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"Fire on and provoke the large angry lightning dragon that can set fire to our ship? No, no... the floating ghost person is easier to hit," responded the crew collectively.

"Oh for fuck's sake."

(I forgot about the dragon)

Mirie Agustria of the Grand Bank,
Duchess of Caelin

Grand Bank, Agustria House\\
@Estylwen, @Donut Look Now

Glass of Caelin whiskey in hand, Duchess Agustria sighed as she examined the grand fleet of ships in her harbor from the panoramic view of her study window. The hulking form of the Queen’s three-decked behemoth stood out among the ships in the Grand Banks. The warships of the mainland had always been larger than those from Caelin, nominally trading maneuverability and stability for greater firepower. Despite that, there had been a reason the isle had been independent for so long before, free of kings or queens. Now, she was personally host to one in an increasingly unstable realm.

Things had begun to move very fast after Duke Willowsteel’s escape. Personally, Mirie had been glad of her peer’s survival, despite what the provocation might portend for future events. Now, with the Queen in port, it looked like some of the consequences of her subsequent paranoia were coming to roost. Below, she could see the carriage of the Skybounds, bearing their coat of arms, making its way up the road to her estate. Setting her glass down after a deep sip, the duchess pulled away from the window, examining the two notes that concerned the two children coming up her road.

With a sigh, she folded one safely back onto its spot on her desk. The other was cast into her fireplace, the crackling flames making quick work of the scrap of parchment. In a few days, the fleet would be departing for an event that was impossible to plan for. But now, the unforeseen matter of the Skybounds was the latest mess that she had to deal with. Taking her glass back up, she finished the rest of her drink.

For the Skybounds, it was immediately obvious that the estate was well-guarded. Guards in Caelin livery patrolled the perimeter of the house, and merely at the gates there were a half-dozen men. Perhaps disconcertingly, moments after the Skybounds’ carriage stopped outside her estate, the gate opened were opened by the guardsmen, as if they had been expected guests. Allowed to enter, the carriage was ushered forwards, the gates closing shut behind them. Although the guards did not move from their posts, they were clearly being tracked.

What met them at the front door were not additional guards, however, but members of the household staff—although as typical of Augustria’s household, and indeed the trend of Caelin gentry, nearly all of her household staff was armed.

They were greeted by Mirie’s steward, Collin Vauxhall, an older tall man with graying hair in a sharp suit and vest, with a dress sword by his side. With him were four household maids in their customary attire, and the five of them bowed to the two children as they alighted from the carriage. They were after all still Viscount and Viscountess. With a smooth voice, he welcomed the duchess’s guests. “Greetings, Viscount and Viscountess Skybound. Milady Agustria welcomes you to her house. She expects to see you in her study.”

One of the maids stepped forward. “Please allow us to escort you to her grace. It wouldn’t do if her esteemed guests were to get lost. It is, after all, a very large house.” The girl had a peppy manner of speaking and a pleasant smile, but between the arming sword at her waist and the undertone of a threat in her words, it was clear this was more of a demand than a request and would brook no argument.

Perhaps this would not be so simple for Mene, after all. For ‘Asteria’, it was just as clear that something was certainly afoot.

Swiftsure, At Sea, Several Days Later, Afternoon\\
@Estylwen, @Irradiant, @The Otter

Agustria had promised the Queen an escort of three ships and her personal presence. Ultimately, the escort was twice that number, and a small flotilla of eight Caelin vessels sailed forth from the Grand Bank to join the Queen’s expedition. The fleet was commanded by Admiral Hamilton Shrewsberry, who had raised his flag aboard the Swiftsure and was joined by the duchess there. Unlike the Battle-Blood Minstrel, the flagship and pride of Caelin was a sleek, race-built thing, in lively colors. Fully fitted out given the escort, she had two full decks of cannon in contrast to the three of the queen’s flagship. Despite the smaller size and weight of cannon, though, she could be a near match, with thick timbers and a streamlined design and copper bottom hull that made her fast and supremely maneuverable.

In a line behind her, five ships of a similar size followed. They in order were the Venture, Endeavour, Superb, Resolution, and Sanguine. Providing scouting ahead was the frigate Shepherd, and trailing far behind them all near the horizon was the fast dispatch ship Brilliant.

The Queen had not been the only one to expect interference, after all.

The crew was well-drilled, and it only took moments after the attack on the Battle-Blood Minstrel for the men aboard the Swiftsure to react. The ship’s bell rang out continuously as the crew beat to quarters and began to clear the ship for action. The guns ran out from the gun ports, aiming in the direction of the flagship, but the crews held their fire. They could hardly fire directly on the ship’s boarders without causing indiscriminate damage.

The Duchess emerged from her quarters, cane and sword at her side together with Minuette as she made her way to the quarterdeck. There the white-wigged Admiral Hamilton was observing the chaos with a spyglass. “Audacious. Who is bold enough to attack the Queen’s ships like this?” she asked as soon as she was in earshot of the man.

