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Her explosions had definitely added to the chaos, but they didn’t bring down the building, at least. The building itself probably wasn’t going to last after the fire and the rest of the fight, though.

Especially when the criminals brought out a full shielded gatling gun mount of all things, blasting away at anything that moved—and the columns of the building. Given the relatively close quarters, she could have dealt with it fairly easily. Lobbing another bombard in the gun’s direction would probably silence it. But she also wanted the gun for herself.

It was a bloody twelve-barrel whirring machine of death, after all.

In the few moments she debated how to approach taking out the gun without destroying it, her teammates moved on it instead of her.
And Miina of all people managed to slip in and shank the man with her sword. Éliane would have never expected that from the diminutive, meek girl—she’d have to complement her later on that.

With the pathway free, though, she bounded up to the gun, briefly inspecting it. “We’re taking this with us, no matter what happens,” she declared to the team, in a tone that brooked no argument. It was clear that she was going to continue to wonder over the gun until a mighty crashing noise from above caught her attention, just as an enemy samurai stumbled through the ruined door to Mizutane’s room.

Éliane raised an eyebrow as she raised up her gunblade. The man had quickly recovered, and on seeing Éliane, smirked as he began to twirl and flourish his blade.

The Skaelan tilted her head. Was he trying to show off or intimidate her?

Well, two could play at game, and she had a gun, too. She smiled back, flipped her blade around and did some classic Skaelan blade tricks, even tossing her blade in the air like a baton… before catching it again and shooting the man with her gunblade.

Right then. How was she going to bring this gun and its ammo with her?

To Éliane’s greatest relief, the decision was taken from her, and from the team at large by their absolute lack of luck in infiltrating the compound. In other words, she was free to do what she did best—make lots of noise, do lots of damage, and to jump right into the fray with her gunblade. It didn’t take more than a moment after that man screamed that she already had her weapon out.

The place was surprisingly more guarded than she’d thought, even with the half-assed briefing that they’d gotten just before.

Actually, with how little information they had, should Éliane really have been particularly surprised?

Fighting began to erupt around her, and Éliane didn’t hesitate to begin shooting. It was quickly turning into a gun battle –the thugs were well-armed, and in close-quarters, they were left somewhat at a disadvantage…

But Éliane was used to gunfights like this. Shooting one gun-toting thug right in the face with her gunblade, she vaulted over a table in the corridor, closing the distance. She had secured some small bombards of Ospreyan make during their time in the city, and this seemed like as good of a place as any to try them out. She lit one and tossed it under a pair of criminals that had been firing at Galahad—and a moment later, they were thrown forwards by the small explosion.

Eve’s violent shout, though, completely caught her off guard, and she dropped her second, larger bombard. Thankfully, it wasn’t activated, but it rolled backwards, down the corridor and out of sight… and theoretically safely out of mind, too…

If Eve didn’t direct a wall of flames down that same hallway, that was.

Éliane ducked under a pillar, shouting a warning as she did. “Grenade! Get down!”

Sorry, Galahad…

A moment later, it exploded.
And finally posted! Erode was pretty much on the money there. Nothing game changing, but Mirie's reaction to what she was already suspecting definitely would have (and will) warrant another full post.

Mirie Agustria of the Grand Bank,
Duchess of Caelin

Athroyeaux Castle Throne Room\\

Mirie did not like going to Athroyeaux, or Ravenfell entirely, for that matter. Not since the king had taken himself and his entire kingdom off the mortal coil entirely. The Duchess was far from the model of a selfless leader that only existed to serve her people, but what that man had done to his people in the name of security felt like the greater sin compared to the Queen’s usurpation of Arrowfell.

Just moving through the city, its eerie, joyless, and utterly lifeless disposition seemed to suck the life out of herself and her escorts. This had once been a thriving city full of life—it was such a stark contrast to the lively mercantile atmosphere of the Grand Banks that it was enough to unsettle her. It was also no secret among her peers that she had deeply distrusted the King of Ravelfell ever since he had his people shuffled off the mortal coil, however immortal they technically were. In this, even the Queen knew. She did not like dealing with him, but she couldn’t neglect the summons given that Ravenfell still remained a power and a counterweight in the great game.

