Avatar of ColdAtlas


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10 hrs ago
Current shut up
10 hrs ago
absolute fucking RAT
10 hrs ago
Some retard stole the cord to my $300 headphones making them permanently useless. I hope you burn in hell
1 day ago
Cracker barrel is the fire link shrine for white people
1 like
1 day ago
Bro I'm so done with my school lmao Some kid just spent 10 minutes arguing that fast and furious is a true crime documentary These people actually fucking stupid


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an 8-foot-tall owl-like being with an elegant four-eyed face. He wears a fancy jacket and slick black pants, his long, feathery tail poking out from under his coattails. The figure is covered in short feathers that are jet black with the occasional blood-red feather mixed in with those on his wing-like arms.

A pretty snooty person who sees himself above others, though around those he trusts he is quite open and way more humble
i doubt this is still open, but I'd still like to join if it is
ninety percent improvised
Very excited!
I was thinking like a duo of spies or two squad members in an active wazone. Totally fine with OC usage and feel free to use fantasy or sci-fi based characters. It will be a more modern setting tho, but I guess modern fantasy or modern sci-fi
or dog dragon or snake. I'm not too picky
I will join if I can be da cat
I have a large list of popular and well-known zombie genres from pop culture. I'd like to put together a decent-sized group to run a zombie survivor team. After we get enough people, we can all decide together what type of zombie apocalypse we'll use!
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