face in feighned, innocent confusion.

“Huh? Moi? When someone dresses up like this, it’s a diplomatic mission,” replied Éliane, wagging her finger. She noticeable did not actively refute his point, and made a formal bow instead.

“Éliane Laruelle, of the Household Guards. At your service.”
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

“Oh, for the love of--!”

Unfortunately, disgruntled squawking from Polina was just an ineffective as her entreaties for the enraged demon to see reason. But from the way she saw him continue to transform, she knew that attempting to persuade him with words was a lost cause. Keeping to this same track was probably just going to get Lucrecia, herself, or the other maids killed.

Her problem still remained, however. She was not equipped to fight Camio at any reasonable effect, and she was injured to boot.

Thankfully, Viatrix came through, promising imminent reinforcement. But at this rate, soon might not be enough to save Lucrecia.

Polina moved to follow the fight from a distance, but she remained disengaged without any way to influence their fight. She had drawn her sword once more, but she wasn’t suicidal.

“Polina here. Soon isn’t enough! What is your ETA? We’re not going to last at this rate,” she winced, both from the pain in her ribs, and from the way Camio was bullying his way through Lucrecia.
Cecilia Feilding

Cecilia was fully convinced that they were all in a different world now. Whatever this girl was saying was doing quite a bit to convince her, although she felt that it had been awfully convenient to run into these creatures and then a helpful exposition dump in the form of an ‘adventurer.’

Quite conveniently, she was forming her own conclusions about the ridiculous costumes. It still didn’t help the fact that she was half-naked.

Still. She was closer to hitting the mark than she had expected. Cecilia really did come from money, after all. Instead, Cecilia fixed Sayu with a stare as she tried to lie her way unconvincingly. “Well, I don’t know,” she responded with an almost-drawl, not doing anything to conceal her obviously posh accent, but leaving the obvious thought unsaid. As long as she was sticking around, they weren’t going to convince anyone very well that they were poor with an actual noble girl tagging along. Albeit, a noble girl in a ridiculous revealing bikini, but that was a different problem entirely.

Instead, she focused on the important question that the others were still ignoring. If these things from the rat creatures were considered currency, or if this was a barter economy, the bunch of them needed to eat, too, ignoring the obvious otherworldly magic element.

“I’m not going to apologize for us defending ourselves. Considering that and the help you’ve given nonetheless, I think it would be fairer if we split the proceeds evenly between us and her,” she offered instead.

What point was there going to a city if they really were penniless? Cecilia shuddered at the thought of slumming it on the street. In a bikini.
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Lucrecia, you absolute idiot!

Polina liked to stir the pot a little sometimes, occasionally risking her own health and wellbeing for the success of her undercover antics. But well, this—she could tell that the demon noble was genuine. He was speaking from the heart. And Polina was quite sure that she had just blundered into giving one of the most grievous insults one could give to a family man.

The Farisian maid immediately turned on Lucrecia, fast enough for her dress to swish—but she was too late. “Lulu, apologize—”

Polina was immediately punted from the room, too fast for her to properly track before she slammed against the side of a wall on the other side of the hallway. She barely had time to adjust to not break her neck against the surface, but she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen nonetheless. Something had clearly broken, and cried out in pain.

She had to worry about that later. Wincing, she picked herself back up together to stand, but there was little she could do to properly intervene. Nonetheless, if she could talk the man down, somehow… they could perhaps salvage the situation. They did not need a three-way battle right now. If the church jumped in without a clue, it might even become a four-way clusterfuck, and that sort of thing wasn’t as amusing when you were involved in it instead of looking in on a mess from the outside.

Polina tried to make her way back to the fighting. “Ngh… Stop this… senseless fighting! She misspoke… it’s a misunderstanding! A three or four-way fight is not what we need when we should be cooperating!” Using as much energy as she could muster, she called out as loud as possible, hoping the demon wasn’t seeing enough red to drown out all reason.
What Crusader said. Cecilia was just reacting, nothing else. xD
Cecilia Feilding

The weird shite was just continuing to roll over her like waves. Most of that was not in a good way. Cecilia had suspected that her strange, exceptionally revealing costume was far more ‘armoured’ than she thought, and could probably hold up to a lot of trauma, but it was nice to get some amount of confirmation.

Even if that confirmation came via being directly attacked and hit by a large club.

The adrenaline of being assaulted kept her carrying on more than anything; even if her attack was rather lackluster, a sharp enough weapon still did enough damage and she was well on her way to cutting the rat-creature down before it was immolated for her.

The bikini-clad girl backed away from the burning carcass, deciding to process the implications of everything… for later.

There was still a third creature, after all. If Cecilia’s hunch was correct –and her hunches usually were—they’d have to finish it off. She was genre-savvy enough to suspect that these creatures were hostile to humanity and rarely gave quarter, if they could even properly communicate. She gave her voice towards finishing it off.

Before any of them could make good on that, though, someone else appeared. Not another rat this time, but a girl. Someone that she could understand… another isekai’d woman? No, she sounded ‘native’ by the way she spoke and dressed. If she had a costume, it was more practical fantasy in nature than the ridiculousness of what she or the others was wearing…

Cecilia ran her fingers through her hair and groaned.

“Yes, we’re a group. Yes, we’re lost. And yes, we ‘beat them up’. Were you looking for these creatures?” she responded, before her attention was taken as Charlotte took the opportunity to blast away the last ratman. Well, that solved that.
But did it involve stepping on legos?
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina struggled to suppress a wince as Lord Havershel executed the hapless demon maid. Nonetheless, it was warranted. She hadn’t even been aware Axolotl –demon maid versions or not—were able to open their mouths that wide. It was a little disconcerting.

The Farisian maid had her mild suspicions, but she was still taken aback when the man introduced himself as a demon lord. That… changed a lot of things. It certainly explained the man’s vices that Polina so disliked, and the way he hard-countered any of her avenues of attack. Of course, she wasn’t the church, and even with an introduction like that, she was hardly going to attack. Not without hearing a proper explanation, at least.

And really, what a doozy it was.

“I have so many questions,” was Polina’s simple reply, but for lack of time and information, she accepted his offer to walk and talk after giving Lulu a look. She wasn’t the best demonologist, but she knew the name, at least.

“Well, I suppose we can drop the pretense… Since our intelligence is apparently so flawed, who is your wife, and the demons that have kidnapped her? And what's your relationship with that demon in the idol?” Polina didn’t mention his wife’s request, though she wondered what happened to the maid that had approached them.

Nonetheless, she had a to frown a little despite needing to ask. It grated her on a professional level that they’d come in with a seriously incomplete picture on the situation, and even more so that she had to ask what was ostensibly still an enemy to fill them in.
My bad, I've just been very distracted and didn't realize I hadn't said anything til now. xD
I also may or may not need to post late for this round because I've been traveling this weekend. xD
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