I do not "brainrot". I brainferment so my brain will become even smoother and even more potent than before in its smoothness.
4 mos ago
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2 mos ago
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VMs: 27
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4 mos ago
I do not "brainrot". I brainferment so my brain will become even smoother and even more potent than before in its smoothness.
4 mos ago
I live. I die. I live again!
3 yrs ago
I was gone for a lot longer than I thought >.>"
3 yrs ago
Sorry for my absence! A Volunteering position suddenly turned into a Volunteer Leadership position I was not expecting at all so things have been hectic.
3 yrs ago
Look at you posers, having to bang dragons or sell your soul for magic when you could just play a lute for some. Anyways, here's Wonderwall. - Bards
Honestly, I might try and revive Shipslaughter at some point. Maybe if this 40k RP or the NRP version doesn't take off I'll give it a shot in a week or two.
No actually I like your ideas and the amount of checks you post. It was a damn shame when the goblin rp died that bummed me out. Just know I'm always interested! :D
The fact that Austria and the Ottomans spent their entire existences fighting each other only to die together in WW1 is weirdly (and ironically) very poetic.
Waiwaiwait, so Austria never managed to get a leg up on the Ottomans?
They both fought each other for influence in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Whoever had an advantage could change but neither side could completely wipe out or take out the other's influence entirely.
In all fairness, English IS hard. Born and raised in America, been speaking english as my primary and only language for as long as I have been able to speak, and I still have trouble sometimes.
Random Friendly Message: Hope RL stuff will be alright for you soon. If you need to lurk, go right ahead! I hope you find your way back to whatever makes you enthusiastic, whether that's the guild or not ^^
My response is the same as before but now I'm hampered by Spring Break and the laziness that comes with it xD
Also, could you try to keep everything in one VM? I'd rather not have them be full of stuff that could have been fit into a single VM chain, its kinda getting on my OCD ^^;
I happen to actually have experience with such games. Well, I don't think the rules are the issue. Lack of decent medium to advertise such a game is. There are enough people who wants his/her nation from RPguilds to fight but reaching them is tricky. Perhaps you can use your sig?
Hello, Clock! How's your time? I was wondering if we could either resume the Yamatai vs Yllendthyr battle RP or create/promote a game on a similar vein. What do you think?
I would love too but I'm busy with other RPs while working on a rather ambitious project of my own. Plus I maaayyyy have forgotten the fine details of Yamatai I had in my head
Me2. Actually, in my case I even further refined them so I would rewrite most things anyways. Well, the idea is fun so perhaps we can promote this game between and watch from the sidelines?
Sure, but who would be the sacrifices willing volunteers? Wouldn't we also need to make the rules and such? We didn't even know any of the mechanics when we set out.