“I’m not so sure, your grace. Ghosts, it appears,” he answered with a frown, before passing the spyglass to her.

It took only a moment for her to confirm who it was. It should have been predictable. For a moment, two conflicting plans warred in her head. The Queen still could not be allowed to gain an advantage here, but the same could be said of their enemies in Ravenfell.

“Have your orders changed?” Hamilton prompted, without sounding urgent. “I’ve already commanded the ship to come alongside the Minstrel to provide assistance.” As the ship drew closer, the ship’s mages and sharpshooters began to form ranks and take potshots at Faith, who provided a very obvious target floating in the air.

Mirie shook her head. “No, proceed. See to it that Arrowfell’s enemies are beat off. Otherwise, this is your command. As for myself…” her eyes flicked towards Minuette, who nodded as she summoned a shield of air around her. The duchess did the same.

“We have other business to attend to.”

A moment later, the two leapt into the ocean to the battle raging below the seas.

Éliane had just barely begun to take in the beautiful sights of the beachy and tropical Costa del Sol. For the Skaelan woman, the warm, pleasant weather was truly an exotic location, and she could see why it might be a popular destination for leisure, even if it was in a land outside of Skael. She had almost begun to make a positive reception of the place, pirate transport aside, when she was immediately confronted by inferior barbarian guards work as the team was accosted by the local guard patrol. This having been her career herself, she was intimately aware of how certain things were conducted…

And the way these men were conducting themselves was literally how wars started.

After all, once more, Éliane was still in full Skaelan officer’s dress, and she was still on an official mission on behalf of the Overseer. Then, of course, there was Edrenian side of the equation.

She began stepping forward to intervene when Esben did so himself, usurping her position as the main Skaelan representative, much to her additional annoyance. Yes, she knew Esben’s backstory, and it certainly held some weight here…

But Éliane was also still holding a big fucking gun, and had the backing of the Skaelan government behind her.

Looking just a little annoyed, she spoke up after her countryman, taking on the more authoritative tone of a proper officer. “This is an official Skaelan delegation, in conjunction with the kingdom of Edren to investigate the blight. If you are not satisfied with Baron Cadon’s explanation, I’d like to point out any attempts to detain a member is tantamount to a declaration of war with both Skael and the kingdom of Edren, and Skael does not lack for firepower to back that up.”

Given the journey, and having the expectation of being able to relax and play with her new toys, she was just about done with this situation. She shifted her luggage, and somewhat threateningly, pointed the large rotary barrel of the minigun in the direction of the guardsmen.

“Do you feel lucky?”
Posted. I really need to get around to those NPC sheets. If I haven't done one for at least Minuette by the end of tomorrow, yell at me, lol.

Mirie Agustria of the Grand Bank,
Duchess of Caelin

Execution Grounds\\

And indeed, the execution was not what it had seemed at all. In fact, what happened had far exceeded her expectations, and Mirie had to be impressed. Duke Willowsteel was allowed his last words—a speech, and the crowd responded in kind. It was interesting, how it started. The murmurs and yells among the crowd started sporadically at first, and then drew closer and closer to a riot.

Were those rotten tomatoes? They were.

Still seated, the duchess of Caelin threw up a shield of wind around the stands. It would not do if her other the other important guests would be marred by an unfortunate fruit, and it served to add additional protection to the Queen, as well. Returning her attention to the crowd, she watched the chaos placidly at first. She was convinced there were plants in crowd—and a prelude to something else.

The arrival of Islara and then a dragon of all things was on cue, as unexpected of a manner of a rescue as it was. It seemed the last vestiges of Roland Corrin were still hanging on—here to enact some manner of revenge for the dead duke.

This was also quickly beginning to become out of hand as she watched the butchery of the Queen’s knights. Taking in the scene, as her eyes flicked towards the Queen, then Vulluin, she made a quick decision. She leaned over to Minuette at her side, whispering. “Do not interfere when it comes to Duke Willowsteel. However,” she commanded, before raising her voice to be properly heard, “See to it the Queen is protected.”

For a brief moment, Minuette gave her lady a questioning look, before inclining her head a fraction as she rose, drawing her sword.
Mirie’s attention was drawn back towards the crowd—Vulluin’s magic had dispersed much of the initial rioting, but the appearance of the Duke’s would be rescuers was beginning to reinvigorate those committed to his cause. She remained in her seat, not to intervene personally, but she kept up her shield for the benefit of those still in the stands.

Minuette had taken two of the duchess’s lifeguard, and appearing next to Sir Hayworth, arrived in time to even the odds. In contrast to Mirie’s knights, with their maidish accoutrements that made them stand out as Mirie’s, she was dressed as a proper countess for this outing, but was still not a woman to be underestimated herself. “It would appear you would have things in hand,” she greeted, complementing her counterpart’s guesswork as she took a guarding position.