Nonetheless, the only reason she ultimately accepted was the fact that she could leave whenever she pleased, if he saw fit to arrange a betrayal in his court.

It wasn’t a surprise that the Duchess was acceptably late, then, arriving in the throne room with two armed maids as her escorts—her household knights. She noted those present—Rhinecliff was expected, as was Altina, but she was mildly surprised to see the Tearmoon Coven represented here, in addition to the Queen’s own advisor, Eirwen Blackthorne. That he was here was troubling in its implications, but their presence was less important than the immediate conversation between Rhinecliff and the king, and the sword offered to him.

If only it would be so easy.

The Ghost King was right, no doubt. The Queen herself had told her as much, but Mirie suspected that the offered sword was a poisoned chalice, too—not just for her goals of delaying a war, but for whatever the king would want of those assembled here. Spectral as he was, he was still a king, and there were precious few sovereigns that did not want for more.

To offer that sword for the Queen as is… She held on to that thought.

Laurent brought up an interesting point— Both she and the Ghost King could theoretically spirit her away. Mirie could try, but knew she would likely fail without extensive planning—and thusly, she doubted the king truly had the means either. Not when she could teleport herself, along with a small army with her. In a vacuum, it would work. They were not in a vacuum. Regardless, it was a move too bold for her, even given what was at stake.

“Well met, Duke Rhinecliff,” she greeted, Laurent’s sudden question conveniently allowing her to postpone greeting the spectral king. However, it wasn’t particularly a question she preferred to answer, even rhetorically.

“Caelin is known for its miraculous feats of logistics,” she acknowledged, “But interfering with the Wizard-Queen might be a step too far.” Laurent would get the meaning—for the two that were more aligned to the Queen, it was also a good deflection.

“What His Majesty speaks is true. What the Queen will find in my waters will change the balance of power. However, I find myself in full agreement with Duchess Altina. You cannot hope to open a mutual dialogue with us without some basis of trust.”

Did the King know that the Wizard-Queen meant to deal directly with him? Mirie had considered revealing that aspect of her conversation with her here, but she held her tongue to see how the Ghost King would react. Her wariness moved her to prod further. His motivations still felt strange.

“Your Majesty, is it merely the Queen that you desire? Or something yet more?"
<Snipped quote by Click This>

Sorry, I thought I'd be alright to post a little early. ^^; Feel free to post, or I can edit to adjust for you, and then I can post again after you.

What I have partially written right now is Mirie being slightly late but in-time to catch most of the conversation and answer Rhinecliff's question, but that doesn't flow very well anymore with the latest post, so I've been kind of scratching my head at how to proceed. What sounds the best here?

Normally I'd just scrap and rewrite, but I've been banging my head against how I've wanted to write it for the past several days now, haha.
Shoot, I thought I had until tomorrow lol.
And my last collab is up-- I'll get to my regular post soon as well.

Collab with @Irradiant

Altina began to write.

Dear Duchess Agustria,

A worried conscience is what prompts this letter that I am sending to you. I will cut to the chase: I cannot help but be filled with gnawing dread at the news that the Wizard Queen intends to pursue Athius. Those waters are largely unexplored, for good reason — and yet, at this juncture, Evelyn Koeve shows an uncharacteristic willingness to poke at its depths. One can only hazard a guess as to why, but all the same, I am not foolish enough to simply wave it away.

I am sure you see the cracks. They are starting to show. More than that, I reckon the illusion of calm will soon rupture, if it has not already. The people have wizened up, the nobles peeling the scales from their eyes. They are aware of what has been taken from them in broad daylight. The parties, the galas, the merry-making: these follies will soothe their ache no longer.

You are a learned woman, Duchess — more learned than I in matters of finance. I assume you are not blind to what has been happening. The Wizard Queen has set her machinations in place since her coronation. The taxation, her growing military, the takeover of the Glasic Fields: all moves to eat away at the integrity of Arrowfell, and by extension, its very cities. The Wizard Queen gets to stuff her stomach, while the rest of us slowly languish.

