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Still in one collab... but I'll be posting soon. I'll just have Mirie arrive just in time to catch everything said if that's fine.
Huh. Did nobody make a Ravenfell post yet?
I've got one last collab to get on, but I guess I should also make a regular post soon-- probably sometime in the next day or so.

Collab with @ERode

Smiling, Duke Rhinecliff watched the children leave, escorted by one of his maids. He slipped a timepiece out from the folds of his cloak, observed the present time, then clicked the ornate piece shut again, sliding it back into his inner pockets.

“Well, Mirie,” he spoke, his tone sliding into a more casual manner now that there were only equals present, “Would you believe me if I told you that I was mostly clueless during all this?”

Glancing at his pocket watch for a moment, Duchess Agustria shook her head, with a light snort. “I would believe it. Masterfully played, nonetheless. I had to put the pieces together myself.” She glanced at the wine still on the table, and then sighed.

“I see the Queen is becoming far bolder. Does this change any of your plans?”

“She has always been bold; it changes little.”

The Glasic Fields still must be obtained, and the duchies must form a united ground. The influence of exterior forces wishing to take advantage of the chaos must be managed, while measures must be taken to counter the overwhelming power that the Seeds presented. Far too many pieces to be put into place. He reciprocated the Duchess’s sigh with his own, then managed a smile once more.

“Still, your thoughts on my double? I do hope he hasn’t done anything so dramatic as fling himself towards the Queen at first sight?”

Mirie chuckled lightly. “And that would not have been the most dramatic moment of the gala. No, ‘he’ has acquitted himself well. Beyond my expectations, in fact, but there will still be questions…”
Tapping the wine glass she brought from the gala, she changed the topic. “Much has happened in the past few hours. The Court Mage has a new apprentice, Duke Willowsteel has had too much to drink and is to be executed, and the Queen intends to travel to Athius for reasons I’ve yet to discern. Still intending to swap, Laurent?”

“That stupid boy…”

He allowed himself but a moment to furrow his brow, pinching the bridge of his nose. Odonfield and Nordor had warred against each other before. The late Arthur Willowsteel had been a brilliant lord and leader, even when all he held was human strength and common steel versus the spellwork of scholars and sorcerers. His only son, degraded in times of peace, seemed only fit to make trouble.

“With news such as that, I’ve no recourse but to make the swap, it appears. As for Athius, however…” The Duke contemplated that nugget of knowledge briefly. “The build up of an invading force, and the pretext to send them elsewhere. Considering the proximity of those wicked waves to the Grand Bank, could that not be a ploy to claim the sister port as the Queen’s own?”

His eyes met Mirie’s.

“If all it takes is a drunken episode to justify the execution of a duke, what more does Evelyn need to claim the head of a duchess?”

She frowned, contemplating the scenario Laurent raised. However, the pieces didn’t fit. Caelin was infamous for holding out against King Ludwig, after all– and she could do it far better than her father ever could.

“It’s unlikely. The forces she would need to muster to challenge both my fleet and the fortifications of the Grand Bank would require preparation months in advance. It would not be discrete, and frankly, she would have little reason to take a swing at little old me rather than you,” she said in jest, although the facts remained. “No, she has other designs, but Sev’s fate is just as pressing. He deserves better, but the words he spoke were treason. I fear my hands may be tied.”

“So long as you exercise due caution when she demands you let her ships dock at your ports, Mirie, I suppose a landbound duke has no grounds to give advice to a seabound one.” He gestured towards a servant, who stepped in to present a case of cigars. Taking one, the duke motioned for Mirie to take the other. “Sev’s words were only treasonous because he failed. If not, Evelyn would be hanging herself for what she’s done, no?”

Military might mattered in the end, no matter how much soft power one could project. An arcane sigil was drawn into the air, before a candleflame floated above his index finger, igniting the cigar.

“What value do you think Nordor has, in the coming conflict?”

Mirie inclined her head, and accepted an offered cigar. It wasn’t her usual choice of vice, but Laurant did have nice cigars. “Where it matters? An entire duchy’s worth of manpower. Nordor offers little in the way of location. It is annoying to get to, its resources are lacking, and its economy is simple and agricultural, with little else besides wine and crops. All things you are aware of, no doubt.”