“But when it comes to the safety of her majesty, it is better to be safe than sorry, no?”

Good point, @Click This, would you like to go before me?

Sorry about the absence. I'll try to write something up tonight so we can move on.


Despite the utter and absolute chaos that the ship and its passengers were being subjected to, Éliane was having the time of her life as she cackled with glee, aiming at the flying very human skeet targets as she peppered them with a hail of bullets with each press of her minigun’s trigger. The sound of rounds leaving the multi-barreled weapon was music to her ears, a symphony to match Ciradyl’s opera.

The Valheimian losers fell to her might, scythed down by a weapon of their own making.

The battle itself wasn’t going too great, but at the rate Éliane was reducing their targets, it might not have mattered…

Whirrrr… klunk.

Until the last of the ammunition belt was fed into the gun and ran dry. Éliane gaped as she pointed the weapon, its barrels already spinning down.

It was empty.

Immediately a wave of depression hit her as she reluctantly released her hands from the trigger… and then immediately grabbed it again, hanging onto it for dear life as… the battle developed not necessarily to the Kirin’s favor. Izayoi had literally split the sea.

That was a terrifying feat to behold on a normal day, but on a wooden barbarian pirate ship out at sea in the middle of a battle, the sensation of their only lifeline being knocked about was a contrast to the high that she had just experienced. She lurched forward as the ship rocked, tripping as she did so and landing on her gun as a result. The back end of the weapon smashed into her gut, making her retch as she keeled over in pain.

Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to rise. They were still in battle, and even as the ship was knocked about, the Valheimian airship had closed and was continuing to fire on them. She was in no position to immediately help the others, but she could still shoot.

Still coughing as bile threatened to rise up from within her, she switched to the rifle she still had, unslinging it from her back. From this distance, the engines and sensitive bits of the ship were all but exposed to any talented shooter. Steadying herself to the best of her ability, she braced herself and lined up her gun at the ship. Even with the unsteady platform, shooting through the windows of the bridge was child’s play for any member of the Household Guards, let alone herself. Slamming the bolt back in place after briefly checking her weapon, she aimed, and put several rounds through the bridge windows, shooting at the Valheimian officer still at the helm. She then switched targets, finishing off the remainder of the ammunition in her rifle on the optical rangefinders of the airship, shattering its glass construction.

Then she reloaded—this time with her favorite explosive ammunition. How nice would it be if she could get a golden BB and blow apart the engines from those exposed intakes?

She shot again.

It had only been less than a quarter of an hour after Eve had left. After one last close inspection of the gun, Éliane had nearly fully reassembled the gun and was ready to bring it up to the deck for a test firing when the alarm was raised. Being below decks at this point, the Skaelan officer was unable to see what the threat was as she watched pirates stream up towards the upper decks, with hastily grabbed weapons in hand.

The pink-haired girl grimaced; at this point in the voyage, considering who they were taking passage with, the only threat on the high seas was going to be Valheimians of some sort. Momentarily leaving the gun where she left it, she sprinted to her room and hastily threw on her Household Guards jacket and belted on her weapons before she dashed back to the gun. By the time she did so, the sounds of battle were well under way, as blades crashed and guns spoke on the decks above. Thankfully, it didn’t feel like they were being outright bombarded by whatever vessel had caught up to them, but with the way the deck shook, it was also clear that they weren’t slacking, either.

Although Éliane was totally surprised by the ambush, a small smirk played across her face as she threw a belt of ammunition over her shoulder and picked up the rotary cannon. It looked like she would be getting a chance to properly play with her toy now, in a proper live trial in combat.

When she came onto the deck, it was the chaos as she expected. The rest of the Kirins were already there, clashing with Valhiemian soldiers as their airship kept pace in the air. She squinted briefly at what was going on—was that a dragoon Izayoi and Rudolf were fighting? With a squad of Valheimian grunts on jetpacks?

Éliane immediately began setting up at the aftcastle of the ship, giving a vantage point over the entire ship, wincing as she did so at the discordant singing that clashed over the decks of the ship. Whatever foul sounds were reaching out from the Valheimians, it seemed like Ciradyl was countering, which she was grateful for. Normally, she wanted to be more mobile than setting up in one place, but when there was a chance to test out dakka…

A moment later, she was ready, and she began cranking the rotary gun to get it started up.

And she immediately began aiming at the Valheimian fake-dragoons bouncing about on their jetpacks. Éliane thought nastily that they were about to get a taste of their own anti-air as she tracked a pair that were about to make a run on Ciradyl, and then immediately opened up with a brief hail of bullets. It took less than a second for one to be immediately knocked out of the sky, minced apart by the large caliber guns, and sending the other tumbling away into the sea either from a hit or a bad evasion.

Grinning savagely, she then turned her attention to Mr. Bouncy apparently traitor dragoon and depressed the trigger as well.

She just had to be careful with the small amount of ammunition she had.
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