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The dinner, it seemed, was becoming increasingly hostile and inhospitable. Éliane thought it was an incredible shame, considering that Galahad was a swell enough nobleman, and his mother was rather friendly, as well. More importantly, these people knew how to cook, and they had great coffee! Certainly, it was better stuff than had been available at the capital.

The seasoning on the roast was absolutely chef’s kiss. The gravy, rich, creamy, and top notch, together with the potatoes. The vegetables that accompanied the dishes were also perfectly roasted, and the family certainly knew their wine, too. Of course, Éliane preferred her beloved coffee, but she wasn’t a rube that didn’t know vintages and could still appreciate a good accompaniment.

Her attention continued to turn inward on the meal as the Caradoc patriarch began to start a row after the party had answered his question. She’d answered him in truth and had received sneers in return, but Éliane clamped down on her displeasure. She had no skin in this particular game of familial conflict, nope! Reaching for some fresh bread to soak up some of the gravy and juices that were on her plate, she froze as the elder Caradoc dropped a bomb that made even her pause.

Well, that would likely explain a lot of the hostility, if true. Still, why was Skael getting a big portion of the splashback here? Why the extra hostility, lord cranky host? She and the rest of her countrymen hadn’t participated in that silly war!

Éliane drew her hand back with her bread as Izayoi made her case. It was a very well-reasoned explanation that she nodded along to as she enjoyed the piece of sourdough that she broke off, but she frowned at the quickly dwindling gravy on her plate.

She was quite sure that Lord Caradoc was breaking quite a number of the rules of guests and hospitality by threatening to hang his guests, an existing blood debt or not. She was also quite confident that the king would be rather cross, too. What was a little diplomatic incident over killing some envoys?

And certainly, she wasn’t done enjoying the good food at the table. They’d already left a terrible impression… What was something a little worse? If relations were irreparable at this point, she might as well enjoy as much as she could and hoped the servants didn’t get the current bad vibes and served dessert before they were truly kicked out…

But first. She gestured towards the silver gravy pitcher that was by Lord Caradoc.

“Pardon me. Can you pass the gravy?”
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina gritted her teeth, but it wasn’t only because of the pain that was still in her ribs. She’d hoped that the young boy’s presence or even his knowledge of his father would allow the enraged demon to calm down, but it was clear from his words that was an entirely futile effort. She felt impotent. There was truly little that she could do.

“I see…” she sighed. The maid produced a small bag of candy from within her dress—as much of a party dress it had been, she had still put in the effort to put in some small, hidden pockets. Of course, she filled them with small pastilles instead of something useful, but at least it could help calm this boy, too. Why was she being saddled with all the kids at the maison?

She was about to offer them when Madeline was skewered by the demon’s attack in front of her. She winced, flinching back, but she covered the boy’s eyes and turned away. Wordlessly, she placed the sweets in his arms and prepared to stand up—Polina did not like the way this was going.

That was until Livia finally made her entrance, complete with wine glass. The confidence she exuded was palpable. Letting out an almost imperceptible sigh, she kept turning the boy away so that he wouldn’t be able to see the carnage, but it was futile as he ran over as Camio’s body was ravaged by her attack. There was little she could do here. It seemed like that was going to be the theme of the day. Instead, she turned towards Livia and nodded… but there was still something she could do for Madeline, at least.

“I’m injured, but I can still fight at range,” she replied, even as she telekinetically collected scraps of cloth that she manipulated into bandages and tourniquets that she quickly applied to the gravely injured woman. It was a very quick triage job with her abilities, but assuming Livia could get her to a proper healer or surgeon in time –or if she had abilities herself, given her rather impressive performance—then it was possible the church woman would survive.

Polina might greatly dislike the church, but this woman did fight in battle alongside them, even if it was only as allies of convenience.
RIP. I did have fun while it lasted though. Thanks for the RP!

Éliane was no stranger to familial tension. Not after being intimately involved with the comings and goings of so many distinguished families back in the capital… and after her own time of working for two of them. For things like this, she wisely stayed neutral and didn’t pipe up. Even if Lord Caradoc ignoring her deliberate provocations grated on her slightly. How was a girl to have a little bit of fun if her shameless (non-familial) shit-stirring went ignored!?

