Avatar of ColdAtlas


Recent Statuses

6 hrs ago
Current shut up
6 hrs ago
absolute fucking RAT
6 hrs ago
Some retard stole the cord to my $300 headphones making them permanently useless. I hope you burn in hell
24 hrs ago
Cracker barrel is the fire link shrine for white people
1 like
1 day ago
Bro I'm so done with my school lmao Some kid just spent 10 minutes arguing that fast and furious is a true crime documentary These people actually fucking stupid


Most Recent Posts

Wouldst thou liketh to joineth a PM?
Hey there friendo! It is absolutely wonderful to meet ya. :3
This is probably closed, but imma post here in case it isn't
I actually have a dryad guy as a character. His name is Iphy
Anyone have any suggestions for a character? I have no idea who to make lol
Aight thanks!
So, when we starting?
Heyo! Nice to meet ya!
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