Broken away from the Queen’s taxes, though, she knew that even a relative backwater like Nordor could still put a decent offering into a warchest, if it was needed. And, without a doubt, the levies from Nordor could make or break the difference in a coming civil war.

“Being out of the way is its own benefit,” Laurent nodded. Battles could be won with magic, but wars were still reliant on people…so long as there wasn’t a Seed that invalidated that particular fact. Supplies were necessary then, as well as a fallback point if necessary. “It would have been good if Sev had kept his claws sheathed, but I suppose that would be too much to ask.”

A map of Arrowfell twisted and stretched in his mind, mental calculations of distances, of how quickly the word could get out, how many pieces he could move at once. To rouse and collar rebellious forces within Nordor, to have dialogue with the Tearmoon coven, to time everything in a way that would maximize the benefits…

“I don’t suppose you’d know of the Queen’s timeline for her voyage to Althius?”

The Duchess considered the Queen’s words at the gala. “In a few weeks. I’ll keep you apprised… the more I think of it, whatever she’s going to do will be of greater import than I originally thought.”

And that was already with the pieces moving on the mainland. Mirie’s influence was especially limited in the hinterlands like Nordor, but Caelin’s reputation for neutrality, feigned or not, depended on things like this. “Do you intend to make a move on Nordor, or mount a rescue?”

“That’d depend on Sev himself.”

Though he had his preferences, there was no point in being forceful at this stage.

“I reckon that there’s plenty of other things that can be done in the Queen’s absence, after all.”

That was enough of an answer for Mirie. “No doubt.” She pulled out her own pocket watch from within her pocket, briefly checking the time.

“Shall we?”
Feeling a bit better now. Looks like a bunch has happened since I was indisposed, so time to catch up.
Hey guys, sorry about dropping off the face of the planet for a couple days during the middle of a couple collabs. Some kind of virus flat out hammered me and I've only just started feeling better, but hopefully I'll be good enough to write again in a couple more days.

Éliane looked skeptically at Esben’s response. She debated for a moment whether or not to slap at his arm to make a point, but thought better of it. He might need still need it in the coming minutes, after all. Nonetheless, she watched him skeptically as the fellow Skaellan picked himself up. Raising an eyebrow at his unsteady gait, especially after using her shoulder as a crutch, she snorted.

“Yes. Don’t fall behind, okay?”

She strode forward, somewhat bewildered by his insistence that he was fine. Well, if he was fine, then, he would be fine catching up, right? She powerwalked away, making it in time to absorb most of the history lesson the elderly wizard was dumping onto her fellow party members.

She had some mixed feelings about the revelation that indeed, the Valheimians were absolutely behind the blight. She had been right all along! But all the same, it wasn’t as simple as waging war against the foreign invaders, as Cid was all too happy to tell. Given the importance of the information, she paid extra attention despite the fact that Esben was also around. Those reports would be vital, if the information could be corroborated.

Unfortunately, Éliane didn’t have a chance to ask any questions about the Crystals before they were so very rudely (and scarily, if she had to privately admit) interrupted by the revenant literally jumpscaring them.

Then, the world lurched and they were once again away. The pink-haired officer winced at the nauseating feeling of the teleport, her face of determination in the face of the new information very briefly being interrupted by the queasiness. After righting herself and getting it out of her system, she found herself nodding at Galahad’s words.

“Right! Locating and protecting the remaining crystals is paramount, but we must not let this knowledge leak beyond us.” She glanced at Esben, who was the true spy here, no matter how obtuse he was with it. “I do not want to lead them right to the prize.”
Ey Est, there's a whole buncha stuff that I want to get done during the timeskipped phase; may take a week or so, if things are lucky. Straight off the top of my head...

Collab with Click serving as a post-mortem after the Skybound twins leave.

Sure, hit me with it.
<Snipped quote by Click This>

I wasn’t sure if I needed to get a Nyx post out or not (just cause it would be her playing observant/inner monologuing unless someone wanted to collab) but I can if you would like ^-^

Honestly either works-- I'm kind of in a low muse moment and Mirie is in a somewhat similar position.
I was thinking of waiting for @Donut Look Now to post first, but if not I'll post tomorrow.
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