Well, she supposed it wasn’t too becoming of a member of the Household Guards and a girl representing Skael, but still.
Thankfully, the good lord’s wife was a far nicer person. Dinner? Why of course, that would be great, ma’am! Thank you very much, ma’am!

Without any protest, Éliane followed them along to dinner. Formality was not an issue for Éliane, as unlikely as it seemed. Once again, she’d gotten used to enough state dinners back home. It just meant that food would be decent—and in a place like this, the coffee would be amazing!

Enjoying a delicious roast, she tilted her head at Caradoc’s question as she carefully set her silverware down on the clearly expensive porcelain.

“Pragmatism,” she answered seriously. “I have no need or want of gold. Maybe a little fame, as that advances my country’s goals, truly. But in the end, the Blight spares no man, and it has come to Skael. I don’t want to see my countrymen, family, and friends devastated as much as any other here in Edren.”
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina was glad that the boy was returning to the land of the living. She regretted using him as a pawn or tool, but if he had insights that would get his dad to stop going psycho, then she’d take it.

“Maybe, but at a very bad time,” she lamented, with a sigh. “Your mom was possessed, I think. Your home is being attacked now, but he’s ignoring them and fighting his allies instead. There’s not much we can do but to fight him and the intruders, now.”

And Polina was injured, with Lulu left alone to fight against him with… the church. Polina shuddered at the scenario.

She probed him for information. “Do you know what we can do to get your dad to calm down? To stop, and help attack the bad people instead?”
Hmm... Might need some extra time to post. Probably tomorrow afternoon?
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

As thankful as Polina was for the unexpected backup, being reduced to an impromptu babysitter grated on her. She was never that good with kids, even if she had a little follower back at the Maison now, but what she wanted most was to help in some way. She was a combat maid at heart, after all. With her injury though, she was still a liability unless Madeline had some more blessed backup swords for her to levitate around.

With a pained sigh, she nodded, taking custody of the small boy from the church lady. “Very well… I’ll keep him out of harm.” She briefly entertained trying to use his son to get Camio to calm down, but that was a risky strategy at the moment…

Maybe later, though?

She glanced over at the boy now in her care. “Are you alright? Let’s get you somewhere safe. Your dad is… very angry right now.”
Cecilia Feilding

Cecilia didn’t have much to respond with on how the rat creature was killed. As far as everyone had been concerned at the time, not being killed by the evil fantasy creatures was a far bigger priority than wondering if the weird beasts had cool gems to harvest in their noggin, or something like that.

She watched with a muted expression as the adventurer girl harvested said gem thing from said noggin, reluctantly taking the present of gem and rat tail with a mild expression of disgust on her face. Hey, you couldn’t fault a girl for not wanting to touch rail tail and brain bits, after all.

And then the girl was gone.

“I’m not really sure what happened there,” she muttered, before looking around at the other girls, intending to pawn off the hot potatoes that were the rat parts to someone else. “Would anybody else like to carry the rat bits?”

Nonetheless, she wanted to continue on. At least making it to the outside of the city would at least give them some options.

“Not necessarily. It’s possible there are smaller towns, establishments, or even a market outside the city walls,” Cecilia pointed out, drawing on her historical knowledge. “I’m sure there will be ample opportunities to get some kind of money or accommodation before the gates…”
Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

“Understood,” Polina replied tersely, feeling the pain from every word she spoke. She really needed to get her chest looked at. And certainly not in a lewd way. One minute was not enough when seconds was likely what Lucrecia really had. Truly, the other maid’s misfortune had been of her own design, but it still didn’t sit right with Polina that the maid was going to get diced up for an unfortunate remark… and even more so that Polina was utterly unable to do anything about it.

If she had been in uniform, she likely would have had some type of trinket stashed away to make difference, but an elegant, if slightly skimpy party dress left little in the way of weapons aside from the sword and few knives she had tucked away.

Thankfully, she was surprised to find some unexpected reinforcements, even if she didn’t particularly like it. “Great, the church,” she muttered, before grimacing and regretting the extra words.

She decided to nod at Cassandre in acknowledgment by way of initial reply. “He’s on… our side… nominally, if he weren’t seeing red,” she cautioned as she leaned on her sword. She held onto the vain hope that all parties would see reason and restraint.
Oh, crap. My bad. I honestly didn't realize it was already Sunday...
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