With word of Duke Rhinecliff’s rebellion having already reached her ears, she is no doubt set on snuffing it out. Should the duke fall, so do our hopes of freeing ourselves from the manacles of despotism. I cannot allow that. And so, I plan to aid Duke Rhinecliff in his cause.

…Which is also why I seek an audience with you, Duchess. I know of your friendship with Duke Rhinecliff. Moreover, the Duke of Rockhold has informed me of a secret meeting between you and the Wizard Queen. I wish to know the details of your discussion with her.

Her thoughts now completely laid out on paper, she contemplated briefly to crumple the parchment up, to start over, to resort to her usual tactics. But she would remind herself this: I must be transparent with people I will soon call allies. Thus, she would choose not to dilute the sincerity behind her words.

Delivered by her finest eagle, which was enchanted by wind magic, the letter would arrive at the Caelin’s duchess’ doorstep within the day.

Duchess Agustria briefly recalled the letter as she settled into her seat across from her fellow duchess. She had burned the document after reading, naturally. Things were moving very fast now, and normally, risking a meeting like this was too risky for her to entertain. But with the knowledge that she was furnished with by the Queen herself, and her pending arrival in the Grand Banks, keeping Altina in the loop instead of just Laurent was an acceptable risk. Sitting next to her was her ever present lady in waiting, Countess Minuette, who, as was often as of late, Mirie’s main facilitator for discrete travel through the crystal that she carried.

After the initial and typical pleasantries, the duchess got down to business. Given the timeline, there was not much time to spare, after all. “So, how may Caelin help Agrovia?”

Altina straightened herself in her seat, her tea cup dropping to the edge of the table between her and Duchess Agustria. The mere presence of the monarch was a shock to her, what with the last minute nature of her summons. Duke Dadreak's words proved correct after all: the Caelin duchess would indeed show her favor.

"Nay, ruler of the Grand Bank," Altina answered, wagging a finger in whimsical protest. "We will be scratching each other's backs. I will benefit, and so will you."

Noticing the urgency in the duchess' voice, she accented her own with a similar timbre. "The sea of Athius. I fear something lurks there that could endanger us all, in one way or another."

Her eyes would begin to travel to nowhere in particular, a sure sign she was deep in thought. "The stars have aligned, divining an inferno that can no longer be put out." The meandering lenses would eventually meet Duchess Agustria's. "That is to say, Duke Rhinecliff's rebellion."

Clearing her throat, "I will make my allegiances known here, so as to dispel any doubt: I stand by the duke."

She had made the fact obvious enough in her letter, but she also felt a need to express it in person. "The Wizard Queen must already know it, despite my posturing."

Her folded hands would land on the table, poised to once again grab at her tea. "And now she intends to gather us in one place, stranded from the safety of land. Like lambs to slaughter, no?" A slight tip of the head. "Which is why I must ask, Duchess, for your sake and mine: what does she seek to gain from Athius?"

Mirie’s reply was careful and measured. “Perhaps. The state of affairs will come to a head,” she confirmed. It was also her preference to draw out the prelude for as long as she could, but considering what had happened to the Corrin family, even she couldn’t stand idle. It was no secret that her agenda tended to favor a status quo, for many reasons that also remained private, but by merely being here, it was obvious it was time for her to make a move– as with the others, the Queen being successful here would be problematic for her.

It had also been obvious to the duchess that her counterpart had thrown in her lot with Rhinecliff, even before the letter, but she refrained from voicing it. “The Queen has been bold, but I’m not so sure her goal is to do that,” she continued, referring to her gathering of the high nobility on the high seas. “She will be there herself, as will the best of my fleet.”

She sighed. “Somehow, I’m not surprised that meeting did not remain secret. The Queen did not apprise me of the specific details. However, she made it clear that she has the means to properly reach Athius, and what she finds there would likely change the balance of power in the province –perhaps even further abroad. Did you receive a letter from our… neighbor?”

A soft chuckle, and then a sigh. "Well, you know what they say, Duchess. Even the walls themselves have ears."

Though the Caelin monarch’s answer left much to be desired, what with its ambiguity, Altina couldn't help but feel a sense of relief momentarily wash over her. Perhaps the recent events had turned her paranoid, causing her to jump to nonsensical conclusions.

