Avatar of ColdAtlas


Recent Statuses

8 hrs ago
Current shut up
8 hrs ago
absolute fucking RAT
8 hrs ago
Some retard stole the cord to my $300 headphones making them permanently useless. I hope you burn in hell
1 day ago
Cracker barrel is the fire link shrine for white people
1 like
1 day ago
Bro I'm so done with my school lmao Some kid just spent 10 minutes arguing that fast and furious is a true crime documentary These people actually fucking stupid


Most Recent Posts

I had quite the fun idea of playing something in the Portal/Half-Life universe. Would anyone be interested?
I'm always down to start something new, hit me up if ya get a chance!
Hey there, I'd love to do something some time! PM me if you're ever bored
Oh nice! Do either of you have a type of zombie apocalypse you would prefer?
Last person to comment gets a prize. No bamboozle.
Oki! :3
In Hello 6 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I'd love to rp sometime :D
when shall we start?
Hey there, I'd love to roleplay some time!
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