She shook her head, her lips wrinkling into a smile.

The Wizard Queen will unveil her trump card, and I shall be there to witness it. A moment of introspection.

Was this to be an act of intimidation, flaunting a mighty weapon in front of her foes?

Regardless, even discounting any hidden schemes, Altina believed she could only stand to gain from them. Information is vital, she would reiterate to herself. And in the hands of wise men, it is a sword that rivals all others. The words lingered in her mind. A sword that the queen will find lodged in her chest, if she is not cautious.

After taking a well-needed sip of her tea, Altina would speak again, addressing the Caelin monarch’s inquiry. "You mean the spectral King of Ravenfell," she clarified. "Why yes, I did indeed receive correspondence from him." Her face would inch ever closer towards the woman, her hands framing the roguish look upon it. "You wish to hear him out as well?" She asked coyly, knowing what lay between the duchess' veil. Opportunities. One must pursue them with calculated relentlessness. She was of a similar sort, after all.

She recited the king's missive in her head, remembering his turns of phrase. "Quite the flatterer, that one."

"He seems to be keenly abreast of all matters in Arrowfell. Do you figure he shares a history with the Wizard Queen?"

“Yes,” Mirie answered simply. “I also received a similar letter,” she continued, shrugging at her counterpart’s following observations.

There were a lot of things to consider with the King of Ravenfell, and frankly, she didn’t have a high opinion of him. She hardly trusted him, for one, although she trusted his instinct for survival.
“Of course he does. I can’t guess as to what it was at this juncture, but I’m not surprised. More importantly, what the Queen did mention is this weapon she intends to retrieve–” she gestured in the air at that, “--Seems to meant to deal with him, too. Frankly, I don’t trust him either, but I would be remiss to not see what he has to say. If the Queen can take an entire king out of play, then I am truly concerned.”

Altina expressed her agreement with a nod. "We are of the same mind, Duchess Agustria."

Rising to her feet, "I shan't keep you any longer, Duchess. Time is precious, and the hour draws near."

She extended a hand. "I must thank you again, for entertaining this silly request of mine." A serious gaze. “Odonfield's flame will not fade; Arrowfell will weather the coming storm."

“Indeed,” the Duchess responded, returning the handshake. “I suspect we will be meeting again quite soon.”
<Snipped quote by ERode>

They are technically happening at the same time, but the Ghost King is teleporting those at the meeting to wherever they want right after, so timelines should line up.

The only big thing happening next after the Ghost King Meeting is Sev's execution at the end of the day, then they set sail. Then I'm planning another timeskip to when everyone arrives in Athius. You can let me know if you want to hit the Fields then or later.

Is it known that the king has teleportation skills?

This particular excursion was going to leave a bad taste in Éliane’s mouth. She was a pragmatic person as almost everybody else in the team, but as a member of the Household Guards, one of Skael’s highest officers in both keeping the peace and protecting the Overseer, a mission that had her cavorting with criminal elements –pirates—for transport left her feeling uncomfortable. This was reinforced by the fact that the favor was predicated on some particularly nasty quid pro quo—removing rival criminal elements, no matter how pragmatic or sympathetic Captain Bikke tried to phrase the entire thing.

There were no objections from the rest of the party, though; they needed discrete passage, and taking out a criminal element was still taking out a shithead, even if some other crime lord was going to benefit from it. No doubt Esben would take no issue with it, though. That was the difference with SEED, and it was part of why Éliane had left that organization, even if she had been temporarily subordinated back into it for part of her overall mission to stop the Blight.

Standing in front of the mansion as the others discussed their plan to infiltrate the place, she shook her head. Should this have been planned before? Nonetheless, Éliane always had a tried-and-true trick. In fact, Izayoi had already suggested it, even though the flow of the conversation was away from simply blowing up the front entrance and mounting a massive frontal attack.

Because that was what Éliane would do, naturally.

“I would just like to say that I’m still in favor of a frontal assault,” she added, unhelpfully unfortunately, given that Esben was already infiltrating and opening the gate.

With a sigh, she stepped through as it opened. “Okay, fine. But don’t rely on me to keep things quiet. Everyone knows why I’m no longer in SEED, right?”
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